You already know that plastic waste poses a massive threat to the planet’s health. It’s hard to avoid plastic entirely, but there are ways to reduce your plastic use and the amount you put in the landfills.
1. Use reusable shopping bags and produce bags. Bags made from hemp or organic cotton are ideal, but also reuse whatever plastic bags you already have in your home.
2. Stop using plastic bag and containers to store food. Opt for glass, metal, and silicone instead. Repurpose your clean mayo jars to make salads, store nuts, and more.
3. Get biodegradable kitchen garbage bags. They usually cost a bit more per bag, but it’s a small investment in sustainability.
4. Buy loose leaf tea. A 2019 study concluded that tea bags can be a hidden source of microplastic pollution. At least check to make sure your favourite tea comes in plastic-free bags.
Ways to Shop Smart
Reduce your environmental impact and save money!
1. Pay attention to packaging. Opt for products that are minimally packaged, and look for recycled or recyclable paper and glass.
2. Choose seasonal, local produce and animal products when possible to reduce the carbon footprint associated with shipping food around the world.
3. Shop organic if possible. Organic farming reduces the amount of synthetic fertilizer dumped into the environment. Also support farms that use sustainable farming practices even if they aren’t certified organic. The process of becoming certified is arduous and expensive, and many smaller eco-conscious farms can’t afford it.
4. Look up second-hand stores. Buy used kitchen appliances, silverware, and dishes. Look for cast iron and stainless steel cookware that is durable enough to last for decades.
1. Use reusable shopping bags and produce bags. Bags made from hemp or organic cotton are ideal, but also reuse whatever plastic bags you already have in your home.
2. Stop using plastic bag and containers to store food. Opt for glass, metal, and silicone instead. Repurpose your clean mayo jars to make salads, store nuts, and more.
3. Get biodegradable kitchen garbage bags. They usually cost a bit more per bag, but it’s a small investment in sustainability.
4. Buy loose leaf tea. A 2019 study concluded that tea bags can be a hidden source of microplastic pollution. At least check to make sure your favourite tea comes in plastic-free bags.
Ways to Shop Smart
Reduce your environmental impact and save money!
1. Pay attention to packaging. Opt for products that are minimally packaged, and look for recycled or recyclable paper and glass.
2. Choose seasonal, local produce and animal products when possible to reduce the carbon footprint associated with shipping food around the world.
3. Shop organic if possible. Organic farming reduces the amount of synthetic fertilizer dumped into the environment. Also support farms that use sustainable farming practices even if they aren’t certified organic. The process of becoming certified is arduous and expensive, and many smaller eco-conscious farms can’t afford it.
4. Look up second-hand stores. Buy used kitchen appliances, silverware, and dishes. Look for cast iron and stainless steel cookware that is durable enough to last for decades.
Cleaner Cleaning Products
Ironically, many of the tools we traditionally use to clean the kitchen have a negative environmental impact. Not so clean after all, eh?
1. Ditch traditional scrubbing sponges and dish brushes, which are major sources of plastic waste. Sponges made from cellulose, hemp, cotton fibre, and even walnuts are compostable or biodegradable. Some scouring pads are recyclable. Look for plastic-free dish brushes made with sustainably harvested wood and natural fibre bristles.
2. Use greener cleaning solutions. Standard cleaning products contain chemicals that can contaminate our home environments and contribute to air, water, and soil pollution. Luckily, it’s possible to clean just about anything in your kitchen, and indeed your whole home, using non-toxic methods.
3. Cut back on paper towels. Kitchen towels and cloth napkins are all you need., For extra eco-friendly points, look for ones made from organic cotton or recycled materials.
Ways to Save Water
Reduce the amount of water that goes down the drain with these tips.
1. Use your dishwasher. The dishwasher uses less water than handwashing, provided you run full loads. Scrape plates instead of rinsing them for added savings.
2. Install an aerator on your kitchen faucet. Aerators reduce flow and backsplash while actually increasing water pressure. They’re simple to install and cost just a few dollars. If your faucet isn’t compatible, at least try to avoid running your water at full blast all the time.
One Last Tip: Recycle!
Do all you can to recycle and always take advantage of your municipal recycling programme.
When it comes to sustainability, every little change counts. What’s one thing you could implement in your own kitchen right away that would make a difference?"
words above and more from article here
Enjoy your day
All the best Jan
I protect the world and its inhabitants by being a hermit! :)
ReplyDeleteGood post.
ReplyDeleteGood post.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
Buenos consejos. Te mando un beso
ReplyDelete...this is a complex subject.
ReplyDeleteIt is difficult finding things that are not packaged in plastic. It seems to get more difficult every year, unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteGood advice!
ReplyDeleteI do a lot of those things already - but there is always room for improvement. thank you.
ReplyDeleteSome great ideas. Thank you. X
ReplyDeleteI cited your blog today when I created my own post on plastic. You share some really good ideas. I was more technical. I agree and practice most of what you offered.
ReplyDeleteOne place where we differ is I don't own a dishwasher, but I collect all my water in buckets in my sink. I wash my hands a dozen times a day and the amount of water I collect waters my plants. Excess water goes down the toilet which helps when I use the "facilities." In summer, all the water goes outside to water my herbs and veggies. Thanks so much for this very informative post.
Some good tips. We could all do better and every little helps.
ReplyDeleteGood tips, thanks! Valerie
ReplyDeleteExcellent tips!
ReplyDeleteEach tip is excellent. We can all do better.
ReplyDeleteSome more great tips, many thanks!
ReplyDeleteI do a lot of these things already, but never really feel I am doing quite enough.
Always plenty of room for improvement...😊😊
Have a great weekend!
Hugs xxx
All of those are excellent ideas. I try to be more aware of plastic containers and try to reuse many in my gardening. I'm not as good as I should be about taking things to recycle using the excuse "the city makes it hard" "limited space" "blah blah" but I shall try to be better!
ReplyDeleteGreat tips Jan
Wonderful suggestions
ReplyDeleteGreat post ~ XX
ReplyDeleteThanks for your well wishes ~
Living moment by moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
I have a dishwasher, but don't use it. Takes too long for the two of us to fill it. Besides that, one time I measured the amount of water I used to wash dishes by hand against the dishwasher I had and I used way less water. But, one thing I do, I do not fill the sink with water. I have a big plastic bowl...picture one for summer...I cannot think how to describe...but used to get them for a $1 in the summer....that saves so much water! I use I bet less than half of what I would if I used the sink. And I did not used to ever fill my sink over half full...and doubt I even half full.
ReplyDeleteI always think back to my childhood, and we did not have hardly any garbage/trash. We canned or froze what we ate...all there was to throw away with that is the little flat dome lid. Even though 'they' always said not to use mayonaise jars, etc. to can in, my mom always did and never had any issues. Even with pressure canning.
She saved any plastic bag that anything came in, such as bread...and rinsed it out and hug it on a line till it would drip dry...and she used things like that for a lot of her freezing. But we hardly ever had bread bags cause mom made biscuits every morn and cornbread later in the day.
Of course we grew about everything we ate...all garden stuff, butched hogs, etc.
Thanks for refreshing our consciousness to all these great ways we can help to heal Gaia. If only people would take heed, but when I see the amount of litter, let alone wise buying choices, it is pretty apparent that most people don't care.
ReplyDeleteCada vez reciclo más y me encanta. Besos.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to say we do try to do many of those things. My husband worked for the USEPA so we're quite conscious of protecting the environment.
ReplyDeleteI´m sorry to say I forgot all about it :(
ReplyDeleteOne thing I really need to work on is using the paper towels in the kitchen, we have changed a lot of things we do and use.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Jan! Thank you! Big Hugs!