Sunday, 13 March 2022

Oatmeal - Can it be eaten on a low carb / keto diet ?

Do you like oatmeal? I know many people do, but when you live a low carb or keto lifestyle it doesn't really fit in! So what do you do? Well, you simply find alternatives/substitutes which are lower in carbs.

Let's just re-cap on what is low carb …
Low carb (ketogenic) 0-50g carbohydrate per day

Typical low carb 50-90g (this is what Eddie and I do, typically around 50g per day)

Liberal low carb 90-130g

Moderate carb 130-170g

High carb 170g and more

For comparison, a regular Western diet can easily contain 250 grams of carbs or more in a day, most of them refined carbs, including sugar.

Now, back to oats! While oats may come packed with key vitamins and minerals, the carb count is simply too high for those following a low-carb or ketogenic diet. Even if you were to split the serving size in half and only consume 50 grams of oats in a sitting, it would still make up about 28 grams of carbs. Remaining below a certain carb intake is key in a low carb or keto diet.

This change in diet may be a bit overwhelming at first, which is why it’s recommended to find low-carb substitutes for all of your favourite high-carb foods to make the transition easier. Fortunately, there are several low-carb oatmeal alternatives you can enjoy.

1. Chia Seed Oatmeal
2. Flaxseed Oatmeal
3. Hemp Heart Seeds
4. Coconut Flakes

Read more about oatmeal, and see the alternative recipes here
Read more about low carb here and here

You may also be interested in reading:
Introduction to Low Carb for beginners, find it here
Just Swap - Doesn't It Make Sense ? - find it here

Dear reader, this blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, music and recipes! However, not all the recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Oatmeal is one breakfast food I do miss while eating low carb. Thank you for the ideas for alternatives.

  2. Uy gracias por los consejos siempre hay que ser precavidos cuando se hacen esas dietas. Te mando un beso.

  3. ...I love oatmeal, but try to limit it.

  4. Interesting about the low carb flaxseed oatmeal and other options.

  5. What a breakfast, oatmeal, lovely.

  6. It's good that there's substitutes that can be used for those who are missing their hearty breakfasts.

  7. Hello,
    It good to know there are other choices, I do like oatmeal occasionally.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy new week!

  8. I wonder how we would all look and feel if carbs had never become a part of the human diet. Hmm.

  9. Love coconut flakes, and hemp hearts!

  10. Thanks for the information. I'm trying to loose a bit of weight and have been tracking it on an app where I log food. I find it amazing the amount of carbs in things that you wouldn't think!

  11. I like oatmeal, but never knew there were low carb alternatives

  12. I do enjoy oatmeal, but only in Winter. Thanks for giving us some alternatives Jan.
    Have a lovely Sunday

  13. I've managed my Type 1 diabetes well for over 30 year, while not being on a low carb diet (I lose weight so fast and get too skinny). I'm not doing well now and am studying a low carb, high calorie diet. Bought a lot of new and interesting food the other day. Cream would of course be perfect for me, thank you, I will get some.

    I will also check your old posts for recipes. You are providing valuable help.

  14. I like oatmeal after getting back from a cold morning walk. :) I like brown sugar and raisins in mine.

  15. I enjoy oatmeal from time to time with blueberries! It's especially welcome during the winter months.

  16. We consume oatmeal in breakfasts alot (especially omelette with oatmeal is numberone for us). Thank you so much for the information.

  17. Healthy and delicious, it is widely used at home.
    Hugs and all the best

  18. I like oatmeal. It's a good breakfast on a cold day.

  19. I do eat oatmeal on occasion. Just oats, berries, cinnamon, a bit of butter and hot milk. Think that's what I will have today. LOL

  20. I never eat cooked oatmeal...just di not like the texture.

  21. Me encantan los arándanos. Besos.


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The best of health to you and yours.
