Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Covid the great hoax?

Firstly, I do appreciate many people have died due to the Covid 19 virus, evidently, from many sources, the average age is 82. We live in the New Forest, population 180,000. Total deaths up to 30th October,138. Please understand, the area has a higher than average aged population, many people retire to the area, it's a great place to live and see out final years. I don't know what you think, but a 138 deaths does not seem too many to me. The sixty-four thousand dollar question for me is, how many have died from heart attacks, stroke, Alzheimer's, etc. etc. in the same period? Far more than 138 fore-sure. Remember cases does not mean deaths, and latest info suggests the tests have proved to be woefully inaccurate. 

Getting me coat.


Information from this site here


  1. Interesting question, Jan. I don't think it is a hoax, more of too many questions unanswered or nobody, nobody knows.

  2. I think you are right to be sceptical. The mission seemed to change half way through. First it was flatten the curve and stop the NHS being overwhelmed and then it became, stop Covid completely which made us/them worry about positive test results regardless of symptoms or severity!

  3. You are lucky to live in a sheltered area and I'm lucky to live in Australia, specifically Perth where we had 9 deaths only and no community transmission for over 7 months.
    Actually today was the first day since March with not a single person in hospital due to Covid, all over Australia.

  4. Its a difficult one for sure, I think there will be lots of analysis and questions asked when this is all over.

  5. In my neck of the woods (Indianapolis), I'm as likely to be shot as I am to die of COVID--a few chances in a thousand at most. In that spirit, Thanksgiving with my cousins is ON.

  6. I agree with you completely. Although the virus is real, the numbers are NOT! I can speak for where I live in the U.S. and the media and our moron Governor of PA have played their politial games and I find that totally digusting and WRONG!

  7. Our Provincial Health Officer said just yesterday that the goal is not to stop the virus, for we cannot do that, but to prevent overwhelming our health system, and to protect the most vulnerable. One way to look at the effect of the pandemic is to look at the "excess death rate" - the number of deaths over the expected death rate. A couple of sites (online search) suggest numbers of up to 70,000 for the UK during 2020 thus far. These excess deaths may not be only directly due to Covid19, but could include deaths from lack of medical intervention, overdose deaths due to the pandemic, and can also include a decrease of expected deaths from less traffic accidents. It's a complicated issue that requires a lot of thought and research.

  8. I'm not taking any chances. Valerie

  9. Covid19 is not a hoax.
    To be skeptical of information from scientific and political sources is part of the way a healthy society flows.

    If you lose a love one to the virus or suffer from it yourself, thinking it was a hoax will change your mind. It only takes 1 exposure to covid19, IMHO. That is the number to worry about.

  10. I think it's safe to say none of this makes sense.

    I have heard of a few people who had it, including an extended family member. They describe it as awful. But our response to it is very, very strange.

    Are you a Christian, Eddie?

  11. ...Eddie you are missing the point, this is a public health crisis!

  12. I don't think it is a hoax and would agree with Lorrie and Sallie.

  13. PLEASE..Don't tell me you think this is a Hoax and you are out there spreading it..Listen to science!! One DEATH every minute in the USA is nothing to take lightly..Your thinking is why we'll never get over this..especially if you are living your lives accordingly..People are dying..The health system is overloaded..I hope that you are in an area that is less affected but your thinking is irresponsible and the reason we are in the situation we are in...I am a health care professional and am acutely aware of what our front lines are going thru..This is a crisis!!Get your head out of the sand..

  14. Agree with This N That - my sister, brother in law, & niece all in health care. Niece & her husband got Covid-19 last month but it was actually niece's husband (who works at fencing company) that got it 1st and he was asymptomatic and my niece got it from him. My niece had awful time with it and she is in her mid-20s. I take care of double amputee disabled person, with compromised immune system / diabetic (he was my foster son and later after transition period when he turned 21 we made contact again and though I never adopted him as adult, I think of him as a son - he has had a rough life - I worked with him through non profit agency I worked for when he was about 17. Anyways, I worry constantly that we stay safe, in our bubble and do everything we need to do to protect ourselves. I worry about my partner's son & his girlfriend - the girl & her mother are 'non believers' too and I know she is not wearing masks, not social distancing and still going out into crowded places, etc (she is 21). I worry because she has that attitude "I am young - its only a bad flu, get over it" and I worry she (or partner's son) will expose us and I might expose my foster son. Vicious circle of worry. But I Listen to science and to my family that are in medical fields. I know it is no hoax.

  15. I bet you'd think differently if you have a family member who was one of the 138 who died.

  16. Once you have a loved one with it and someone dies you won’t think this way. Indianapolis is inundated.

  17. Interesting Eddie. I don't believe it is a hoax. But I don't believe the numbers either. Some countries exaggerate and some countries play down the numbers. They do it for some reason. Anyway it is better to be safe. Wear a mask when among strangers and wash your hands regularly. I don't believe in social distancing as long as we are all wearing masks when going out among people and not touching others.

  18. I'm with Lorrie and the others. This isn't a hoax. We've no idea how many actual COVID deaths there are, since many have comorbidities and deaths can be attributable to that. The NYTimes did an excellent article comparing death rates total compared to other years.

  19. I had it and it's not a hoax...Im very healthy but it put me on my back for 16 days. I can see how a person who has any underlying condition could end up hospitalized. I don't think the entire world would advance a hoax.

  20. Hoax? I'll make sure to mention that to my husband who lost his father to COVID. I'll make sure to mention that to my friend's co-worker who lost her husband (in his 30s or 40s) to the make-believe virus and left behind a pregnant wife and two small children, and see what her response will be. Heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer's...none of these are contagious. COVID is. We are trying to keep the numbers down so as not to overwhelm the health care system. So if one of us needs care to help keep us alive, it'll be available. I can't imagine a doctor having to choose who stays alive if there isn't enough life-saving equipment to go around.

  21. When you live in an area that are not mostly older people and the hospitals are full to capacity and are having to turn people away, I would not call this all a hoax, I think those that have not been affected by it are the ones that aren't concerned. The long term effects it has been to some people that are young is not a good thing, they may not have died but life just isn't the same.

  22. Not a hoax at all and upsetting to hear that. I believe that many who have died with heart of lung issues and DO have covid died of Covid complications -- in that those issues may have been just fine until Covid entered the system and attacked their weakest links. Plus, the long haul experience is very real. We have lost too many to this disease to even consider it a hoax.


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