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Thursday 11 June 2020

A Cup of Tea ...

I was recently over at 'A Brit in Tennessee' blog and saw this poem
I thought it a nice one to share,
and as regular readers know
I do like ...

image from here

A Cup of Tea
When the world is all at odds
And the mind is all at sea
Then cease the useless tedium
And brew a cup of tea.

There is magic in its' fragrance,
There is solace in its' taste;
And then laden moments vanish
Somehow into space.

And the world becomes a lovely thing!
There's beauty as you'll see;
All because you briefly stopped
To brew a cup of tea.
(J. Jonker, Amsterdam, c.1670)

Coconut and Lime Low Carb Cake
goes well with tea (or coffee) please see details here

This blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, cartoons, music and recipes! However, not all the recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...tea has never been my thing!

Anonymous said...

Cake with coffee please :)

Sally G

Valerie-Jael said...

Nice poem. I think the cake would taste good with coffee, too!

Elephant's Child said...

When/if my medication related nausea subsides I am looking forward to a cup of tea. Cake is a step too far. Love the poem and thank you.

Christine said...

ahh...a cup of tea soothes everything

Louca por porcelana said...

Great poem and great post!Beautiful tea time and that recipe looks delicious.Best wishes!

HappyK said...

Nice poem and what a pretty tea pot and cup.

Susan Kane said...

We have tea every morning, Earl Grey. Maybe a 2nd cup, even.

There is an elegance of pouring tea from a love teapot into a lovely cup.

DVArtist said...

Very nice poem and so appropriate.

Lee said...

Oh! I'd love a slice or two of that right now! :)

Margaret D said...

Lovely poem and nothing like a good cup of tea.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

As much as I love coffee, if you served tea from that service, I'd gladly join you. It's a lovely poem, too.

Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful poem, my cuppa just holds the yummiest mint-licorice-tea.

DIMI said...

Hello Eddie!
I love afternoon tea! What a beautiful poem!
Like the tea pot and the delicious cake recipe!
Have a lovely weekend! Stay safe!

Ygraine said...

What a delightful ode to a cup of tea...and so true! Isn't it amazing what a simple cup of tea can achieve?😉
And that cake is the perfect accompaniment!😊😊
Thank you so much for another fabulous post...

Have a super weekend...and stay safe and happy!

Hugs xxx

Sami said...

I do love herbal teas, and in winter there is nothing better to warm me up than a steaming cup of tea. A slice of cake would also go well with the tea :)
Have a lovely weekend Jan

eileeninmd said...


I love a cup of tea, I've been trying different teas lately.
Love the poem and the cake sounds delicious.
Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

My name is Erika. said...

I'm always on the lookout for simple cakes like this. Going to go check it out. Pretty tea set too. And happy almost weekend.

Sandra said...

What a lovely thought and poem.
And the recipe sounds good too.
Appreciate ya.

Sally said...

Such a lovely poem, Jan. And, surprisingly written so many years ago; something we should all remember in these days as well.

Sorry, have been MIA, but have thought of you both. :)

The cake recipe; I'm going to write it down.


CJ Kennedy said...

That poem sums up tea perfectly. Love the tea cup and saucer image. And I do wish Himself liked coconut. This cakes sounds Delicious.

Jeanie said...

You have just nispired me to heat the water and make some tea. i'm up north and it's cold!

Caty said...

How beautiful is that poem Jan !! I love it, and as you say, the coconut and lime cake goes perfectly with a good cup of tea. I really like tea, and my favorite is green tea with mint ... and let's forget for a while about everything that happens in the world!
I wish you a great weekend, and big hugs,

Shari Burke said...

I've just made us another cuppa :-) Hope you have a nice weekend!

DeniseinVA said...

Nothing like a good cup of hot tea and a slice of cake for a delicious snack. The poem is one of my favorites. Thanks Jan :)

Martha said...

I'm enjoying a nice cup of tea as I write this. I would mind a slice of that cake!

Lorrie said...

A cup of tea and a bit of sweet are a comfort and a pick-me-up in the afternoon. I do love tea.

Teresa said...

Muy lindo todo. Feliz fin de semana.

Conniecrafter said...

I am not sure why I never took to drinking tea hot, maybe the way I was brought up, but I do love my iced tea :)

This N That said...

I used to drink tea but got introduced to coffee..Can't go back..I've tried several times..Have a happy weekend..

Crafty Green Poet said...

I drink a lot of green tea! I love coconut and lime cake too!

Bob Bushell said...

It sounds alright to me.

Sue said...

I'm definitely a coffee girl, and I think it would go perfectly with a slice of that cake! Take care xx

carol l mckenna said...

A Cup of tea is wonderful for the soul within ~

Be Safe ~ Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Divers and Sundry said...

Perfect illustration for the poem!

baili said...

lovely poem dear Jan
i liked her place and tea pot either
your tea pot is also divine as i love blue :)))

delightful flowers too
thank you for lovely post

Debbie said...

hot tea is my favorite...this is a great poem to enjoy whilst sipping it!!

DMS said...

I love coffee- but I do enjoy a spot of tea every now and then. :) Thanks for sharing the poem and pretty picture with us. :)

Snowbird said...

Lovely poem!xxx