Friday, 15 May 2020

Cliffs and Candy Tuft ... a wonderful combination

Currently in England (but not the whole UK) we have been allowed to travel in our car to an open car park (they still are not all open) park and then enjoy a walk. Up until then Eddie and I had just enjoyed walks around the garden and nearby neighbourhood, but with the change in Covid 19 restrictions we thought we'd venture a little further. We decided to ride up to our local cliff top, and as well as the view of the Isle of Wight and The Needles (click on the picture to enlarge) it was the beautiful pink candytuft which also caught our eye. Carrying a moblie phone with camera is so handy!

Candytuft (Iberis) is an evergreen perennial that gets its name from the fragrant umbels of blossoms that cover it from late spring to early summer—so much so that the foliage is sometimes obscured. Because this plant forms such a compact mat of foliage, it works well at the front of a border. These ground-hugging perennials are actually considered sub-shrubs. Candytuft is also deer resistant, extremely drought-tolerant, and low maintenance which makes it suitable for use in rock gardens or very dry areas of the garden... and is very often seen on cliff tops!

The Needles from the cliffs inshore, showing the Needles Lighthouse
image from here

After our little outing it was back for a welcome cuppa, tea for me coffee for Eddie, and low carb black forest gateau always taste good, see recipe details here

Dear reader, this blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, cartoons, music and recipes!

However, not all the food and recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. ...we are hoping to get out to a park next week.

  2. Beautiful view from the cliffs, and the Gateau looks wonderful, too! Valerie

  3. The Candytuft is beautiful and made for a pretty photo. The black forest gateau looks delicious. I hope you have a nice weekend.

  4. Glad you got a lovely outing. I have candytuft in my garden, they are very hardy. Mine are white.

  5. Love the views and the candy tufts - and am so glad that you were able to see them. Beautiful heart-warming scenes.
    Like you, I am a tea drinker. Himself like Eddie prefers coffee.

  6. What a beautiful photo. Glad to hear you are able to get out for a nice walk.
    Oh my that dessert looks delicious.

  7. Un bonito paseo y el dulce con el té... muy bueno. Besitos.

  8. Gorgeous open and peaceful 🌞 ☕🌙

  9. That's a gorgeous view and those candy tuffs are quite pretty! Seeing many of my views are the same it is great to do some armchair travel. have a great weekend!

  10. Beautiful Pictures and this Black Forest Gateau is looking yummy, Have a Nice and Safe Day. . . :)

  11. What incredible views. I'm sure it was fun to get out and go somewhere for awhile. Those candy tufts are amazing and so is the Isle of Wight. What a view, indeed.

  12. Beautiful view and most relaxing.
    Apologies I accidentally deleted All of my comments and emails into the trash and can't retrieve them, but I thank you for taking time to

  13. How nice to be out and about in such wonderful scenery!

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

  14. It's nice to be able to venture a little further again, you chose a wonderful place for your walk.

  15. Beautiful views and yay for opening up!
    Hubby is on his own, shopping as only he can tell the quality of asparagus and we´re not allowed to get in as a couple...

  16. Hello Jan, the view in the first photo is just wonderful. Such an interesting plant.
    Living far from any sea, I so envy people that can enjoy that kind of landscapes. :)
    Have a lovely weekend & stay safe! xx

  17. Just beautiful scenery.
    Have a cousin how was born on that Isle now living here in Tasmania.
    Good to get out, further a field.
    Take care.

  18. Wow, the view is gorgeous! What a pretty day to be outside too.
    The cake looks yummy! Happy weekend to you!

  19. awesome article guys .
    have a nice day :)

  20. Thank you for this armchair visit. What a spectacular view! And after all that exercise the chocolate cake and tea a perfect reward. Enjoy your weekend.

  21. our area is opening up some too, it is good and important to be outside. the candy tufts are so pretty, we don't have those here and i don't think i have ever seen them before!!! yummy cake, i have been eating too much during the quarantine!! have a wonderful weekend!!!

  22. Beautiful picture of flowers overlooking the water and a blue sky.

  23. Oh wow is that ever gorgeous and looks great along the cliff there, what a wonderful spot to be able to get out and walk around, thanks for sharing!

  24. Wow! love candie tuft ~ and so good you got out and about ^_^

    Be Well, Be Safe,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  25. What a beautiful photo. Enjoy your long awaited walk, it will be nice and refreshing.
    Happy weekend!

  26. This is so pretty. And I love the name "Candy tufts." It's really pretty and it fits the blooms to a tee!

  27. What lovely photographs, I hope you enjoyed your day out. Take care, Sue x

  28. I'm so glad you and Eddie enjoyed such a lovely day out! The candytuft is beautiful. How lucky you are to have such beauty close by.

  29. What a delight to be able to venture out and about! Thank you for sharing these lovely and calming views. As we approach summer, we are also hoping for relaxation of Covid- 19 restrictions in the region, for short trips at least.

  30. Great photos. It's beautiful there. I'm glad you were allowed to wander a little farther from home than usual during the covid-19 Lock Down. Here in Connecticut US, most of our State Parks are open, but the bathroom facilities are closed, so that reinforced the idea of staying close to one's home base. (Some State Parks got closed early on due to people not following the social distancing rules.)

  31. I am sure that it was very therapeutic to be able to venture forth once again, and you had a beautiful area in which to do it. I have no doubt that it picked up your spirits to no end.

  32. So beautiful! It is really nice to be able to get out and about to enjoy these types of settings.

  33. It's always a pleasure to enjoy a view of the sea. X

  34. what a spectacular capture !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    thank goodness you were finally allowed for outing dear Jan
    you explored stunning areas and spent serene time with nature

    life is great when all is normal :)


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