Saturday, 27 February 2021

Positive Effects Reading Has On Your Brain

There's nothing like sitting down with a good book is there. I often put the kettle on make myself a cuppa pick up my book and before I know it I am engrossed in the story. Did you know reading does have positive effects on your brain, read on to find out more.

"Five Positive Effects Reading Has on Your Brain, why reading remains beneficial in the digital age.

There’s nothing like sitting down with a good book. While the hobby is plenty entertaining, scientists and doctors have observed several positive effects from reading. Books inspire creativity, critical thinking, increase empathy, and offer plenty of other incentives to go and enjoy some word power. Read on (pun unintended) for five benefits everyone can enjoy from books!

In a study conducted at Emory University, reading increases the activity in the brain’s central sulcus, which controls our motor skills. If we read a passage where a character is walking along a path, the activity from the neurons in this area make us feel as though we’re experiencing the walk ourselves. Then, there’s grounded cognition; a concept that proves that reading actually puts you in someone else’s shoes through the brain’s biology.

Literary fiction readers have a higher ability to empathize with other’s emotions and thoughts than those who read mainly nonfiction. In other words, fiction readers can be more empathetic, and have an easier time seeing a situation from various perspectives, just by reading about their favourite characters.

Mentally stimulating your brain on a regular basis can help slow down Alzheimer’s and Dementia. It’s like physical exercise; the more you move, the better shape you’re in. For your brain to stay healthy and alert, it needs exercise. Reading (along with puzzles and certain games) keeps your activity levels high and your brain power nice and strong.

When you make a habit of reading, it’s easier for your brain to relax and temporarily transport itself to another world. A good book can daily stressors evaporate, put you in your character's shoes, and keep you focused on the words you’re reading. If you’re looking for an easy way to relax and destress, try to make a habit out of reading more often.

When you read, you’re engaging more than a few brain functions, such as phonemic awareness, visual and auditory processes, comprehension, fluency, and more. Reading jolts your brain into action, maintains concentration, and allows your mind to process the events happening before you. The more you read and engage that part of your brain, the easier it is to keep your memory strong."
Words above from article here

Are you reading a good book at the moment?

As regular readers know, this blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, music and recipes! 

However, not all the recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. This has confirmed what I always thought. Thank you.

  2. I read every day. I read for comfort, for distraction, for education and escape. And some books give me several of those things in one hit.

  3. ...I wish that I was a better reader.

  4. Buena entrada. Amo leer, es uno de mis pasatiempos favoritos. Te mando un beso

  5. At last something I would get an A+ in...feel naked if i am not reading. I am reading All Creatures Great & Small...have probably read it 4 or 5 times in the past 40 years, but that series is one of my all time favorite books. I had taken Roger to therapy and came to one of the funniest parts and set there and giggled to myself...had to wait till we left to let loose and laugh as hard as I wanted to.

    And I love puzzle well as jigsaw puzzles.

  6. Hi Jan, When I click on The Low Carb Diabetic I know I am going to find an interesting post. This one is excellent! Your blog is one of the best at offering positive life information. Thank you for sharing Five Positive Effects Reading Has on Your Brain. To me, reading is essential to living the good life. I hope you and Eddie have a great weekend and do stay safe. Best regards to you from Seattle. John

  7. I love to read every day. Books are my friends and companions, take me on adventures, teach me much, and I can't imagine life without reading. I just completed Madame Fourcade's Secret War.

  8. interesting - can improve your memory - yes indeed and certainly alleviates stress - reading books is my favourite waste of time :)

  9. I've loved reading all my life. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't read anymore.

  10. 100% agree Jan, reading is absolutely an essential part of my day ✨

  11. I always have my nose in a book. Sometimes fiction and sometimes not. At present I am enjoying reading a book about pandemics and related isn't a dry read and I am enjoying it. I do word puzzles daily. Just do not separate me from my beloved words.

  12. I always prefer reading to watching films or TV! Enjoy your weekend, Valerie

  13. I read allot, probably most every day especially more this winter with nothing on the tv to watch. not sure about better memory though my Mother read allot too every day, lots of books, hardly ever watched the tv except for news, but she had severe alzheimers everyone's body is different though

  14. Hello,

    I do enjoy reading. I love my kindle, I can download library books or purchase the ebooks.
    Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  15. I cannot remember a time when I wasn't a book freak--someone once joked that I probably walked out of the womb with my nose in a book :-) They may have been right! ;-)

  16. It's so hard to put a good book down and the time just flies.

  17. Love this post about reading!!!

  18. When I was a child, my dad would take me to a big library in Stockholm. In those days, 1940's -50's, the library books were all bound in red leather. I still remember those visits with pleasure. I'm so grateful to my dad for starting my reading habits at an early age.

  19. Reading is very good and positive for you.

  20. I knew being a bookwork had to pay off at sometime. Thanks for this post. It is a really interesting one.

  21. I've always loved to read from the time I learned in the first grade. Always have a couple of books I'm reading. Nice that it is so good for you too.

  22. I really need to start reading more!

  23. I love reading with or without its known benefits.

  24. I'm reading a good memoir at the moment.

  25. i used to be a regular reader for years but can't say same for now though i know i will regain my hobby soon in future dear Jan

    loved this one ,glad you shared

  26. I've always enjoyed reading, and it's nice to hear it has more benefits than "just" the enjoyment it provides :)

  27. This is very reassuring to us readers. I'll just go and carry on reading then, thanks!

  28. All good thoughts here. I AM reading a good book -- it's by the actor Robert Wagner. A friend sent it and I thought it was a fast-read biography but it is more like a fascinating history of Hollywood in the golden age. Not just the people but the architecture, the places, and all!

  29. I like reading (rather than watching a made-for-tv show based on the book) because you get the actual story and my imagination pictures it as I go along. I can blur up the really ugly things and sharpen the fun stuff!

  30. I love this post! Thank you Jan!!!

  31. I love reading and it's definitely good for you!

    I'm currently reading Chiang lee's The Silent Traveller in Edinburgh, journals of a Chinese artist who visited Edinburgh in the 1940s. Very interesting book and amazing illustrations.


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