Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Rustic Style Pork Casserole

It has been a lovely sunny day today, wrapped up in a warm jacket it was very enjoyable to have a walk around our local neighbourhood. We still have 'stay local' Covid rules in place, so that is what we are doing!   

After a lovely day it was time to enjoy a favourite meal. Would it be a Roast Pork dinner or a Rustic Style Pork Casserole, both are tasty! We chose the casserole, always so delicious.

This recipe/meal is in my top five favourite pork casserole recipes.

Serves two
2/3 pork chops (optional remove fat) and cut into small pieces
2 large leeks chopped
a hand-full of button mushrooms
1 large sliced carrot
1 table spoon of dried mixed herbs
Approx. 1 pint of gravy stock
Salt and pepper to taste.

Clean, cut and place all ingredients in a casserole dish or earthenware oven proof pot with lid.

Pour over the stock and cook at 190º C /375º F / Gas Mark 5 for 90 minutes

( I usually stir the casserole every 30 minutes or so ... )

Check food is cooked through, then serve and enjoy

What could be easier, very low-carb, real food and tastes great.

Other recipes you may like
Lentil and Vegetable Minestrone Stew / Casserole, more details here
Mushroom Bourguignon with Celeriac Mash, more details here
French Farmhouse Country Chicken, more details here

lovely Spring flowers

We bring a variety of recipe ideas to this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. ...looks good for a cold winter night.

  2. I love casseroles, yum! The flowers are delightful.

  3. Lovely flowers! Wonderful veggie recipes too.xxx

  4. This looks really delicious, Jan. Very hearty! And I love the daffodils!

  5. I love the spring flowers. As you may know, I'm a Type 1 diabetic. I'm tall and have been at a perfect weight for several years now and my concern is getting too skinny. Totally the opposite of most people. Well, last I weighed myself, I had lost four pounds, now I think a couple of more have fallen off me. I absolutely hate it! Do you have any suggestions for a person with diabetes who wants to gain weight? I have a dietitian friend, I may ask her too, but I would value your thoughts. Thanks.

  6. It sounds easy and delicious. Getting out for a walk these days can be so very pleasant.

  7. Great recipe and love the daffodils ~ ^_^

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. I'm trying so hard to be good to bring down my glucose. Thank you so much for your very wonderful comments. I really, really appreciate your kindness.

  9. Oh my that looks delicious!!

  10. Gracias por la receta se ve muy rica. Creo que la haré te mando un beso

  11. Wonderful spring flowers.And that pork looks pretty yummy too.

  12. Hello Inger
    Many thanks for your comments.

    With regard to your question
    "Do you have any suggestions for a person with diabetes who wants to gain weight?"

    I am not a medical professional. I think it would be wise for you to talk with your diabetes medical team, and your dietician.

    However, I have copied and pasted some information from 'Diabetes UK' which you may find helpful.

    "If you have diabetes and you’re underweight or struggling with your appetite, it’s important to eat the foods you like rather than being too restrictive with your diet.

    This may mean eating foods that are higher in fat and calories. Speak with your diabetes team to review your medications and talk to a dietitian to help you make any changes.

    It’s important to see your GP if you have been losing weight without meaning to. We all have different body shapes, but if your body weight has changed and you’re not sure why, or it isn’t normal for you, then it’s important to speak to a healthcare professional.

    Do you want to put on weight?
    If you need to gain weight, it’s best to get individual advice from a dietitian.

    Below are some things they might suggest. But you might also have to make changes to the way your diabetes is managed, so speaking to your healthcare team is important. They will also help you to understand why you might be losing weight.

    It might be easier to eat smaller meals and snacks — this can also help increase your appetite.

    Use full-fat dairy products like milk, cream, cheese and yogurt which can be added to your meals or used a snack. For example you can grate cheese into soups or pasta dishes or add a tbsp of cream to porridge or rice pudding.

    Add unsaturated fats to your food where you can. Vegetable oils like olive, rapeseed or sunflower can be used to cook dishes or in dressings.

    Other healthy fats come from avocados, nuts and seeds, which make good snacks.

    Serve vegetables with spread or grated cheese.

    Add cream or full-fat milk to foods like mashed potato or soups.

    Have nourishing milky drinks.

    Add powdered milk to cereals.

    You may have heard of nutritional supplements, in the form of food or drink. These can be useful for some people who are finding it hard to gain weight or who have a poor appetite. Get some advice from a dietitian about whether they are right for you."

    I hope the above may be helpful.

    All the best Jan

  13. With autumn now upon us down this here...this recipe will be on my list! :)

  14. Yum, I also like that it is a recipe for two. :-)
    I am pinning. :-)

  15. Spring flowers, lucky you.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  16. Jan - looks delicious. And the spring flowers are beautiful!

  17. Oh yum, looks so tempting to eat right on my meal time...
    Gorgeous flowers, guess your summer is on it's way while mine fades....xx

  18. Casseroles are one pot wonders aren't they?
    And thank you for the spring flowers.

  19. I love a casserole and yet rarely use pork. It sounds delicious.

  20. This looks so warm and comforting thank you for the recipe, I will be making it soon.

  21. Looks very good I love to eat food like that

    also love the pan it is made in :))

    Happy day to you!

  22. Hello,

    The casserole looks delicious. I love the spring blooms.
    Take care, have a great day!

  23. delicious, i think i would use chicken and i am sure that would be fine. i noticed my crocs were in bloom yesterday!!

  24. A great choice for dinner and pretty daffodils. Thank you for all the recipe links too. All the best Jan :)

  25. This looks delicious, I love a nice casserole. Have a great week, Sue xx

  26. looks yummy dear Jan


  27. That looks good I can easy sub the pork! Might try this soon :-D

  28. It looks good. I should try a pork stew one of these days.

  29. perfect for those cool days, we are having a rainy day today

  30. I never think to cut the loin chops into smaller pieces. This recipe is very similar to one we use where the chops are left whole. Must try this in our new Aldi casserole dish £29.99. Did you manage to bag one before they sold out?

  31. Thank you for the flowers and for the yummy meal! Big Hugs!


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