Tuesday, 1 March 2022

March - Time for the first of the month quiz and it's Pancake Day 2022 - Enjoy some low carb ones

As we welcome March, the third month of the year, it's time for the first of the month quiz. I'm only asking seven questions, I hope you may have a go at answering them.

1. What is the birth flower of March?

2. Symbolizing courage, name March's birthstone?

3. What's the zodiac signs for early March until March 20? And what about the sign for the latter part of March?

4. 'Dear March - Come in', was a poem by which reclusive 19th Century American poet?

5. On what date in March is Saint Patrick's Day?

6. Complete the saying: 'March comes in like a lion and goes out like a ....'?

7. The lives of the four March sisters feature in which famous novel?

How did you do? Please come back tomorrow when the answers will be revealed. 😊

Yes today, March 1st 2022, is Pancake Day! Will you be enjoying some? Will you be flipping some? Now that can be fun - but have you the skill? Eddie and I may well be enjoying some low carb pancakes (see recipe below). We particularly like them with some low carb fruits, but dear reader you choose your accompaniment.

These crepes/pancakes are virtually carb. free and are very easy to make.
Although you use ricotta cheese they do not taste of cheese.

Low Carb Crepes / Pancakes Recipe
makes between 6 and 8 crepes/pancakes
200 Grams of ricotta cheese
3 eggs
I teaspoon of cinnamon
A splash of milk

1. Mix the cheese, eggs and cinnamon into a small mixing bowl, add a splash of milk if the mix is too thick to run freely.
2. Place a small knob of butter into a frying pan, I use a small omelette pan 8".
3. Heat the butter and spoon in 3 table spoons of mix. Fry until firm then turn over and cook for one minute or until the crepe is starting to brown.
4. Allow to cool and fill with cream cheese and finely chopped spring onions or smoked salmon and asparagus tips, whatever you like. Roll up the crepe and enjoy.
5. Great at any time and very good for the lunch box or picnics.
6. Also great warm with some low carb berries and double cream.
7. Or why not serve with a slice of lemon - gently squeezed over the crepes.

~ have a lovely day ~

Dear reader, this blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, music and recipes! However, not all the recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Gracias por la receta y por las curiosidades del mes de marzo. Te mando un beso

  2. I'm fan of crepes.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. March here is coming in like a lionere in Idaho.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. ...I'm afraid that I will fail this test!

  5. I had forgotten it was pancake day in fact I thought I had missed it, I'll definitely be making some. Looking forward to seeing the quiz answers I may have one of them right. Enjoy your pancakes.

  6. Hello,
    I love pancakes, yum, the recipe sounds delicious.
    Happy month of March to you!

  7. I think I know a few of the answers this month. We don't usually have pancakes now there's just the two of us but I picked up a jif lemon when we went shopping so I might make a couple.

  8. I should try making pancakes again some time, but it's unlikely to be today!

  9. I haven't had pancakes in ages!

  10. I only know the answers to a couple of those March questions...so I need to read up on it! The Pancakes look great I just bought a box of pancake mix and I look forward to adding some pancake to my morning routine. These cheese ones look delicious.

  11. Hello Jan, :=) I have copied the crepe recipe, and am going to try it with a squeeze of lemon Thank you.:=)

  12. Happy March! Happy Pancake days! We consume pancake alot. Thanks for the recipe. Have a wonderful day.

  13. Happy March to you both. I look forward to the answers tomorrow, although being a March baby, I think I know a few of them.

  14. I forgot about pancake day! Will have some tomorrow!

  15. Happy March! Spring is in te air!

    Today we have very warm weather but the month of March is often our snowiest month, so time will tell.

  16. No pancakes for me, but loving the quiz and anticipating tomorrow!

  17. MMMM, haven't had pancakes in awhile, we usually eat them for a dinner instead of breakfast

  18. Didn't do so well with the quiz this month. I think I got three right. Pancakes are always a family favourite.

  19. I have the last three.

    I did have pancakes yesterday.


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The best of health to you and yours.
