Wednesday, 1 December 2021

December Arrives, the twelfth month

Yes, December arrives and for many our thoughts turn to Christmas and the Holiday Season. Of course with Covid still around, many of the ways that Christmas is celebrated might be different, but I am sure those of us that do celebrate will do their best to enjoy it, taking any Covid precautions into account.

I wonder have you put your Christmas decorations up yet? Eddie and I have made a start, and the rest we will do this coming weekend. I am getting on well with writing the Christmas Cards and have even wrapped some presents. 😀 

But for the moment I am taking a quick break to share twelve December facts with you, I hope you enjoy them. Of course there are many more, do please share any you know in the comments below.

1. December is the twelfth and last month of the year in the Gregorian calendar and one of seven Gregorian months with the length of 31 days.

2. December starts on the same day of the week as September starts every year, and ends on the same day of the week as April ends every year.

3. December’s flower is the narcissus or holly.

4. December’s birthstones are turquoise, lapis lazuli, zircon, topaz (blue), or tanzanite, (quite a choice!).

5. If you were born in the month of December you will belong to the zodiac sign of Sagittarius (December 1st to 21st) or Capricorn (December 22nd to 31st).
Sagittarians are represented by the archer and are independent and compassionate, while Capricorns are represented by the goat and are practical and stubborn.

6. In the Northern Hemisphere December contains the shortest days of the year making it the darkest month on the calendar. In places like Alaska, Siberia and the Canadian territories, December is the month when the sun never rises, pitching thousands of people into complete darkness for several days.

7. December brings the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the shortest day of the year (the day with the least amount of daylight). In 2021, the solstice occurs on Tuesday, December 21. Of course for those living in the Southern Hemisphere the December solstice marks the longest day.

8. Lights are very symbolic to the month of December. Millions of people decorate their houses with twinkling lights at Christmas. Others light candles and place them on the windowsills, (being fire-aware careful of course), and 
let’s not forget the nine candles that are lit during Hanukkah

9. Common decorations on a Christmas tree each have their specific meanings. Candles – the light of the world, the Star at the top is a reminder of the first Christmas night and candy canes are to represent the shepherd’s cane.

10. December astronomy facts; the constellation Orion dominates the sky in December. Look southeast to find three stars lined up in a row. This is Orion’s Belt. Also, look out for Sirius, the brightest star in the winter night sky. Look skyward on the night of December 13 after 9pm for a chance to catch a glimpse of the Geminid meteors, the Geminid meteor shower is the most active shower of the year.

11. A popular Christmas Carol/Song is "Jingle bells" but it is not a Carol at all! It was composed in 1857, but not for Christmas – it was meant to be a Thanksgiving song!

12.  If you go into the woods on Christmas Eve (24 December) an ancient legend states that forest animals can speak in human language on Christmas Eve!
Facts above from here and here and here

Some Helpful December/Christmas Posts
If you would like some Low Carb Christmas Tips, have a look here
Looking for a fool-proof way to cook your turkey look here
Fruit Cake (a low carb alternative) and could be just right for Christmas, look here
You may want a low carb mince pie recipe look here
Have you seen 'The Best Low Carb Christmas Pudding Recipe Ever', look here

If you should need alternative Vegetarian Christmas recipe ideas, look here
If you should need alternative Vegan Christmas recipes look here
Please note not all shown in the two links above are low carb!

As regular readers know, this blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, music and recipes!

However, not all the recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. I always love your monthly posts. Happy December, dear Jan.

  2. Thank you for these interesting facts.
    On this side of the world December brings our longest day - and a whole lot more heat than I like.

  3. Very interesting post about the month of December. My birthday is in December.Hanukah cam early this year and we are already on the 4th night of celebration of the 8 nights.

  4. I look forward to this first of the month posts. I always learn so much. Happy December to you both. Hugs-Erika

  5. I enjoyed this information about December, Jan, and we will be putting up the interior Christmas decorations this weekend. QWe were delayed by a carpet cleaning appointment this week. The recipe on the previous post looked really good now all i need is some turkey as we did not have any on Thanksgiving.

  6. I'll be going to the woods on Christmas eve...for sure! heehee! I've read and studied a lot about Christmas but never heard this before! Enjoy your week!

  7. Здравствуйте, Джен! Меня зовут Людмила! Я подписалась на Ваш блог. Мне очень понравился Ваш пост о декабре, интересная информация. Буду рада общению!

  8. Adoro el mes de diciembre. Te mando un beso

  9. Lovely post, gorgeous Christmas feel...hugs. xx

  10. Interesting read about December and so hope it's a good one for all.

  11. Very, very interesting and informative post! Thanks, Jan.
    I'm a Capricorn, but I'm also compassionate by nature.
    As for lights, we're in the middle of Hanuka holiday and I enjoy lighting the candles that go with it.

  12. Interesting facts. It's hard to believe we're in December already, the year has flown by.

  13. The days and months are flying by.
    Happy December to you!
    Have a great day!

  14. Thanks for telling us interesting facts of 12 months. I have never thought about them.
    Let's enjoy WINTER with good precautions.

  15. It has been a super fast year! Best wish for December :-D

  16. Gracias por la buena información.
    Buen diciembre y Buen miércoles para Todos.
    Un abrazo.

  17. Very hard to believe it is Dec already.
    We've made a start with decorating but don't have the tree up and I haven't started writing out cards yet.

  18. What a lovely, Christmassy post, Jan!
    In Eastern Finland, we have about 30 cm of snow now and the following week is expected to be rather cold (even -25 C). At least the landscape looks exactly like it should look before Christmas. :)
    Thank you for the interesting post! Have a happy and safe December!

  19. What a fun post! I always love your first of the month posts but December is especially fun!

    I hope your week is terrific -- your whole month is terrific! Thank you so much for all your visits and comments and Happy December!

  20. Great information. Happy December! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  21. I have also made a start with the decorations, and have one small tree in the family room done. On the hearth I have a couple or so, but more will follow throughout the week. I am late on my Christmas Cards and that will be the next project. Thank you for the interesting facts on Christmas, and also for the food links. I will be checking those out soon. Happy December to you and Eddie, and all the best!


    Людмила Кишкунова said...
    Здравствуйте, Джен! Меня зовут Людмила! Я подписалась на Ваш блог. Мне очень понравился Ваш пост о декабре, интересная информация. Буду рада общению

    Hello Jen! My name is Lyudmila! I have subscribed to your blog. I really liked your post about December, interesting information. I will be glad to communicate!

    J.P. Alexander said...
    Adoro el mes de diciembre. Te mando un beso

    I love the month of December. I send you a kiss

    Laura. M said...
    Gracias por la buena información.
    Buen diciembre y Buen miércoles para Todos.
    Un abrazo

    Thanks for the good information.
    Good December and Good Wednesday for All.
    A hug.

  23. We made a start this week with the decorations, but unfortunately card writing seems to be a job for one (me!) Take care and have a very happy December, Sue xx

  24. I enjoyed all these facts! I will try talking to my sister in Law's cat on Christmas eve!

  25. Yep, all of my Christmas decorations are up now.

  26. I dread Christmas. It triggers a depression for me, and sure enough, this year it's back.

  27. i enjoyed learning December interesting facts dear Jan , has been one of the my favorite month because of cooler days back there when i lived in my native town situated in foothills of Himalayan ,i loved winters so much and i still like them more

  28. What an interesting set of facts. I do enjoy these

  29. I like december when it is frost and sunshine. :) And we will pass winter solstice.

  30. Muy interesante tu reportaje, me gustó mucho todo lo que nos cuentas. Besos.

  31. I just love your month posts.
    December is my birthday month! 12/12 is my birthday.
    Thank you for sharing.

  32. Funny how jingle bells was meant to be a Thanksgiving song

  33. I enjoyed this - I am a December (Sagitarrius) which the descriptions have always held true for me .

  34. Love these facts! Thanks Jan! Big Hugs!


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