Thursday, 14 April 2022

Take Three Low Carb Dishes : Chicken or Pork or Vegetarian Option

Creamy Spinach Chicken
So Delicious and Low in Carbs

Perfect for a midweek or any-day dinner; cook your chicken breasts until tender in a thick, creamy sauce. Adding fresh baby spinach and zingy lemon juice just ups the flavour, why not try it and see! More details/recipe can be seen here

Rolled Pork Fillet with healthy herbs and mustard
Has Sunday or Easter Roast ever been better!

Got to admit that 'Pork and apple is a perfect pairing and this healthy, hearty main really makes the most of it. Try rolling succulent pork fillet with mustard, rosemary and sage served alongside sweet butternut squash, red onion, and nutty celeriac'. Has Sunday Roast ever been better ... 
More details/recipe can be seen here

Vegetarian bean and artichoke crown
for those readers who may like a vegetarian choice

We certainly eat a wide variety of food in our house, and sometimes we will take a vegetarian option. Leeks are a favourite vegetable of ours and as this recipe uses them, and this dish does look quite elegant, with Easter being so close, I thought it one to share! More details/recipe can be seen here 

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You will find a variety of recipe ideas within this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. They all sound good, but the vegetarian is one I would really love to try.

  2. I'm with Rose on this ...vegetarian.

  3. I'd go for the first two, but I dislike beans.

  4. ...the chicken is for me!

  5. The creamy spinach chicken is definitely something I'd like to try!

  6. Gracias por la recetas, las tendré en cuenta. Te mando un beso.

  7. that Creamy Spinach looks wonderful and so does the pork!

  8. They all look. But Chicken with Spinach caught my eye.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  9. Hello, :=) All look good, but I fancy the rolled Pork Fillet with those herbs which I have in my garden, and the vegetables. Yummy, I will try it out this week. Thank you Jan.:=)

  10. And you know that the vegetarian option is the one for me too.

  11. They all look delicious but I'd go for the chicken.

  12. All three look tasty. Love chicken and spinach.

    God bless.

  13. Hello,
    The first two look and sound delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipes.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  14. THese all look good. Not sure what is on the Easter menu yet, but something grilled as we have to travel to my MIL's with the meal, and grilling will be the easiest. Enjoy your day!

  15. It's lovely we have so many options for vegan. I'm not, but people are so creative!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  16. The creamy chicken is my favorite. Thanks for sharing the recipes. There's always so much good information here.

  17. Wow these are great recipes. have a very nice day.

  18. Chicken base dishes are my favourite. But i havent tried chicken and spinach combination before. It sounds really good.

  19. Good gracious! You do post the most delicious looking dishes.

  20. That roast looks wonderful...Yumm!! Have a Happy Easter..

  21. First one for me. Looks really delicious.

  22. That veggie crown looks wonderful!

  23. veggie crown is new to me ,looks tempting

  24. Buenas recetas como siempre. Besos.

  25. We eat vegetarian meals more and more frequently so this looks like a great option for us.

  26. Delicious! I'll be trying the chicken and pork dishes. I do like veggies but tend to have them on their own.


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