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Thursday 10 June 2021

When It's Hot Stay Hydrated

Wherever you live some days can just be too hot, and on these sort of days it is important to stay hydrated. Parts of the UK and Europe have been quite warm, and with more hot weather promised, it is important to keep hydrated. Sometimes the easiest way is to use water from your kitchen tap, but bottled water can also be a great help. Of course on a hot day, why not boost your hydration with these juicy foods, all of which are around 80-90% water by weight.

At 95% water content, this crunchy summer vegetable has the highest water content of any solid food! It’s great in salads, or sliced up with some dip, why not just eat it by itself ... it's something our grandchildren love to do. Cucumber also contains a little fibre and vitamin C!

Green Peppers
These hydrating vegetables contain 93.9% water, just slightly more than the red and yellow versions. They are also rich in antioxidants, and make a great snack with dip, sliced up in salads or can be eaten alone - it's up to you.

Tomatoes make a delicious, hydrating snack, especially cherry tomatoes! Eat a handful as a snack or add them to your meal! They’ll provide a tasty pop of hydration plus lycopene and other vitamins and minerals.

Not only is watermelon a great source of water at 92%, it’s also a good source of vitamin C and other antioxidants. Serve icy cold for a satisfying Summertime snack!

91% water, strawberries are a great contributor to your water intake for the day! Delivering the most vitamin C of all berries, folate, fibre and antioxidants, they’re a great little snack to enjoy! Eat them as is, or with some yogurt, or double cream ... even in a salad, a great summer fruit.

This gorgeous fruit tastes incredible with fresh lime juice! Plus it delivers a source of fibre and hydration with 88% water! It’s also rich in vitamin C and contains the digestive enzyme known as papain along with fibre which helps improve your digestive health.

A juicy, tangy citrus with a powerful hydrating punch! Not only does it contain 90.5% water, some say it can help shrink your waistline, help lower your cholesterol, help stabilise your blood sugar and potentially help reduce your cravings! Eat it straight, or pop some wedges into a salad.

Butternut Squash
The humble, sweet and nutty squash is actually 88% water. Yet it provides over 400% of your daily requirements for vitamin A, as well as being a source of vitamin C, potassium and manganese! Roast some and serve in a salad, stuff small ones with lean grass-fed mince and vegetables, or turn it into a tasty dip with some bell peppers, cucumber and carrots to serve!

One six ounce serving (about ¼ of a melon) provides 100% of your recommended intake for vitamins A and C! Comprised of 90.2% water, it’s a nourishing snack that can contribute significantly to your water intake! Why not serve sliced in salads, or as part of a mixed melon salad with fresh mint!

It’s not the first thing you may think of when talking about hydration, but these pretty vegetables are 95.3% water! Not only are they hydrating, but they are full of antioxidants including catechin (found in green tea!), adding a nutritious burst of spiciness and colour to your plate!

Some words taken from an article by Laurentine Ten Bosch

Please note
Not all foods mentioned above may be suitable for all, so please bear in mind any food allergies, health conditions and with grapefruit, for example, care should be taken if on certain drugs.

On a personal note I am including cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, radishes and strawberries in my menu plan, melon is nice too ... how about you?

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...I drink and drink!

William Kendall said...

I always carry a reusable bottle with me, from late spring into early fall.

Christine said...

Lovely ways to stay hydrated!

Martha said...

A gallon of water a day for me plus ridiculous amounts of watermelon during the summer! :)

J.P. Alexander said...

Buen consejo siempre hay que beber agua uy comer fruta rica como la sandia. Te mando un beso

peppylady (Dora) said...

I didn't know about the green peppers
Coffee is on and stay safe

Lorrie said...

I don't think of food as a means of hydration, but I do make sure to drink lots of water. In summer I like to put lemon slices or mint in it for a subtle flavour. And I do love watermelon!

aussie aNNie said...

Very informative as always appreciated...oh if only it was hot in Aussie at the moment....x

Iris Flavia said...

I can´t wait for the temps going up to follow this! We´re slowly getting at it!

Elephant's Child said...

Water for me. And lots of it.

Margaret D said...

Good to read and I just love radish's.

Jo said...

Watermelon is my favourite on a hot day, it's so refreshing.

Valerie-Jael said...

Thanks for the tips, being hydrated is so important! Valerie

eileeninmd said...


Great info, so many choices.
I usually drink a lot of water.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Miss Val's Creations said...

Some of these produce items are much higher in water content than I thought! Hydration is so important.

Jenn Jilks said...

It is so true. We've had a heat wave, but it's cooling today.

Ananka said...

These are all tasty. The best thing on a hot day is a lovely drink of cold water. I love drinking water!

Thanks Jan for your kind words. I have been so tired and wasn't so great after my first jab :-( Back to normal now.

Divers and Sundry said...

I keep water at hand year 'round, but I hadn't realized these foods were such a good source. Thx!

DVArtist said...

H20 is the one thing most people don't get enough of. Great post.

Sue said...

I love watermelon, and my trusty water bottle is always with me. Take care, Sue xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I just bought strawberries, cantaloupe, and a seedless watermelon at the store yesterday. Looks like I'm on my way to being well hydrated, too. Thanks for showing these hydration content amounts.

Snowbird said...

I didn't expect some of these to have such a high water content. How

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Jan. Great post. It is so important to stay hydrated but I am very bad at drinking water like I should. I am glad to hear about strawberries and watermelon as I practically live on them all summer long..Happy June..xxoJudy

HappyK said...

I drink lots of water but these foods are great.

Aritha V. said...

Thank you so much. yes, it is warm in Europe now. I am drinking ore water.

Hilly Nicolay said...

I like strawberries and an apple.

Have a nice sunny time.


Carla from The River said...

Thank you for the tips.. we have a 100 degree heat index today.

Luiz Gomes said...

Boa noite. Obrigado pela dica. Geralmente bebemos mais água no verão. No inverno infelizmente esquecemos de nos hidratar.

Bill said...

Water is very important and I love it. Great post!

Best Keto Snacks said...

Also swimming in a pool or beach, people dont realize they are being dehydrated. The food you listed helps bigtime!

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Excelentes dicas.
Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It's important to point out that many foods are excellent rehydraters. We have been carrying water with us recently, far more than we ever did in the past, but we also snack on food such as strips of bell peppers and chunks of water melon, so we are probably rarely, if ever, dehydrated.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I drink a lot of water on a daily basis and have totally given up soda over a year ago...Thanks so much for stopping by!

Bob Bushell said...

All that my appetite, beautiful.

Magic Love Crow said...

I never knew that about radishes! Great post! Thank you! Big Hugs!