Tuesday, 2 November 2021

This Seedy Bread is Low in Carbs

This Seedy Bread recipe is from Julia McPhee, she says it's just really seedy, easy and nutritious, and with all the lovely seeds, I think she's right!
Don't forget to have your butter handy when you eat a nice slice!

¾ cup Sunflower seeds
¾ cup Pumpkin seeds
¼ cup linseed/flaxseed (whole)
2 tbsp Chia seeds
¼ cup LSA (ground linseed/sunflower/almond)
¼ cup Psyllium husk
2 tbsp Olive oil
¼ cup water
4 eggs
Nutrition Information
Serves: 10
Serving size: 1
Calories: 191
Fat: 16.1g
Saturated fat: 2.5g
Carbohydrates: 1.0g
Protein: 8.5g
Recipe Instructions
can be seen here

You may also be interested in these other low carb bread recipes, see here
Need help with Cooking Measurement Equivalents, see here

Related Post
Ten of the Best Seeds to Eat and Why They Are Healthy - see here

You will find a variety of recipe ideas within this blog. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Wow! That is really interesting. I am watching my carbs now because my glucose went up. Can't quite figure out why.

  2. Wow ! I'll say that is seedy- must be really healthy for you too.. Looks delicious with that butter

  3. wow that is a lot of seeds, almost like a granola bar but in bread form

  4. Se ve muy rico, gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso

  5. That does look and sound good. Thank you.

  6. It looks it might keep one regular.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. If this tastes as good as it looks, it will be delicious. Thanks for the recipe, Jan.

  8. Sounds delicious.
    Chewing sunflower seeds is a nice snack.

  9. Looks good. They sell a wonderful bread here, just made with seeds,and no flour at all, great! Have a wonderful day, take care, Valerie

  10. That looks delicious. I love seedy bread, especially spread with butter.

  11. No suelo hacer el pan, prfiero comprarlo hecho....la factura de la luz, ahiora se está disparando.


  12. That is a lot of seeds, looks yummy!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  13. that would make a lovely snack or breakfast

  14. I wonder if Kroger would have all those seeds...I know our small local grocery would not.

  15. Oooh this looks delicious! I have to be careful with seedy bread (and raspberries!!!) as I've been known to ping a bit of tooth off with both of these. Oh the joys of getting older! Take care and have a great November, Sue xx

  16. i LOVE baking bread and only recently started to do it!! this looks delicious!!

  17. My goodness this looks delicious and quite healthy! I will have to go to the grocery to pick up a few things that my pantry has never seen.

  18. I love seeds in my bread, and this looks so fabulous, Jan. I have a sourdough starter from the Civil War and I like to put a lot of extras in it.

  19. This looks super good -- and just a slice would be a meal in itself!

  20. looks tasty :)
    thank you for sharing dear Jan ,i have to keep sunflower seed in the house in future :)


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