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Monday 27 September 2021

Only four more days !

It seems no matter who you talk to, what their age is, we all agree that this year is flying by. I know in our family we are already talking Christmas ... well it is only 88 days away!
But before we get there, we have the Autumn months to enjoy (Spring if you are in the Southern Hemisphere) and still four more days of this present month, September.

So, I set myself a fun task! I thought four more days, lets see if I can come up with four low carb meals/treats beginning with the letters F O U R

So to start it's F - how about a 
Frittata with Butternut Squash and Spinach
see more details here

Now we move on to O - how about an
Orange Mousse
see more details here

The next letter is U - I know an upside down cake
Upside Down Rhubarb and Strawberry Cake
see more details here

So the last letter is R - how about
Ratatouille - so rustic, so colourful and so tasty
see more details here

What do you think of these choices?
Why not share your favourite choice of F O U R foods in the comments ...

Dear reader, this blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, cartoons, music and recipes!

However, not all the food and recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Christine said...

Delicious recipes you came up with for this challenge Jan!

My name is Erika. said...

Very clever idea and very yummy looking foods too!

Lorrie said...

Very clever idea. Hmmm. F - Flank Steak, O - Omeletti with Cheese, U - (difficult!) Unbaked stove-top cookies, R - Raspberries with Whipped Cream

J.P. Alexander said...

Gracias por las recetas , me dio ganas de la fritata. Te mando un beso

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Everything looks so tasty! I'd never thought to put butternut squash in a fritata. Good choices for Autumn. I can hardly believe October first is Friday!

Tom said...

...tiime always goes quickly when you are having fun.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I just realized I haven't eaten today and I am now starving. You did a great job of finding four things that are making me want to eat my computer screen!

Kay said...

Oh gosh! They all look wonderful! And yes, the days, weeks, months and years are flying by much, much too quickly these days without much to mark them.

HappyK said...

You picked some good ones.
Upside down pineapple cake

Margaret D said...

They look nice.
Gosh didn't realize Christmas was so close.

Elderberry-Rob said...

The orange dessert appeals.

Valerie-Jael said...

These all look so good, thanks for sharing, Valerie

Crafty Green Poet said...

Those all look delicious, especially the frittata

NatureFootstep said...

I´ll take that Orange Mousse anytime :)

Elephant's Child said...

I am NOT ready to think about Christmas.
Loved your recipe suggestions though.

Bob Bushell said...

Nice enough to eat. I love your recipes.

eileeninmd said...

Great choices, they all look delicious.
Have a happy new week!

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Hummm tudo com um aspecto delicioso.
Um abraço e boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

Victor S E Moubarak said...

You have a way of making people hungry. I like the fritatta. In fact, I like all four recipes. Thanx.

God bless.

CJ Kennedy said...

Excellent choices. With the zucchini, eggplant, and tomatoes from the garden, I've made a ratatouille. Delicious and fun to say!

Catarina said...

Love those choices!!!!

Phil Slade said...

Kalimera. Today I am mostly eating Greek. Sorry for my brevity, a taverna calls.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Fun recipes, ratatouille is a favorite

carol l mckenna said...

Love ratatouille and frittatas are always yummy too ~ Xo

Living in the moment,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Rain said...

The quiche and the mousse looks really good Jan. Just wanted to thank you for your sweet comment on my blog last week. ♥♥

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hard to believe September is almost over! I recently made ratatouille with all our fresh garden tomatoes and good! The frittata looks delicious...must make one soon.

Sue said...

What fab recipes, and it's never too soon to countdown to Christmas! Have a very happy week, Sue xx

Ananka said...

Good choices and well done. I doubt I could do that! They all look great too :-D

Yes Christmas fast approaches. Some shops up here had their Christmas stuff in before the Hallowe'en stuff!!!!

William Kendall said...

I do like frittatas. Christmas, on the other hand... Well, bah humbug. The sooner it's over the better.

Debbie said...

Frittata with Butternut Squash and Spinach, now that sounds awesome!!!

Jeanie said...

Every single one of those sounds good -- but especially the fritatta. I adore Christmas but when I walked into the home building center and it had dozens of Christmas trees and lights, I just was not (and am not) ready! I think the only places that should have holiday displays before (at least) Halloween are craft stores where you have to get started early if you want to get done!

DVArtsit said...

Very nice selection. All good and appetizing.

Snowbird said...

what a lovely

Teresa said...

Todas se ven estupendas. Besos.

Magic Love Crow said...

These choices are amazing! Thank you! I agree, this year has went by so fast! Big Hugs!