Wednesday 17 November 2021

Best Sources of Vitamin B12 for a Plant Based Diet

We certainly eat a wide variety of food in our house, just recently chicken, pork and fish have been in our meal plans. Sometimes we will take a vegetarian option. I know many readers choose to eat vegetarian, and some vegan, and what we eat is of course a personal choice, but one thing we must all take into account is the nutrients we get from the foods we eat. 
Just recently I was reading an article by James Colquhoun, he was writing about Vitamin B12 and a plant based diet, I thought it one to share ...

"Best Sources of Vitamin B12 for a Plant-Based Diet
Struggling with energy levels? B12. Can’t make sense of your mood? B12. Dizzy and blurred vision? You guessed it, B12. If you’ve ever explored a plant-based diet or even practised complete veganism, B12 will be a familiar-sounding vitamin to you. That’s because, as amazing as plant-based diets can make us feel, they can also be one of the hardest places to find this essential nutrient.

B12 is one of the B-group vitamins (there are eight essentials) that have widespread functions in the body. Vitamin B12, one of the most commonly occurring deficiencies due to dietary, lifestyle, and age factors, has a significant role in the production of red blood cells and DNA. Without it, our bodies can become nutritionally depleted.

Symptoms of deficiency can take years to show up and can sometimes be mistaken for folate deficiency. Some of the most symptoms include mouth ulcers, disturbed vision, pins and needles, weakness & fatigue, pale and jaundiced skin, significant mood changes, breathlessness, and dizziness.

Why Do Plant-Based Diets Struggle With B12?
Unfortunately, vitamin B12 is most abundantly found in animal products like pasture-raised dairy products, eggs, grass-fed meat organ meats, grass-fed meats, wild-caught salmon, wild-caught trout, clams, and sardines. It means that for vegetarians, you can become solely reliant on eggs and occasional dairy, and for those practising a vegan diet, you have to look elsewhere.

So What Are The Best Sources Of Vitamin B12 For A Plant-Based Diet?
Thankfully, there are some plant-based sources of B12 which means we don’t all have to rely on supplementation and fortified foods. The best sources include:
Nutritional Yeast (pictured above)
Mushrooms (in very small amounts).

Apart from mushrooms, we don’t often find these foods in an everyday diet. Even when we do make a conscious effort to eat them, we might not be getting enough. So we rely on some handy hacks to boost our intake.

Try Supporting Your B12 Intake These Ways:
Too much folic acid can mask a vitamin B12 deficiency. Research suggests that high folate levels can even exacerbate the anaemia and cognitive symptoms associated with a lack of vitamin B12, so ensure you are monitoring these.

Decrease your alcohol intake, as this has been shown to impair absorption"
Words above, and more to see in the original article here

Related Posts
Diagnosing and Treating Vitamin B12 Deficiency, see it here
B12 deficiency is a serious situation. Maybe it would help all concerned to remind themselves of the damage that can be caused by B12 deficiency by watching this video, especially if you use metformin (as many diabetics do), as Metformin can deplete B12.

Metformin beyond it's blood sugar lowering properties, see it here
Metformin is believed to be the most widely prescribed diabetes drug in the world. It was introduced into Britain in 1958 but not licensed for use in T2 diabetes in the US until 1994. It works by blocking the production of glucose in the liver and also by helping the body to utilise insulin properly.
It appears to be most effective in helping with weight loss and thus reducing insulin resistance. This effect is not maintained at the same rate after the initial period of weight loss and treatment, but many patients, including those not overweight at diagnosis, continue to take it for the cardiovascular protection it is said to afford.

Nutrients You May Be Missing On A Plant-Based Diet (And What To Do About It), see it here

The above is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, you should contact your local health care provider.

Dear reader, you will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas are within this blog. It is important to note, that not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. ...I don't eat a vegetarian diet!

  2. I have always had low B12 even when I was a carnivore! So always taken B12 tabs.

  3. Buen articulo siempre hay que cuidar nuestra alimentación. Te mando un beso

  4. These days my diet is pretty much plant-based...

  5. Very helpful post. B12 is important and I should make sure I am getting enough with my vegetarian diet. :)

    Thanks for the reminder!

  6. Thank you. And as PS - even when blogger is not playing nicely for me, I can post comments here because your comments are not embedded.

  7. Interesting. We eat several of vegetarian meals during the week. but like our meat and fish, too.

  8. I suspect my levels of B12 are not what they should be. I should maybe begin taking a supplement. Thank you for the information. X

  9. B12 is absorbed in a part of the bowel which I had removed over twenty years ago when I had bowel cancer so I now have twelve weekly B12 injections as my body is unable to absorb it from food.

  10. Great advice, as always! Have a great day! Hugs, Valerie

  11. Great info. I like most veggies, but not sea weed.
    Have a happy day!

  12. I accidentally searched and visited your site. I still saw several posts during my visit, but the text was neat and readable. I will quote this post and post it on my blog.

  13. Hello Jan, :=) I eat plenty of vegetables every day, with my main meals and a soup at both lunch and dinner with a huge amount of vegetables. I was diagnosed with bowl cancer last year, and since then have had many blood tests, all of which are fine.

  14. Such good information to know. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Good information to know. Thanks, Jan.

  16. Brilliant B12 for ever, some of your recipes are worth of living.

  17. Thank you for such important information.

  18. I need to re read this when I can absorb it and follow the links...I do know that I sometimes take a vitamin B12 supplement, and know that it helps my mood. I was taking it to try to gain energy but found that it helped my 'almost depression'....

  19. one of my early doctor who diagnosed critical level of anemia in me many years ago prescribed a syrup "foro B12" i took it for two years or more i think .

    according to this post vitamin b is rare to find so i think we should give it a serious look

  20. Great post on B-12. I had trouble with B12 years ago and had to take the shots for a while. I have went through that several times in my life. But as of right now seem to be fine. I pray. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  21. great information for all of us!! i try very hard to include these foods in my diet. there are only a few i won't eat!!

  22. This is very good to know, thank you! x

  23. I know my Dad had problems with this in his late 70's, I should probably have mine checked!

  24. Muy intetesante. Mi marido tiene deficiencía en B-12.y tiene que pincharse todos los meses. Gracias y besos.

  25. Good Points put together. I am Vegetarian but I eat eggs at most sometimes. I believe I should use Vit-B12 as my everyday supplements.


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