Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Quote of the day.

A new Administration in the US today, will life improve for the average American? While checking out a US political website last night, I read the following regarding the new Government.

"Very similar to advertising “New and Improved”.However, in reality it’s the same crap in a slightly different box that just cost more, and generally less of it."

Pretty much the same here in the UK. We swap one bunch of crooks for the other bunch of crooks. It was ever thus. 

God bless America 



  1. ...the new crooks can't be as crooked and the last.

  2. Las recetas se ven muy bien, la coliflor me gusta mucho. Besos.

  3. So eloquently expressed!!😂😂
    Many thanks for making me smile today!

    What weather we're having...I say, roll on spring...

    Have a good afternoon 👍

    Hugs xxx


  4. Thanks for the truth: " bunch of crooks for the other bunch of crooks".
    I like it that you're not 'politically correct' and speak up your mind'.

  5. Cambio de jefe, pero todo seguirá igual. Creo que los políticos solo miran por ellos.
    Dedeso que sea una tarde pacífica
    Buen miércoles. Cuidaros.
    Un abrazo.

  6. Well, let's hope for a better one in the States!

  7. I do think that Biden seems like his heart is in the right place, plus he can't possibly be as bad as Trump. Unfortunately, we still have a long time to go till we can swap out our set of crooks! Have a good one, Sue x

  8. I challenge you to revisit that quote one year from today, January 20, 2022 and see if you still agree with the statement. I am filled with hope and believe things will truly change now that Trump is gone. I hope and believe Biden is truly a constitutional president, while Trump was an entertainment president.

  9. I prefer to believe that better times are coming.

  10. Such is "democracy" Eddie. I just worry who will be pulling the strings.

  11. Google translations ...

    Teresa said...
    Las recetas se ven muy bien, la coliflor me gusta mucho. Besos

    The recipes look great, the cauliflower I really like. Kisses.

    Laura. M said...
    Cambio de jefe, pero todo seguirá igual. Creo que los políticos solo miran por ellos.
    Dedeso que sea una tarde pacífica
    Buen miércoles. Cuidaros.
    Un abrazo

    Change of boss, but everything will stay the same. I think politicians just look for them.
    I want it to be a peaceful afternoon
    Good Wednesday. Take care of yourself.
    A hug.

  12. Surely better times will come.

  13. I have great confidence in Joe Biden. I don't know that he can stop the ugly -- I'm not sure anyone can. But he can make a huge difference to the people and that's what we so sorely need now here. Sanity has returned, dignity, empathy and openness. I can breathe again.

  14. I could not have said it better...

  15. LOL Politicians will always be politicians - I don't think I really trust any of them :)

  16. In general i would agree with your statement, however getting rid of Trump has to be a sign of hope and better times.

  17. I finally convinced myself to just say screw it - most politicans lie and do what their handlers tell them to...bah humbug.

  18. We have to pray every time we get a new president in, and hope they will ask God for guidance in all their decisions. All I can say is it will be nice not to constantly hear lies being sad to us daily.

  19. Hello Jan,
    I like guinea pigs so much. In the past when my kids were little we always had one too.
    They are so cute and funny. When I came home at night after work, the guinea pig would be in its cage squeaking and would not stop until I had put it on and fed it from the fridge. So funny.
    Fortunately, your meal has a figurative name for this dish. It looks delicious.

    Greetings, Marco

  20. sa-la-vie, what ever will be, will be!!!

  21. I honestly don't buy into the idea that they're all much of a muchness. Character counts, as is already evident if it wasn't before.

  22. Unfortunately most people haven't figured that out yet.

    I'm in the US and you're in the UK, but apparently both of us are in the small percentage of people who finally saw behind the curtain, so to speak. As an FYI, after the BREXIT vote, I successfully predicted every "kick the can down the road" event that happened with BREXIT. I also successfully predicted an event that happened with the US and Afghanistan. It's easy to know what's going to happen, with many events. (But sometimes my predictions are wrong.) Actions speak louder than words.


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