Saturday, 16 April 2022

Celery ... ten facts you may not know!

Did you know ...ten facts about celery

1. From classical times to the Middle Ages, celery was used as a medicinal plant to treat toothache, insomnia, gout, rheumatism, anxiety and arthritis.

2. Celery was first used as a food during the 16th century in Italy.

3. Celery was first mentioned in English in 1664 by the diarist John Evelyn, who spelt it sellery.

4. Celery is mentioned in Homer’s Iliad, where the horses of Myrmidon grazed on wild celery.

5. In 1996 fans of Gillingham football club were threatened with a life ban if they brought sticks of celery into the ground...

6. ...this was the result of fans singing a rude song about celery while waving sticks of it.

7. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates prescribed celery as a nerve soother.

8. The ancient Romans considered celery an aphrodisiac. They may have been right: it contains the pheromone androsterone, released by men’s sweat glands to attract females.

9. The town of Celery-Ville, Ohio, was founded by early 19th century celery farmers.

10. There is a celery museum in Portage, Michigan, called the Celery Flats Interpretive Centre.

Sharing two celery recipe suggestions you may wish to try

Poached Breast of Chicken with Celery
more details here

Celery Soup
more details here

Read about Five Healthy Benefits of Adding Celery to Your Diet here

You will find a variety of articles and recipes within this blog. It is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Enjoyed your post Happy weekend hugs

  2. ...something that I enjoy.

  3. No conocía mucho de esos datos. Me gusta el apio. Te mando un beso y gracias por la receta.

  4. It just plain good.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. I did not know these things.

  6. Hello: I didn't know about them, thanks for sharing with us. I use celery less than once per month. xoxo

  7. Celery tastes good with peanut butter down the middle...

  8. Very interesting facts I love celery and I like the look of that celery soup, I'm off to investigate. Have a lovely Easter weekend.

  9. Such fun to read about celery. Very interesting. I eat it almost every day. Perfect for so many things. Wish you a blessed Easter time. All the best from Lone🐣❣️

  10. Interest facts on Celery.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Happy Easter weekend!

  11. I didn't know these facts, thanks for sharing.
    How delicious this celery soup looks.
    I wish you a very Happy Easter

  12. if the translation is accurate it is called "ajvain here used greatly in homeopathic treatment and domestic remedies by older people ,mom used it lot in her homemade medicine .
    thank you for sharing dear Jan .
    blessings to you and loved ones!

  13. I used to live about 35 miles from Portage Michigan and have friends there and never knew there was a celery museum there. Portage was the home for Upjohn Drugs, which was sold to Pfizer who still have production and testing facilities in the area.

  14. Bom dia. Páscoa é renascimento e alegria. Desejo um sábado cheio de paz e tranquilidade sobre você e sua família.

  15. Great post about celery ~ I love celery ~ Xo

    Happy Easter to you ~

    Wishing you love and laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. I learned a great deal about celery in your post, Jan. Fun facts!

  17. I love celery, is very good as a soup or side dish and with a salad. Your vegetables soup sounds delicious, I'll cook it too.
    I wish you a nice Easter!
    Grettings Elke

  18. Ohhh I really enjoyed this post. Great info for sure. Have a nice day.

  19. A lot od useful informatorom happy Easter from poland

  20. I knew a couple of these but most were new. What a fun post!

  21. Fun facts about celery! Happy Easter!

  22. Even though I sometimes use celery in my cooking, I am not too crazy about it.

  23. Such interesting facts!! I like celery with a lot of foods.

  24. Interesting as always...will check out the celery soup. When I make potato soup, I put a lot of celery in it. Just love the flavor.

  25. I didn't know celery was claimed to help gout. I treat my now rarer attacks of gout with cherry extract pills and a spread of dark jam on my morning toast. It works - touch wood.

  26. I don't know why but we seldom eat celery purely as a vegetable or as a component in a salad, but we routinely add it to soups and stews.

  27. A great post and the Celery facts are interesting. I love Celery and use it quite a lot, so will check out your recipes.
    Happy Easter, Avril xx

  28. I like celery but usually only have it plain or in salmon salad. I use dried celery as a seasoning. You've given me some new ideas. Thanks!

  29. I use celery in most of my soups. And these recipes sound delicious!

  30. Oh wow I am from Michigan and didn't know they had a celery museum, I wonder how big it is :)

  31. Well I didn't know that! I do like celery soup. Take care, Sue xx

  32. Precioso reportaje. Besos y abrazos

  33. How interesting! Loving that


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