Saturday, 3 April 2021

Future hero?

 This is a great little video clip, how cute is this kid, future hero I reckon.



  1. I'm really curious about the action of the boy who you think is the boy in the future, it's just that unfortunately the video doesn't appear on the page.
    But I believe, this boy is very talented.

    Have a nice weekend.

  2.'s good to start young.

  3. Himawan Sant said...
    I'm really curious about the action of the boy who you think is the boy in the future, it's just that unfortunately the video doesn't appear on the page.
    But I believe, this boy is very talented

    Many thanks for your comment.
    Depending on where our readers live it is not always possible to view the video.
    This link below may help

    Enjoy your weekend

  4. In the video, a toddler puts out a small fire, then moves a ladder off a mannequin and administers CPR (with a lot of coaching).

  5. Nope, sorry but children should not be playing with fire - even if the parents are there to video it x

  6. Cute video, I think he wants to be a fireman or EMT when he grows up.
    Happy Easter, enjoy your weekend!

  7. It's always good to encourage young children. It helps their esteem. Nice to recognize him.

  8. Now here is a future fireman if ever I've seen one!!
    A great video, many thanks for sharing.๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
    Hope you are having a fabulous Easter...

    Hugs xxx

  9. Children can do more than we sometimes think! Valerie

  10. Awesome video ~ cute kid ~ His Dad must a fireman ~ Xo

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Very sweet!
    I wish children where I live should practice extinguishing fires and not only start them. (We've got a holiday based on bonfires - it's called Lag Ba Omer, and both firemen and policemen are on the alert.).

  12. this may be the cutest thing i have seen in a while!! i thought i heard a firetruck in the background, i was hoping it was coming to the house to surprise him!!

  13. My son was a firefighter in NM. He'd love this for his sons.

  14. I'm guessing dad is a fireman. Well done to those parents. Beats an XBox any day.

  15. Great wee video. He will be a life saver. Loved the dog in the background too :-)


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