Monday 15 November 2021

Mondays Starter For Ten !

As regular readers know, this blog brings a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, recipes and more! It is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. Our main focus is about the Low Carb Higher (Healthy) Fat lifestyle, LCHF for short, and you can read/find out more about that here

But today for a change I thought why not start the week with some trivia! So here are ten facts to start the week! Did you know any of these facts?

The first movie ever to put out a motion-picture soundtrack was Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

Staying with movies; Daniel Radcliffe was allergic to his Harry Potter glasses. He had an allergy to nickel, and they were quickly replaced with hypoallergenic specs. Also, did you know that his glasses had no lenses? This was to stop the reflection from anything happening behind the scenes. The glass lens was added in post-production.

If you point your car keys to your head, it increases the remote’s signal range. This works by using your brain to act as a radio transmitter.

Astronaut is a compound word derived from the two Ancient Greek words “Astro” meaning “star” and “naut” meaning “sailor”. So astronaut literally means “star sailor”.

At birth, a baby panda is smaller than a mouse.

Elvis was originally blonde. He started colouring his hair black for an edgier look. Sometimes, he would touch it up himself using shoe polish.

There is an island called “Just Enough Room”, where there’s just enough room for a tree and a house.

Standing around burns calories. On average, a 150-pound person burns 114 calories per hour while standing and doing nothing.

Researches have found that flossing your teeth can help your memory. Flossing prevents gum disease, which prevents stiff blood vessels, which cause memory issues.

A single strand of Spaghetti is called a “Spaghetto”.

talking of spaghetti - have you tried the low carb alternative?
Courgette / Zucchini Spaghetti
Courgetti recipes are a fun and nifty way to make quick and healthy meals for one (or more!).
Eat hot or cold with your favourite grilled vegetables for lunch or dinner. More details here

Please note, not all the recipe suggestions featured within this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. I knew about Snow White and I had read about the car keys before, but the rest, with the exception of the word astronaut, are all new to me. Great trivia.

  2. Geniales curiosidades. Te mando un beso

  3. Just yesterday I had someone tell me about the key fob and chin trick and I thought they were joking at first. Crazy to see the same fact here today! I had no idea about most of the the tings you shared. Lots of new facts. :) Thanks!

  4. Found these to be very interesting - thanks.

  5. Fun facts.
    Thank you.
    EEEEUW on Elvis using shoe polish on his hair. It is obvious he didn't do the washing.

  6. What a great way to start the week with a bit of trivia. The 'no room island' is my favourite.

  7. You will not believe which fairy tale was on German TV yesterday!!!
    "Scary"! I think it was a Czech version. (We always watch the Sunday fairy tale).

    Love the idea of a star sailor.

  8. Fun facts! I like the spaghetto best! Have a great week, Valerie

  9. Fun facts. I didn't know any of those.

  10. Hello Jan, What a fun post!:=) I only knew about the size of the baby Panda. It is an interesting bit of trivia and I might try out some things, such as the car keys to the head.
    The meal looks delicious.
    Enjoy your week ahead.

  11. Fun post and new facts for me.
    Have a great day and a happy new week!

  12. New about snow white but that's about it.
    I bet I don't burn that many calories standing around!!! :)

  13. Fun Trivia! I did not know Elvis was a blonde and I did hear that fact about flossing from my dentist. I don't think I've ever seen a spaghetto, but I have had spiralized zucchini and liked it very much!

  14. Oooh you got me this time, I didn't know any of these! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

  15. How interesting. Love the car key one and Elvis dying his hair! Who

  16. What a varied and fun collection of facts!

  17. I like the sound of the standing and burning calories too. ;-)

  18. I loved these...especially the one about the keys!

  19. This is a fun post to read. So many interesting facts. I hope you do that again some other time. Happy new week.

  20. I love zucchini spaghetti. Your recipe looks delicious. I've also added it to soup instead of noodles and enjoyed it that way too. Very interesting post. Thanks

  21. The keys and the remote thing sounds weird and like something I wouldn't want to do, LOL!
    I can't believe how small pandas are at birth.
    I did not know that Elvis hair was original blonde, interesting.
    Fun facts!

  22. Very informative post ~ fun to read and another great pasta recipe ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Some of this I knew. Most I didn't! Really? Spaghetto? I love that!

  24. i so enjoyed the sharing dear Jan

    thank you so much for interesting and informative post ,Elvis fact made me laugh and flossing teeth can prevent from disease was really crucial thing to learn so thank you ,i would love some more like this :)

    blessings to you and loved ones !

  25. I tried to get Sue to do the car keys trick but she said "you read some rubbish on the Internet." And then I showed her the cinnamon and apple cake recipe and she changed her mind!


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The best of health to you and yours.
