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Friday 4 June 2021

Fish contains important nutrients : A couple of recipe suggestions

Fish is among the healthiest foods on the planet. It is loaded with important nutrients, such as protein and vitamin D. Fish is also the world’s best source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are incredibly important for your body and brain. Fish is delicious and easy to prepare, for this reason, it should be relatively easy to incorporate it into the diet. Eating fish 1-2 times per week is considered sufficient to reap the benefits. If possible, choose wild-caught fish over farmed. Wild fish tends to have more omega-3's and is less likely to be contaminated with harmful pollutants. That being said, even if eating farmed fish, the benefits still far outweigh the risks. All types of fish are good for you.

Searching for some fish recipe ideas?
Here are a couple you may like to try

Fish Casserole with Mushrooms and French Mustard
more details here

Individual Fish Pies - Low Carb, Dairy Free and Tasty
more details here

If you are not a fish lover how about these recipe suggestions!
Rustic Ratatouille, so tasty and so colourful, more details here
Hearty Root Vegetable Soup, immune boosting, more details here
Triple Berry Summer Salad, simply amazing, more details here

Dear reader, there is a variety of recipe ideas and articles within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


DVArtist said...

Oh these sound like great recipes.

Martha said...

We eat seafood often, usually fish once and shellfish another night or two. Thanks for the recipe links, I'll check them out. :)

Magic Love Crow said...

Excellent post! Thank you Jan! Big Hugs!

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you.
Sadly we often don't know here whether the fish is caught wild or farmed.

J.P. Alexander said...

Me gusta el pescado en especial la corvina. Te mando un beso

J.P. Alexander said...

Med oilvide gracias por la recetas se ven praticas

Tom said...

..we should eat more fish!

William Kendall said...

Admittedly I avoid seafood.

Christine said...

I will take a fish pie!

Jo said...

I enjoy fish and seafood but the rest of my family don't so I don't have it often. It's more of a treat though when I do.

Margaret D said...

Very nice and just love most fish.

Phil Slade said...

Just by coincidence we had Pilling Plaice and Pilling Sea Bass this week. Sooo delicious and so fresh that rigor had just set in.

Valerie-Jael said...

Great ideas. I've got fish and spinach today! Valerie

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Deliciosa sugestão.
Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

NatureFootstep said...

hm, there might be good nutrients in fish but IMO we shouldstop eating them and using them for fish flour to feed other fish and ducks. Our waters are destroyed due to overfishing. The Baltic Sea and the oceans are dying!

chica said...

Ótima sugestão e esclarecimentos importantes aqui.,Jan! beijos, lindo fim de semana! chica

eileeninmd said...

Great post and suggestions.
The casserole looks delicious!
Take care, have a happy weekend!

Susan Zarzycki said...

Hmmm...interesting. I also liked your recent post on vitamin k. I love spinach and kale.💖

Jeanie said...

I love fish and rarely cook it. These look delicious!

Hootin Anni said...

I like catfish, trout, and most of all salmon!!

Teresa said...

Me gusta el pescado. Besos.

Divers and Sundry said...

I tend to bake fish. I've never tried putting it in a casserole.

DMS said...

I love fish. I don't recall ever having it in casserole form- but that is something new to try. :)

Debbie said...

i love fish but do not eat it enough!! i like the sound of the fish pies!!

Lorrie said...

I love fish. Casseroles with fish are not very prevalent here, but the one with mushrooms looks delicious!

Bill said...

I eat fish a few days a week, I love it.

HappyK said...

I love fish, just don't like cooking it!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Thank you, Jan. I am feeling very virtuous now! I had fish twice in the last week and shrimp another night, in fact. Might even have smoked salmon and cream cheese on a bagel for lunch tomorrow.

Martha said...

The older I get, the more I enjoy fish dishes! Lovely recipes. said...

Fish is one of my favourites.