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Saturday 27 March 2021

Spring Cleaning Time : Some Tips !

Some may say, there's no better time than spring to give your home a good and thorough clean! Well, with signs of Spring around my pink duster has been out of the cupboard and those winter cobwebs have been dealt with, furniture has been moved out so all the nooks and crannies can be vacuumed, our windows are sparkling (thanks to Eddie) and even the Easter Chicks are sitting on the window-sill in readiness for the coming Easter weekend. Easter Sunday being on the 4th April in 2021.

Do you like to Spring Clean? Not everyone does. I did come across this article which has some helpful tips you may find interesting, and I share them below.

"Declutter your home
There's a simple rule you can use to declutter you home. If you haven't used something in the past six months, then you should consider throwing it away. The only exception to this rule is seasonal items and clothing. Separate out the 'keep', 'donate' or 'throw away' items and clearly label them to avoid any treasures getting thrown away by mistake. By taking this ruthless stance, you'll soon discover how many excess items you have around your home and how much additional room you'll have if you throw a few things away.

Deep clean your carpets
You'll be surprised how much dirt, dust and hair builds up in your carpet. This can be especially bad in bedrooms and dining rooms, where you're less likely to move bulky furniture around when you're cleaning. A deep clean will help restore the carpet's colour and texture. Using a high-performance vacuum cleaner or hiring a professional will allow you to breathe new life into your carpets. While your furniture is out of its usual place during the clean, you can start to think about rearranging certain items. You don't necessarily need to invest in new furniture, but a move around might bring a new function to a room or just give it a new look.

Remove pet hairs with rubber gloves
Pets are a delight to live with, but a menace when it comes to keeping your home clean. Cats and dogs especially will cast their hairs everywhere. That's where a pair of rubber gloves comes in handy. Because of the material they're made from, and the friction it creates, hairs will naturally stick to them. So, whether you need to de-hair your sofa, curtains or bedding, your trusty rubber gloves can sort you out. Failing that, a trusty lint roller work wonders on removing pet hairs from fabric.

Clean your oven with bicarbonate of soda
Oven cleaning is a time-intensive task, but a small amount of bicarbonate of soda can go a long way. Add bicarbonate of soda to water in a spray bottle and you've got your own handy oven-cleaning solution. You just need to spray the solution on the interior surfaces of your oven, avoiding the heating elements. Leave overnight and wipe clean the next day. If any soda remains, spray with vinegar to remove it. Avoid using harsh chemicals as these could cause irritation to your skin and damage your oven. If you'd rather put your feet up than get stuck in, it's worth having your oven professionally cleaned to get it sparkling again.

Get your fridge sparkling clean
We're all guilty of not cleaning our fridge as often as we should. This means that stains, food matter and water can build up. To battle this, you need a few household items. The first two are a toothbrush and toothpaste. The chemicals found in toothpaste will help remove stains easily and the toothbrush provides the friction and accuracy that you need to get the job done. Once you've got your fridge nice and clean, it's time to tackle any lurking smells. Cut a lemon in half and place the two halves in your fridge: one on the top shelf and the other on the bottom shelf. The lemon will naturally absorb any odours and leave your fridge smelling fresh.

Unleash the power of your dishwasher
Your dishwasher is a superhero in disguise. Its helpfulness doesn't stop at cleaning the dishes: you can place children's plastic toys (without batteries) into the dishwasher, along with your normal detergent or tablet, and get them nice and clean again. Not only that, it helps to sanitise the toys, so that they can be played with time and time again. The beauty of using your dishwasher to wash toys means that you can simply put it on and let it get to work. Essentially, you get a thorough clean without much effort.

Steam clean your microwave
Dirt and grime can easily build up in your microwave. It's one of those appliances that you use so often that you take for granted. So, a good clean will not only get it back to its former self, but also improve its general hygiene. Tackling built-up food and grease normally calls for bucket loads of elbow grease, but our helpful hint will put a stop to that. Using a combination of vinegar and water, you can create a solution that will help you tackle those stubborn stains. Heat a measuring jug with a fifty-fifty solution for ten minutes in your microwave, until it steams up. Remove the jug and then use a cloth to wipe away the moisture and dirt.

Revamp your wardrobe
You may have a wonderful array of outfits, but chances are that you don't wear them all-year round. So, it's time to revamp your wardrobe. First separate your clothes into seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Then try your outfits on. Do they still fit? Do you still like them? If the answer is 'no' then get rid of them. You could either donate them to charity, sell them on eBay or organise a swap shop with friends and family. For the clothes you decide to keep, bag up the ones that are out of season and store these in your attic or wardrobe. Another handy tip to help you out in the morning is to organise your clothes by colour, so that you can put outfits together in half the time, with no need to hunt out your favourite top.

Breathe life back into your bedsheets
We all have that favourite duvet set that we return to time and time again. But over time colours can fade and soon you're left with drab looking bed sheets. Rather than throw them away, it's work soaking them in bicarbonate of soda and white vinegar as this can help you breathe life back into your bed sheets and get rid of any lingering odours. Make sure you rinse them thoroughly to eradicate the vinegar smell before using. You can also use bicarbonate of soda to deodorise your mattress. Simply sprinkle all over your mattress and leave for up to eight hours. Then vacuum up any excess powder and your mattress is as good as new.

Clean your bathroom while you sleep
No, we don't literally mean clean while you sleep: you deserve your rest after all! We've found a way for you to leave your bathroom to get clean overnight. Limescale is notoriously difficult to remove. That's where white vinegar can help. It's great at breaking down the molecules and removing a build-up of limescale. In fact, it can remove stains from the toilet, shower and sink. All you need to do is spray it on and leave it to get to work. For showerheads, simply fill a bag with white vinegar and tie it around the head, leave it to break down the limescale overnight. To avoid smelling strongly of vinegar, make sure you wear protective gloves and ventilate your bathroom where possible."
Words above from article here

Related Post
Natural Cleaners To Use Around The Home - see here

Do you like to Spring Clean?
Have you any tips? Do please share them in the comments.
One very important tip, is to reward yourself with a nice cuppa after all of your hard work, and perhaps a Low Carb Chocolate Cookie / Biscuit, see more details here

Dear reader, this blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, music and recipes!

Please note, not all recipe suggestions may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Inger said...

I've done a little, now you have inspired me to do some more.

Christine said...

Thanks for these great tips!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Great tips to get our homes spic and span. We have a plan that tackles major jobs throughout the year. We try to save doing the windows after the Spring pollen leaves our area. Happy Spring to you and Eddie!

Tom said...'s that time of year.

Martha said...

I'd never heard of the rubber glove trick for pet hair, I definitely have to try that. I go through tons of lint rollers, I like free much better! :)

Lorrie said...

Some great tips here. I'm working in one room at a time, starting with the bathrooms. It feels good to get it done. Vinegar and baking soda are something I use in my cleaning, too.

J.P. Alexander said...

Gracias por los consejos son muy rutiles para limpiar algunos con el bicarbonato de sodio para limpia el horno ya lo sabia. Te mando un beso

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Jan. I do like to spring clean and just before Christmas too..But, sadly, it doesn't always get done to the extent that it needs, but we try..Stay well..xxoJudy

Lori Miller said...

I admit that all I've gotten done is airing out the house--it was a beautiful day for it today.

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you. Our home NEEDS a deep clean. Soon. I promise.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Now I just need a maid.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Linda said...

Good ideas but I dislike cleaning too much to do spring cleaning. Maybe it is now safe enough to hire some help.

Valerie-Jael said...

I clean as much as is absolutely necessary! And as for my windows....well, I can still see out of them! Valerie

Jules said...

Great tips. Now I just need to muster some enthusiasm :)

Justcherry said...

Interestinh post.
Thanks for great tips
Have a superwee

linda said...

It's strange how we get the urge to clean in the Spring, I actually cleaned my oven the other day and I plan to make a list of to do tasks, whether I will follow it is another matter haha. Have a peaceful Sunday.

eileeninmd said...


Great post and tips! I have been working on the de-cluttering. I have been using Vinegar, baking soda and water for cleaning. I would like more nice weather days to open the windows for some fresh air. Take care, wishing you a great new week!

RO said...

Love this, and I'm totally on board. I've been doing lots of cleaning for the past few months, and feel like I'll never be finished(lol) Great tips! Hugs, RO

CraveCute said...

Deep cleaning is a must here after our tough winters, so much grit gets tracked in with the snow! Love your natural product cleaning tips. So much better than those harsh commercial chemicals!

Lady Caer Morganna said...

WOW! These are great tips! Thank you so much for sharing them here!!!

Laura. M said...

Gracis por tan buenos consejos.
Buen domingo. Y a seguir con cuidado.
Un abrazo.

NanaDiana said...

I do like to Spring clean. It is a little different here with a new puppy. I have to pen him up to clean...and that is a riot, let me tell you! Happy Cleaning! xo Diana

DVArtist said...

OCD clean freak here. So, yes I spring clean all year long. LOL

Inger said...

I will check back here as I tackle my spring cleaning.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Great tips!
Rising above the clutter stage is the toughest.

Sandra Cox said...

Wow, Jan. This was hugely helpful.
Wishing you a serene Sunday.

Fun60 said...

I'm exhausted reading that list. I'd better go and have a sit down.

HappyK said...

I wouldn't say I like to clean but I don't mind it. I don't do a spring/fall cleaning but every so often I'll take a room and do a good deep cleaning.

Betsy said...

I have to do all above except for the pet part. Haven't got one yet, but will eventually. Great tips and thanks for sharing.

John M said...

I'm trying to discard one item each day to unclutter my life.

Teresa said...

Muy buenos consejos. Yo también tengo que hacer una limpieza general. Besos.

Rose said...

I really want to remember the microwave tip...that sounds like a good one. There are a lot here...I have been decluttering for so long. It is hard to know what next.

Ananka said...

I really need to do some serious spring cleaning haha!

mamasmercantile said...

A start has been made, more the decluttering than anything else. Great tips.

My name is Erika. said...

I am a spring cleaner and it feels good to do it. I haven't heard about steam cleaning your microwave though. That's a great idea!

Jeanie said...

Well, I hate spring cleaning. Hate it! But that doesn't mean it won't be done and now I have some terrific new techniques. I love the soda in the spray bottle and the toothpaste for the fridge and so many more of these tips, like getting the micro really clean. I'll probably return back to this post more than once! Thanks!

Divers and Sundry said...

Great list! Helpful. Thx :)

Sue said...

some very useful tips here. I once steam cleaned my contact lenses in the dishwasher - hmm, never again! xx

Hilly Nicolay said...

Gute Tipps.

Mit diesem schönen Frühlingswetter hier werde ich draußen arbeiten.



Conniecrafter said...

I did a little before surgery but the rest will have to wait a little while, it is even harder when you are sitting more and just looking at all that needs to be done, I can't say I love to do it but I know it needs to get done :)

baili said...

wow your post remind me days of our cleaning that mom and we both sisters would do together :)

our yearly cleaning time is mostly before Eid after fasting month though big cleanings are done done before both extreme seasons too
thank you for the white vinegar mention friend

Debbie said...

this post held some great information!! i don't really like to clean, i don't mind a "big project" but cleaning is not really my thing!! with that said, my home is pretty clean, i keep up with it trying to clean one room each day or as needed. i guess it needs spring cleaning, but once you start to open the comes the pollen, and i often think, that ruins everything!!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We don't really spring clean as such, but this is the time of year when we empty every cupboard and drawer and thoroughly clean them. Doesn't really take that long once you get started on it. It also gives us the nudge we need to get rid of stuff. If we haven't used it since last year, we don't need it!

Magic Love Crow said...

Excellent post! I like the vinegar for the bathroom!! Big Hugs!