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Monday 19 July 2021

It's an age old debate !

We have been enjoying some warm, sunny days here in the UK and it is important to keep hydrated. Many turn to water, (which is good) but being a nation of tea drinkers many are happy to enjoy a cuppa. I know my dear mum always used to say that a nice cup of tea cools her down, and as regular readers of this blog know I do enjoy a cup of tea! Yes, I do find it can be cooling, but there are many people who do ask "does tea really cool you down in hot weather?" Well, the article below asks questions and gives some answers to this age old debate! Does it settle the question though ... please read on and see.

"Tea enthusiasts like to boast about the supposed health benefits of their beloved hot drink. It has been claimed tea is full of antioxidants and it can help prevent some health issues. Many have also claimed sipping tea can help to cool people down during a period of hot weather, but scientists have investigated whether this is actually the case.

Does tea cool you down in hot weather?
On a scorching hot day, many may crave an icy cold drink rather than a hot cup of tea. But with some advocating hot drinks as a solution in sweaty weather, some may find themselves putting the kettle on. But is there any science justifying the claim that hot drinks can cool you down in hot weather?

Scientifically speaking, there is not an easy yes or no answer to this question.

In 2012, researchers at the University of Ottawa found that, in some circumstances, drinking a hot drink can help people to cool down.

Speaking to the Smithsonian Mag, Dr Ollie Jay, one of the authors of the study, explained: "If you drink a hot drink, it does result in a lower amount of heat stored inside your body, provided the additional sweat that's produced when you drink the hot drink can evaporate."

Therefore, the reason someone may cool down when they consume a hot drink is that drinking the beverage will make them sweat more.

When this sweat evaporates, it works to cool the person down.

Dr Jay added: "What we found is that when you ingest a hot drink, you actually have a disproportionate increase in the amount that you sweat.

"Yes, the hot drink is hotter than your body temperature, so you are adding heat to the body, but the amount that you increase your sweating by-if that can all evaporate-more than compensates for the added heat to the body from the fluid."

However, the circumstances have to be right for someone to cool down after they drink a hot drink.

In humid heat, it may be that sweat cannot evaporate from the skin's surface as well.

Dr Jay added: "On a very hot and humid day, if you're wearing a lot of clothing, or if you're having so much sweat that it starts to drip on the ground and doesn't evaporate from the skin's surface, then drinking a hot drink is a bad thing.

"The hot drink still does add a little heat to the body, so if the sweat's not going to assist in evaporation, go for a cold drink."

So based on the findings of this study, in some circumstances drinking a hot drink, such as tea, could help someone to cool down during a spell of hot weather.

But depending on the weather and circumstances, it may be better to drink a cold beverage instead.

Krisi Smith, industry-leading tea expert & co-founder of Bird & Blend Tea Co. said: "We get asked this age-old question all the time in our shops & on our website.

"The truth is, whether you find a hot drink cools you down or you prefer to reach for something cold, tea is a really versatile drink.

"Did you know that you can cold brew tea?

"Move over coffee... just add a few scoops of any kind of loose leaf tea to cold water, milk, lemonade or even alcohol & leave to steep for a few hours. Once brewed, pour over ice & enjoy!"

What other drinks keep you cool in hot weather?

During a heatwave, it's important people drink enough to prevent dehydration and heatstroke.

The NHS website explains someone should drink plenty of water, or diluted squash and avoid excess alcohol during periods of hot weather.

It is also a good idea to keep water to hand when travelling."
Words above from article here

Of course, on a nice sunny day nothing says summer like a scoop of creamy, oh-so-delicious ice cream. Make your scoop satisfying, simple, and sugar free with this low carb/keto version! You could also add a few low carb berries, strawberries are nice!
Vanilla Ice Cream : Sugar Free and Low Carb
More details here

This blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, cartoons, music and recipes! However, not all the recipe suggestions featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Betty J. Crow said...

I’ll take the ice cream in place of a hot drink. 😀 interesting read. Thanks.

Kay said...

I've always preferred iced tea to hot tea and order it whenever we're out. Hmmm... perhaps I'll just brew some today.

Lori Miller said...

Iced tea is huge in the US--some people cold brew it in the sun. I'm from out west where do don't put sugar in it--I don't know how people stand sweet tea!

My name is Erika. said...

My dad always said hot coffee kept him cool on hot days. It must be like tea. Thanks for sharing this.

J.P. Alexander said...

Me gusto la receta de helado por lo general cuando hace calor yo bebo té frió o limonada bien fría. Te mando un beso

Christine said...

It was really muggy here today too. I had an ice cream popsicle bar.

Tom said... water is my drink of choice.

sandy said...

I'm so glad I just drink water these days instead of thinking a soda would cool me down - years of that, ugh...Just read recently you can use Coca Cola to clean silver jewelry, wow...what did it do to my insides. anyway interesting article. I'm not a tea drinker really but would drink one here and there.

Martha said...

I could never have hot drinks with the heat we have here in Florida in the summer, but a nice cold glass of sweet tea hits the spot!

roughterrain crane said...

I like to have hot green tea on hot summer days.

angela said...

Since what ever in drinking goes cold before I remember to drink it
It really doesn’t matter to me lol
During summer I like to make a big pot of tea and let it go stone cold
Add some soda water and lemons and I have a refreshing drink

Elephant's Child said...

I loathe and detest hot humid weather. Water is my hydrating choice, but I do still drink tea.

Valerie-Jael said...

Good advice, but I'll stick to my coffee, hot or iced! Valerie

Jo said...

Interesting. I've been drinking both tea and water during the hot weather.

Margaret D said...

Good article to read Jan.
Tea always quenches my thirst for some reason. I do drink water most of the time.

Ela said...

Thank you for a lot of interesting information!
I start my day with a glass of water and drink about 2.5 liters of water during the day.
Have a happy new week !

mamasmercantile said...

My favourite go to is iced lemon tea, or strawberry tea with a added mint leaf. Very refreshing.

Phil Slade said...

Confused? Thanks for all that info but as you say, the answer is far from clear. Well what about a glass of cold beer about 6pm? Now that definitely works.

Jules said...

Hot weather or not, I'd always welcome a good cup of tea :) X

RO said...

I keep a bottle of ice cold sparkling water with me at all times, but I normally drink tea, or eat ice cream in spurts. As always, another interesting article. Hugs, RO

Creationsbycindy said...

Very interesting read. Enjoyed it so much this morning as I am drinking my coffee. I have learned with myself that I tend to get hot and even break out in a sweat if I drink coffee at night. I started refraining from my nightly coffee drinking some years back unless it's a special occasion. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Sami said...

My Mom used to tell me the same thing - drink a hot drink to cool you down :)

R's Rue said...

Thank you for sharing. What an interesting response. I’m off to have some cold brew tea today. The ice cream wouldn’t be bad either. Have a happy Monday. Stay cool and hydrated.

Caroline said...

Hi Jan, most of the time I drink tea in the winter. I drink coffee and water.

Aishu said...

Wow that's really interesting! I actually never knew that a hot drink could cool you down. Thanks for sharing! :D

Laura. M said...

Me gusta el té.Lo bebo amenudo, más en verano.
Buen lunes. Cuidaros.
Un abrazo.

Bill said...

I enjoy a hot cuppa in the morning and drink cold tea the rest of the day.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

My mother-in-law used to say this about hot coffee. Very interesting! I hope you are enjoying a lovely summer with a hot or cold beverage.

Ananka said...

It has been so hot in Scotland. I drink plenty water and lots of tea and coffee on warm days and cold days too! I'll see if tea cools me tomorrow!

Sue said...

Nope I'll never be a tea drinker, but I still like coffee on a hot day xx

HappyK said...

I like hot tea and drink it every so often. Water is the drink I like best when I'm thirsty!!

Miss Val's Creations said...

I have never heard of tea cooling us down. Interesting thought. I stick with cold water to cool down.

Anni said...

I'll take a scoop of frozen yogurt on a hot, humid day. Or water!!!

Hope your g-son gets to go fishing with g-dad soon!!

DeniseinVA said...

I have heard this before and remember a story my mother told me about her aunt who spent time in India during the Raj. She told my mother that eating a hot curry cools you down in this hot climate because it opens the pores and this in effect cools you down. Don't quote me, I am not sure if this is even a logical explanation or one of those old wives tales, but if it's true, perhaps a hot cup of tea has the same effect. Hope no one is rolling their eyes at me, ha!

Jeanie said...

We drink a lot of iced tea here in the states n the summer -- do they do that a lot in the UK? I tend to like cold drinks better than hot, so it works for me!

Lowcarb team member said...

Jeanie said...
We drink a lot of iced tea here in the states n the summer -- do they do that a lot in the UK? I tend to like cold drinks better than hot, so it works for me!

Hello Jeanie
Many thanks for your comment and question.
I prefer a warm or hot cup of tea but I know there are those in the UK happy to drink it iced. I guess it all comes down to personal preference.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

All the best Jan

Crafty Green Poet said...

I drink a lot of plain tap water when it's this hot. I still drink lots of (green) tea though, whatever the temperature. When I lived in Malawi, the school where I taught had morning tea every day, even in the hot season.

NatureFootstep said...

your ice-cream cuos are really beautiful, and probably as tasty :)

Divers and Sundry said...

Fascinating! I hadn't realized this.

This N That said...

I vote for ice cream!!

carol l mckenna said...

Either way ~ tea is another way to drink water ~ hot or cold ~ always good ~ Xo

Living moment by moment,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Bob Bushell said...

And me, I drink by the gallon, tea, luv it.

Debbie said...

i love hot tea but on hot days i enjoy sweet ice tea!! i enjoy peach flavored tea as well!! said...

I don't like regular tea and usually drink hot water. I had hot water this afternoon when I was hot with the weather but I didn't get any hotter. I do sometimes get hotter first thing in a morning after drinking hot water.

Lorrie said...

I always have hot tea in the morning, but cold drinks the rest of the day when it's hot out.

Snowbird said...

I couldn't do without my endless cuppas during each

Magic Love Crow said...

Very good post! I love my tea at any time and any temperature! LOL! Big Hugs!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am not really a big fan of tea and the way I drink it (if I have to) causes consternation to British friends when I visit. I take it straight from the pot, before it has time to steep, the moment it is made. And that's how I drink it, with nothing added. Coffee would always be my choice....unless a glass of wine was on offer that is!

Conniecrafter said...

I never drink anything hot in the summer, just not a big hot drinker, a nice glass of Ice tea is my choice :)

Teresa said...

Mi madre también decía lo mismo del café. Besos.

baili said...

what a nice posting dear Jan

i so enjoyed it ,we live in hooter part of land yet whether it's winter with 1c or summer with 50 c we like to have tea twice a day at least ,morning tea is essential for most here as well as evening tea ,an i agree that tea makes you feel light after sweat is evaporated
thank you !

Martha said...

I drink a lot of tea. But given a choice, it would be hard to resist ice cream!