Saturday, 28 November 2020

Walking can be so good for you !

Sharing these words from article in The Diabetes Diet Blog:

"Adapted from BMJ Sept 19 Promoting physical activity to patients by Christine Haseler et al.

The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has described walking as a miracle cure. Despite this many of us are not as active as we should be and inactivity is thought to result in as many deaths as smoking. More than a quarter of UK adults do less than 30 minutes physical activity a week.

Quantified, these are the benefits of just plain walking:

30% lower all cause mortality, even 10 minutes a day is worthwhile.

20-30% lower risk of dementia.

Better relief from back pain than back exercises

30% lower risk of colon cancer

30% reduction in falls for older adults

22-83% reduction in osteoarthritis

even lower body fat than playing sports

20-35% lower risk of cardiovascular disease

20% lower risk of breast cancer

30-40% lower risk of metabolic syndrome or type two diabetes

The people who need to see their GP before undertaking exercise are few but include people with unstable angina, aortic stenosis or uncontrolled severe hypertension.

In pregnancy the sort of activities that need to stop are: impact activities, lying on the back for long periods, high altitude activities and underwater activities."
Words above from here

Related Post
Why not take a walk - read it here

The photograph above shows me enjoying a winter walk ...

After a nice walk why not enjoy a bowl (or mug) of Minestrone Soup
see details here

Dear reader, a variety of articles, and recipe ideas, are within this blog, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. GREAT POST! I absolutely agree - walking did wonders for my health issues big time! The hardest part is having to make the time in a busy schedule, but I try hard to keep up with my routine. Thank you for sharing!

  2. That's true! I can't agree with you more!

  3. Hello Jan,
    After a long walk you can enjoy of a lovely meal.
    A great dinner.

    Have a nice weekend,

  4. You look great walking!
    Thank you for the information. It makes a difference seeing the statistics. I can fit my mind right into the numbers. The exercise bike is nice, but walking is even better because being out in Nature, the senses are all there enjoying the experience.

  5. I was doing such a good job walking this year. Once I had to go back to work in person I have fallen off the walking wagon. I need to get back to it- but during the week I don't have much time. Thanks for all the statistics. I should at least get back to walking on the weekends for now.

  6. Nice to see you walking Jan!! :) That minestrone looks yummy! I'm an avid walker and every morning I do at least 45 minutes with the dogs. I love walking! :)

  7. Excellent post!
    I agree with that walking is a great way to care for ones physical and mental health!!!

  8. ...keep putting one foot in front of the other,

  9. Walking and good soups are both part of my life! Valerie

  10. I've always been a hiker and a walker. Even when I don't feel like going out and exercising, my attitude changes within 10 minutes of fresh air. Nature is always a good companion. Hope you and family are well, Jan.

  11. Great soup for a great walk.
    : )

  12. Yes I agree walking is the best form of exercise and it's free. It's always nice to come back to a lovely bowl of soup after a brisk walk in the cold weather, another one to try but without the chilli flakes for me. 😊

  13. Walking is an exercise which so many people are able to do though I believe having a dog encourages me to walk more than I would otherwise. The soup looks delicious.

  14. Yes, that's right, it's healthy, that's why I ride my bike every day and also go for a walk.
    Delicious the soup, I love it ...
    Thanks for your contributions which are always great and the comments with me.
    Take care of yourself and stay healthy, Elke

  15. I cannot walk for long, but I love walking. I used to jog, too. Ah, things change!

  16. Walking can be good. My dog is good about making me get out and do some walking.

  17. All of those good things - and fun as well.

  18. I stopped driving by choice in 2004. I've experienced the world around me so differently ever since. Walking to do everyday tasks, like grocery shopping, going to work, or going to the library, etc really makes one slow down and observe things in a whole new way.

  19. That's so true!
    To me walking comes natural as I don't drive. A bowl of soup following walking is the best one can ask for.
    You look great in the picture, Jan!

  20. The soup sounds delicious. I am a huge fan of walking and it's benefits. X

  21. Muy interesante el reportaje. Besos.

  22. Walking has a lot of benefits and bet the list will keep growing.
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on

  23. Muy buenos consejos. Camino todos los días me ayuda y me relaja.
    Buen fin de semana. Y cuidaros.
    Un abrazo.

  24. I have to be more mindful of moving. Minestrone isn't on the menu as I made gallons and gallons on Bone Yard Soup (turkey soup from the carcass)

  25. You don't have to convince me walking is good for you. : ) I've been taking a morning walk for the past 33 years!

  26. I see you are out walking~~ we try to walk at least four times a week usually up and down hills for an hour to hour and a half. permitting. When it snows that's another thing altogether. I need to get back into the routine of more indoor exercising. We have stairs so usually in the winter i go up and down them ...sets of 30 - taking a break - doing it again, etc..

    love all the benefits - truly makes one want to continue.

  27. I know walking is good for a person, and I really think walking outside is better than inside...LOL And I used to just love to walk. And I still don't mind walking...I just don't do it and I should. I keep promising myself that I am going to start, but I never do.

  28. Greetings Jan, I also love to walk. Bought myself a Fitbit years ago to track how many steps and miles I get each day. Hope you are Well.
    Hugs Diane

  29. Gets the blood circulating and certainly is good for you to walk.

  30. I like to walk, I didn't know that there were so many benefits.
    Have a nice Sunday
    Warm regards and a big hug

  31. Hello,

    Yes, I agree walking is good for you. I try to take a walk daily.
    Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

  32. A fantastic post!
    I have been out walking with my son since he has been furloughed...and I can hardly believe how much better I feel since beginning!😊😊
    I think most of us probably do need to walk a lot more than we usually do. I will certainly be keeping it up now I have begun.
    Many thanks for this valuable information!👍
    And your soup looks SO delicious too!

    Hope you're having a super weekend.

    Hugs xxx

  33. 100% agree Jan, I love walking! If I don't make my 10,000 steps or more a day I'm not happy 😉 Seriously though it doesn't cost a thing and being out in the fresh air just feels so good 💜

  34. I can argue as much as I want, Hubby won´t take it. 7 years older than me would be a more than BIG reason to do.
    I usually do my 30 000 steps a day, he... I´ll ask him to read your post.

  35. It seems there are LOTS of reasons for walking. I used to walk 5 miles a day, and now I'm lucky to get in 5 minutes. Computers have really changed my lifestyle and obviously NOT for the better. Thanks for this wake-up call.

  36. I'm really behind as or Thanksgiving weekend threw me off. I am glad I got to this post because I am a walker and found the stats fascinating. Yesterday we did an 8 mile hike and I really felt the hills in my legs, but I am hoping to get out walking shortly. Hope you've had a wonderful weekend. Hugs-Erika

  37. I walk every day and I love Minestrone Soup.

  38. Walking is a wonderful way to exercise and it's free.

  39. You can't beat a good walk, and if there's soup at the end of it so much the better! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

  40. My husband and I have been walkers for years. It's best for us to start the day off with a long walk. It makes our day. The minestrone looks wonderful.

  41. I love walking! I can keep going for miles when the weather is just right. And that soup looks so delicious. I'll have to try it out.

  42. Many good reasons to get out and walk.
    Looking good, Jan:)

  43. A nice walk followed by a hot bowl of soup. What a grand idea!

  44. Love that photo of you! Well, I don't mind walking the dogs in bad weather now....who

  45. I like walking but my ankles don't. I've got a new kind of shoes coming that I hope will help.

  46. I love walking. It's a little harder since my foot issues a year or two ago but I still go as often as I can!


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