Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Foods To Eat For Glowing Skin

Laurentine ten Bosch writes:
How do you nourish your glowing skin?
First principle for a healthy glow has always been to work from the inside out. Remember the old saying, you are what you eat? That rings especially true for the skin, which needs just as much nourishment as anything else in the body. So using nutrition as a guiding principle, with a healthy skincare routine coming second, these are the nine top foods to eat for glowing skin.

1. Avocado
The first key to a healthy glow is nourishing fats, and it’s something you’ll hear time and time again. Good quality short-chain fatty acids, especially omega 3s, are essential for a strong skin barrier and a radiant glow. Thankfully, one of the most delicious foods is also the most nourishing, and that’s avocados - so if you didn’t already have an excuse for more guacamole, here it is!

2. Cashews
Zinc is another hardworking mineral essential for a vibrant, blemish-free complexion. It is involved in enzymatic reactions throughout the body, including healing wounds and clearing up tissue injury. Due to these properties, zinc is praised for healing acne, fungal infections, small irritations, and sores. It’s also a favourite for protecting our vulnerable skin from sun and pollution damage and reduces free radical production. Cashews are a nut high in zinc, a 1-ounce (28-gram) serving contains 15% of the daily value.

3. Cucumber
You might have seen the trend of cold cucumber being rubbed on the face for a fresh, nourished complexion. It’s amazing, and it works, but you can get the same results from eating it too. Ensuring we are adequately hydrated is paramount for healthy skin, and cucumber is one of the most hydrating foods available.

4. Flaxseed Oil
Good quality cold-pressed flaxseed oil is one of the richest sources of plant-based omega-3s. In Western society, the balance of omega-3s to omega-6s is often too far in favour of the latter. But by increasing our intake of healthy omega-3s, our skin barrier stands a better chance against the outer world.

5. Oranges
Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients for a luminescent face. This is because this vitamin is a potent antioxidant, which helps to fight free radicals and prevent the signs of aging. It also supports the immune system to fight off unwanted pathogens, replaces damaged tissue to tackle blemishes, is essential for the production of collagen, and helps protect the skin from UV rays. Want to know one of the easiest ways to up your intake of essential C? Oranges - the kitchen staple that you always have on hand.

6. Sauerkraut
The health of our skin also relies on a thriving gut microbiome (the billions of good bacteria that live inside each of us). The best way to nourish a microbiome? With healthy, fermented foods. Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage, and it’s known for its health-promoting functions as well as delicious taste. Try it on almost anything savoury!

7. Superfood Greens
Another important element to consider for health is alkalizing the body. This involves eating a diet rich in foods that counter the acidic diets we typically eat. Dosing up on superfood greens is the most simple way that we can do this (plus they’re also rich in our favourite vitamin C). Vegetables generally regarded as "super greens" includes kale, spinach, cabbage, collard greens, beet greens, watercress, romaine lettuce, arugula, turnip greens, and bok choy. 

8. Sustainable Fish
Remember the amazing health benefits of omega-3s? You can find them in their most concentrated form in sustainably caught fish. When looking for fish, think of the SMASH analogy; salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, and herring - these are going to give you the nourishment that your skin craves.

9. Water
It’s so incredibly important that we drink enough water to keep us hydrated throughout the day, especially clean and chemical-free, fresh from a spring where possible. One of the first places dehydration starts to show up is in the skin. Water is a daily essential for plump, vibrant skin, and you should try to get as much of it as you can. For those who find water more challenging to drink, try it with a squeeze of lemon of a few sprigs of fresh mint - it makes it so thirst-quenching all year round.
Above words from article here

Related Post
Nutrients For Glowing Skin - read it here

A variety of articles and recipe suggestions are found within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. ...I enjoy about half of them.

  2. I like cucumber and oranges. Can't recall when I last had sauerkraut.


  4. Google translate
    Luiz Gomes said ...


  5. We have sauerkraut every once in a while. I used to love what my mom made...I liked to drink the juice from it. LOL That was a LONG, Long Time ago. Part of the time I drink lots of water and other times not so much.

  6. Saturated fat and L. reuteri yogurt--a creation of Dr. William Davis (the Wheat Belly guy).

  7. Gracias por los consejos muchos de ellos son alimentos muy ricos. Te mando un beso

  8. All these foods I like.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  9. I'm looking forward to autumn and more meals with sauerkraut! Valerie

  10. I eat many of these - and drink a lot of water.

  11. Good tips especially for this time of the year...

  12. I would never have guessed sauerkraut. I like it. Great tips. Thanx.

    God bless.

  13. Great advice. I should certainly increase my water intake.

  14. Hello,
    I like most of the items in this post. Thanks for the info.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  15. Thank you for the interesting post and important information!

  16. I'm sure coffee and chocolate play their part too (or maybe not lol). I always find my skin is better when I'm active, so it's loving my daily swim, even if it's killing the rest of me! Take care, Sue x

  17. I drink a lot of good for you! Thanks for sharing this!

  18. Apart from the sauerkraut, I'm in!

  19. What an interesting and fun selection of foods.
    I really like most of them. :)
    It's lovely that you keep sharing the useful information.
    Thank you and stay well!

  20. Glad there's more to choose from than avocado

  21. Lots of good things to pick from. I like most of them.

  22. good list
    Sleep, and regular fruit intake are the two things I notice help my skin look better.

  23. I'll certainly be eating more of these foods!xxx

  24. I eat plenty of avocado and cucumbers in my salads.

  25. Thank you for always sharing such great information. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  26. Apart from the fish, I enjoy the rest. You know, I have said for years to folk that they aren't drinking enough water! I think a lot of people don't!!

  27. Oh yeah all good for the skin.

  28. I love and eat everything on the list except sauerkraut. I just don't eat anything with vinegar if I can keep from it. However, I know I don't get enough water daily. Nice article, Jan.

  29. so nice we can get so much good out of the food we eat

  30. Very nice and helpful information thank you for sharing this article you can know more by reading our blogs Food for glowing skin in a month


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