Saturday, 2 January 2021

January : Seven Fun Facts

The breathtakingly beautiful area of Langdale, in the UK's Lake District.
It runs west of Ambleside up to the Langdale Pikes. Pike is a local term for peak.
It splits into two valleys, Great Langdale and Little Langdale (image from google)

As we welcome January, the first month of the year, let's share some fun facts about this month. There are in fact many, but I thought as January has seven letters why not share seven fun facts!

So here we go ...
1. January is considered the second month of the winter season and the coldest month in the Northern Hemisphere.

2. The name of January month was named after God Janus known as God of new beginnings. It is known that God Janus had two heads through which he could watch in both directions, back to the old year and front towards the new year.

3. More divorce happens in the month of January than in any other month in United Kingdom!

4. The traditional January birth flowers are the carnation and the snowdrop.

5. January is also known as “wolf month” by the Saxons because wolves come into towns for food in this month.

6. Garnet is the birth stone of this month which represents constancy.

7. January’s zodiac signs are Capricorn [until January 19] and Aquarius [January 20 onwards].
These facts and more from here

traditional January birth flowers

As I have shared seven fun facts here are seven recipe suggestions you may like to try...
Tuscan-style winter vegetable soup, pictured below, - see here
Red Lentil Soup with Lemon Yogurt - see here
Provençal Chicken - see here
Pork and Chickpea Stew - see here
Watermelon Pizza - see here
Triple Berry Salad - see here
Low Carb (Mug) Cakes - see here

Dear reader, this blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, music and recipes! However, not all the recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. ...many of these I didn't know!

  2. Wonderfully informative...thank you Jan ☕

  3. Hello,

    What a beautiful scene and photo. I enjoyed the fun January facts and the recipes.
    The triple Berry Salad sounds delicious. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  4. Very interesting facts! Now I understand why I don't like January! LOL
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Interesting to learn about January. I'm Aquarius.
    Happy New year to you! Much health and happiness!

  6. Thanks for the links to these recipes. The Provençal Chicken especially looks tasty :)

  7. And it's known as my birthday month! According to the horoscope in the newspaper, I'm a Capricorn, but that's only because astrologists are not astronomers and date their horoscopes from the past, but then if Janus is also looking backwards!

    Happy New Year.

  8. Hello Jan, and a very Happy New Year to you and yours. I didn't know any of the fun facts, and I'm on a very strict diet so I dared not look at your recipes but on the photos they all looked great.

    Thankyou for your kind comment two years ago. I am now feeling much better and will start blogging as usual very soon.

    All the best.

  9. Thank you. I am a January babe and here it is one of the hottest months of the year. Which came as a nasty shock to my English born mother.

  10. Such fun to read through the facts.

  11. I learn something new every visit! I had no idea on the 7.

    Your food looks so good, as it always does. Someday I'm gonna tie on an apron and try some of your recipes. :)

  12. Fun facts and good food! Valerie

  13. A great post, thank you Jan! I always enjoy what a read here. Wishing you and your family A Very Happy and Healthy New Year!

  14. Thanks for the interesting January facts and the recipes sound good.

  15. And, another fact is...January is the second summer month down this way! :)

    Best wishes to you for 2021...take good care. :)

  16. Great post Jan! Thank you for the facts and the recipes! Big Hugs!

  17. Fun January facts. No divorce here in Jan, we got married in Jan. :)

  18. As soon as I leave a comment, I'm rushing over to see what watermelon pizza is. Love the beautiful scenery image.

  19. i like reading the January facts. Snow drops as the flower makes sense. I think about two weeks ago which seemed early to me crocuses were starting to come up. I haven't been over to that area since our big snow.

  20. Lovely post and great recipe. . xxx

  21. Thank you for the lovely recipes throughout the year! I must look at these soon. And the photo of the Lake District is stunning! I love this area! Happy New Year!

  22. I enjoyed reading the fun facts of January. I knew about the flowers and garnet, but I wonder if it's also the biggest divorce month in the states, too. Thanks for these fun facts and great recipe.

  23. I knew all those facts-EXCEPT the one about divorce...nope...two--didn't know about the Wolves either. I hope you all have a blessed, wonderful 2021. Diana

  24. How interesting Jan. And I will never forget being in Lake District. It’s breathtaking❤️
    Happy new year and all the best for you and your love ones❤️✨

  25. Some interesting facts and yummy recipes.

  26. Warm regards to you. Thanks for the great recipes ... I'll cook the red lentil soup with lemon yogurt :-))
    All the best for the New Year. Viola

  27. fun facts, most i did not know!!the soup pictured is lovely and looks really yummy!! we have been eating a lot of soup!!!

  28. The recipes seem delicious.

    Thank you for visiting my website.

    Best wishes for 2021!

  29. I enjoyed this post. It is always fun to know some facts about the month. I didn't realize it was often referred to as a wolf month either. But it does make sense. Hope your new year is going well.

  30. Fun facts and delish looking food as always ~ I am in a chowder and chili making mood because of the weather here in New England ~ sigh.

    Wishing you a Happy, Creative and Healthy New Year ~

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  31. I love it when you pull out the facts! I always learn something I never knew, never even though of before and I love those posts!

  32. Happy New Year Jan! Thanks for all the soup ideas! I love making soups, many times I use our leftovers and my husband is amazed how good they are.

  33. This was a fun read...January is the the month of most divorces in the USA, too. It said because people research divorce before, but have to wait till after the New Year till lawyers get back in their offices.

  34. Happy and Healthy New Year! Interesting facts about the month of January. I like that I can notice the day getting a bit longer by minutes each day this month.

  35. wishing you a healthy ,serene ,happy and prosperous new year dear Jan !

    i enjoyed knowing fun facts and thank you for the delicious links :)

  36. Fun facts, indeed. And loving the recipes!

  37. Some fun facts to start a new month in the new year, so thanks for sharing.also, the soup recipes are perfect for this time of year. Bean soup is in my menu plan. Happy New Year!

  38. Love these month posts, and some fab recipes too!xxx

  39. I searched and I found your January post. :-) Interesting about the divorce rate.


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