Wednesday, 22 July 2020

BMJ Editorial - Endorse low carb for COVID-19 prevention

Sharing an article by Anne Mullens BSc. BJ. which was recently on Diet Doctor site:

"A short but persuasive editorial in British Medical Journal Evidence-Based Medicine is urging governments and policy makers to endorse the low-carb diet as a way to reduce the risk of serious complications from coronavirus infection.

Written by Australian science writer MaryAnne Demasi, PhD, who is deputy director of the Institute for Scientific Freedom, the editorial notes that statistics to date show patients with metabolic syndrome have worse outcomes:

the two most common underlying health conditions associated with COVID-19 infections are cardiovascular disease (32%) and diabetes (30%);

hospitalizations are six times higher among patients with a reported underlying condition (45.4%) than those without reported underlying conditions (7.6%);

deaths are 12 times higher among patients with reported underlying conditions (19.5%) compared to those without reported underlying conditions (1.6%);

two-thirds of people in the UK who have fallen seriously ill with COVID-19 have been overweight or obese and 99% of deaths in Italy have been in patients with pre-existing conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

A major factor that drives the pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome is insulin resistance, defined as an impaired biological response to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood glucose levels … The most significant factor that determines blood glucose levels is the consumption of dietary carbohydrate, that is, refined carbs, starches, and simple sugars.

Demasi writes that for people with underlying metabolic syndrome, the low-carb diet “should be more widely endorsed by governments and policy makers globally, to mitigate the burden of pre-existing metabolic disease in those who contract COVID-19, now and into the future.”

BMJ- EBM: COVID-19 and metabolic syndrome: could diet be the key?

The editorial is being widely liked and shared on social media, with commentators saying it shows “leadership” and that it is “high time” we started talking about “the underlying health conditions that make people more susceptible.”" 

The above and more to see at article here

All the best Jan


  1. Hallelujah... eating and supplements are a great way to take control of ones health. Eating right IS key! Building up your immune system is so important.
    Good post!

  2. ...weight is a huge factor!

  3. I know that when they announce a death here they always say underlying conditions but I wished they would dig deeper and state, which ones. My heart and my diabetes ...and of course the weight is in great shape since I dropped that 70 lbs but I do have asthma and we have heard that is a condition also....that is why I wished we knew the ones that are death, what conditions they had. I just know that its a stab in the dark in the beginning and even now as to knowing why some only feel like they have a cold and others die. We are all still in the learning process of this mess. Eating right is a great thing any way you look at it so why should it not make a diff now.

  4. An extremely interesting article. I agree we must keep from becoming overweight and/or obese.

  5. Good news, thanks for sharing, Valerie

  6. A lot of common sense there and interesting too.

  7. Scary reading but I think we all know deep down that weight is a contributory factor to illness. Its having the will power to do something about it...

  8. Hello,

    Eating right and weight control is always important. Great info, thanks for sharing. Take care, have a happy day!

  9. This is a great post Jan ! Thank you very much for all this interesting information you share with us. No doubt that we may be carefull with what we eat, and may eat healthy.
    I wish you a very nice summer, stay safe,
    and big hugs,

  10. watching what we eat, having common sense, it adds up to great health!!!

  11. Un reportaje muy interesante. Besos.

  12. Eating well will bring on good health all around against any disease I am sure.

  13. I feel sure that we all need to do as much as we can to protect ourselves and keep ourselves healthy for anything that life throws our way. This is a good article I have really enjoyed this post Jan. I am a great believer in a healthy diet as being a good start for most things.

  14. So it's the old message? Eat sensibly with a balanced and varied diet with no junk food. How many times must people be told?

  15. This is a good article. Thanks Jan. And thanks, too, for your visits! Always a treat when you come by!


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