Friday, 2 July 2021

Are You Getting Enough Magnesium?

James Colquhoun writes:7 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Magnesium

Have you got cravings for chocolate so intense that you can’t think about anything else? What about those muscle cramps that keep you up at night? Or your trips to the bathroom are a bit of a struggle? Chances are you’re deficient in magnesium!
Magnesium is essential for over 300 different enzymatic processes to help your body function properly. It’s a common mineral to be deficient in, yet most people have no idea they’re lacking this vital nutrient!

Here are seven key signs that you may be deficient without even realizing:

1. Chocolate Cravings
Your body knows best. When you truly listen closely to your body, it will tell you what it needs. Dark chocolate is actually a good source of magnesium, containing 24% of your daily needs in just one square. If your body is desperately calling out for a chocolate fix, it may be just what you need!

2. Muscle Cramps
Involuntary muscle spasms can be incredibly painful! Magnesium helps to relax your muscles, so when you’re running low on this mineral, you’re likely to find your muscles contracting involuntarily, causing you painful spasms!

3. Anxiety
Feeling anxious? A deficiency in magnesium can have your central nervous system sending you early warning signs by increased anxiety. Supplementation with 200mg of magnesium may help keep your adrenal hormones under control when anxiety kicks in.

4. High Blood Pressure
Have you been eating well and exercising regularly yet still getting high blood pressure? It could be a lack of magnesium and electrolytes. Magnesium helps to dilate and relax your blood vessels, so when you’re low on this critical mineral, your blood vessels tend to constrict more, resulting in higher blood pressure. When your electrolyte levels are also unbalanced due to a lack of magnesium, this can create high blood pressure too!

5. Constipation
If your digestive system isn’t quite working as well as usual it may be because of magnesium. Your intestines tend to contract more when you’re low in magnesium, making it harder for waste to pass through. Ensuring you have enough magnesium is important for your bowels for two key reasons. One, it helps to relax your bowels, and two, it pulls water into your bowels creating an osmotic effect that makes passing waste easier.

6. Sleep Troubles
Did you know magnesium levels drop in your body at night? That means if you’re low in magnesium you may have trouble sleeping! So many of us have difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep. A deficiency in magnesium may be a contributing factor as it plays such a key role in the function of your central nervous system.

7. Irregular Heartbeat
If you have a magnesium deficiency, the muscles in your body can’t function optimally. Your heart is also a muscle! Without adequate magnesium it may struggle to contract properly with low levels of magnesium, leading to irregular heartbeats.

If you’ve got one or more of the symptoms listed then you may like to try increasing your magnesium intake.

What Zaps My Magnesium Levels?
These factors are key influencers on your magnesium levels:
Food and drink high in salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol should be limited.
Stress also plays a role, so try implementing relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga as much as possible.

Check with your doctor to see if your medication is causing magnesium loss - many high blood pressure medications may be contributing to your problems rather than helping!

How Can I Get More Magnesium?
Foods that are high in magnesium include:
Leafy greens
Beans and lentils
Nuts and seeds
Quinoa and other unrefined grains
Dark chocolate (min 70% cocoa)
Try consuming more of these foods to help reduce symptoms of magnesium deficiency. You may be surprised to find out that it’s all you needed to feel better!

You can find these words, picture, and more - including all related research links in an article here

We bring a variety of articles, studies, recipes etc. to this blog, we hope something for everyone to read and enjoy. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. ...I think that I'm OK!

  2. Gracias por la entrada tan completa siempre hay que estar pendiente del magnesio. Te mando un beso

  3. Me encantó el post, gracias por compartirlo. Besos

  4. Jan - so glad this is NOT on my list of physical issues! Thanks for the info!

  5. My diet suggests I do get enough. I could do without the muscle spasms though.

  6. BRILLIANT post, I find magnesium great for all types of body functiions..xx

  7. Interesting post and informative.

  8. What a great excuse to enjoy a piece of dark chocolate! :))

  9. An interesting post. I think I'd better add a bar of dark chocolate to my shopping list!

  10. Thanks for the good advice! Valerie

  11. Thanks for the great info.
    Yum, more dark chocolate!

    Have a happy weekend!

  12. Thank you for those good advices. Especially about that chocolate. I love dark chocolate😅 All the best and enjoy your weekend🥰

  13. Very informative, thanks Jan!

  14. I have lots of those symptoms but eat all the right foods and take supplements I think as you get older your body is unable to absorb it as well as it used to. I really think I need to eat more chocolate haha have a great weekend.

  15. Generalmente el chocolate que me gusta es el que lleva leche, el chocolate negro lo encuentro más amargo y a veces lo consumo por los beneficios y propiedades que tiene...será cuestión de consumirlo algo más. ahora con el calor, hay que guardarlo en el frigorífico. La semana que viene, las temperaturas llegarán a estar aquí, con una máxima de 42º.

    BesosGeneralmente el chocolate que me gusta es el que lleva leche, el chocolate negro lo encuentro más amargo y a veces lo consumo por los beneficios y propiedades que tiene...será cuestión de consumirlo algo más. ahora con el calor, hay que guardarlo en el frigorífico. La semana que viene, las temperaturas llegarán a estar aquí, con una máxima de 42º.


  16. Thank you for this informative post. It’s so helpful. Have a happy and safe weekend.

  17. Great info. Being that I suffer from Fibromyalgia, we (suffers) have issues with or magnesium. I try and stay on top of that. Thanks again.

  18. I think I am, according to this!

  19. Thanks for the tips and advice. We are always learning.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs and all the best

  20. Great post with excellent info.

  21. I guess I'll have to cultivate a taste for dark chocolate.

  22. Magnesium is so important thanks.

  23. I am pretty sure I get enough magnesium, but just in case, I'll eat another piece of dark chocolate! Thanks for being so informing.

  24. I never crave chocolate haha! Good to know about the magnesium :-D

  25. Great article. I take a magnesium supplement every day, in the evening. Vitamin D in the morning. No other medications. I love dark chocolate, too.

  26. Thanks for the good advice about magnesium. Our bodies are amazing machines and certainly let us know when we need something. Have a nice weekend and enjoy some chocolate!


    J.P. Alexander said...
    Gracias por la entrada tan completa siempre hay que estar pendiente del magnesio. Te mando un beso

    Google translate
    Thank you for the complete entry you always have to be aware of magnesium. I send you a kiss

    » Joha said...
    Me encantó el post, gracias por compartirlo. Besos

    Google translate
    I loved the post, thanks for sharing it. Kisses

    VENTANA DE FOTO said...
    Generalmente el chocolate que me gusta es el que lleva leche, el chocolate negro lo encuentro más amargo y a veces lo consumo por los beneficios y propiedades que tiene...será cuestión de consumirlo algo más. ahora con el calor, hay que guardarlo en el frigorífico. La semana que viene, las temperaturas llegarán a estar aquí, con una máxima de 42º.


    Google translate
    Generally the chocolate I like is the one that carries milk, dark chocolate I find it more bitter and sometimes I consume it for the benefits and properties it has... it will be a matter of consuming it a little more. now with the heat, you have to store it in the refrigerator. Next week, temperatures will be here, with a high of 42º.


  28. Thanks for the information.

  29. GREAT post, Jan. I was just having this convo with my doctor. Off to eat some chocolate!

  30. I didn't know about muscle cramps and magnesium until I went to my doctors a few weeks back. But it was good to read about everything else this mineral does. Thanks for sharing.

  31. Great post, Jan. You always have so many answers to questions that most of us don't pay a lot of attention to. I think I get enough magnisium as I have to eat a certain amount of green, leafy veggies to keep my blood thinner in tact. Hopefully, that is right for me as I don't seem to have any other of the symptoms. It is a fine line but I have been managing it pretty well..Happy Summer Days..xxoJudy

  32. Muy interesante todo lo que nos cuentas. Besos.

  33. Good reason to eat dark chocolate ~ fun and informative post ~ thanks ^_^

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  34. I use to take this with my calcium pill but I quit taking the calcium that I use to take, maybe that is something I should look back into

  35. Very interesting! Thank you Jan! Big Hugs!


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