Friday, 21 May 2021

Foods In May !

Take the three letters of M A Y
Share a recipe for each letter!

M is for Mackerel
so tasty in this 
Roast vegetable frittata with mackerel
see recipe details and more here

A is for Asparagus
have you tried
Asparagus Wrapped With Prosciutto
see recipe details and more here

Y is for Yoghurt
Greek yoghurt and lemons, delicious in this
Lemon Yoghurt Cheesecake
see recipe details and more here

Well that's my choices for M A Y
What foods would you have chosen for these three letters?
Do please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Dear reader, you will find a variety of recipe ideas and articles within this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1.'s asparagus time!

  2. Buenas recetas me dio ganas del chesscake de limón y de los espárragos. Te mando un beso

  3. Not a fan of the taste of mackerel, but love asparagus and the Lemon Yogurt cheesecake would be a winner.
    Have a lovely weekend Jan

  4. Interesting.
    I will give it some thought.

  5. Fabulous recipes I seem to look at this post when it's time to eat. Have a lovely weekend, they seem to come across so quickly. xxx

  6. Don't think I can do the first one but the other 2 yes very nice recipes.

  7. Jan - hmmm. M= Mango A = Asparagus Y= yam

    The yoghurt cheesecake looks delicious!

  8. MEAT from chicken breast, roasted with carrots and onions.
    APPLE, sliced red delicious.
    YOGURT topped with fresh blueberries.

  9. I would be happy with eating a portion of each! Lovely recipes! Valerie

  10. My three foods would be Mushrooms, Apple Crumble and Yorkshire Pudding. Well, I would have to say that, I'm a Yorkshire lass through and through.

  11. Wonderful choices, the frittata sounds delicious!
    I love asparagus too! Have a happy day and a great weekend!

  12. looks very tasty--in fact i am having macarel for dinner today yummy

  13. I don't think I've ever had mackerel, but the frittata looks tasty.

  14. Oh, and I'd love a slice of the Greek yogurt and lemon cake

  15. I always enjoy coming here to see your yummy dishes. Thanks Jan :) All the best and wishing you a great weekend.

  16. I love asparagus. My favorites for May are Mint, Avocado, and Yams. That was fun, Jan.

  17. They all look delicious, my favorite is the asparagus - yum!

  18. I do like yogurt but not really keen on the other two. I just read that butter is bad for your brain health, now that just bummed me out.

  19. The asparagus we planted out back have started producing and we've been picking some daily. Some of it doesn't even make it inside before we eat it!!

  20. Nice combination! Yogurt is a constant on my menu.

  21. I've never tried mackerel, but the frittata to go along with it sounds delicious, as do the asparagus and yogurt cheesecake. I'll have to think about foods for M-A-Y.

  22. Conniecrafter said...
    I do like yogurt but not really keen on the other two. I just read that butter is bad for your brain health, now that just bummed me out.

    Hello Connie
    Many thanks for sharing your thoughts and comments here.
    We love butter in our house, and will continue to include it in our menu plans :)
    You may like to read this article on Brain Health by Dr Northrup

    As I type this it's Friday evening, so I take the opportunity of wishing you a good weekend ahead.

    All the best Jan

  23. In Germany this is the season of white asparagus - it was always very special and I miss that crazyness here. We only get green asparagus here which we like to eat roasted with garlic and parmesan. We usually have it on the side with salmon.

  24. Boa noite, Eddie!
    Comida tão apetitosa!
    Um doce beijinho!
    Megy Maia🌻🌼🌻

  25. Yummy! Mine would be Mango, Apples and Yucca.

  26. Really delicious options!

  27. I'll have all the ones you picked! LOL! Big Hugs!

  28. i liked your choice for for a m y dear Jan :)

    we too like to add seasonal veggies in our diet thankfully

  29. Nice choices. I love the idea of mackerel in a frittata. Mackerel is very tasty.

  30. Yum -- that asparagus wrapped proscuitto (well, the other way around!) looks wonderful!

  31. Oh gosh! That asparagus with prosciutto makes my mouth water and I could eat that without worrying about carbs. Awesome!

  32. the asparagus wrapped with prosciutto, looks so good. i have made that and eaten that in the past and it is delicious. thanks for reminding me about it, i am going to make it this week!!


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The best of health to you and yours.
