Monday, 2 May 2022

Answers to May Quiz Plus ... a recipe for Turkey and Spring Green Stuffed Peppers

Hello there, I hope you enjoyed yesterdays quiz. Many thanks to all those who read the post and special thanks to those who took time to comment.

Did you know the answers? Well, as promised here are the answers to the seven questions. For ease I have repeated the questions ...

1. May has always had thirty-one days. (True or False)

Many changes have been made to the calendar over the millennia. The length of several months was changed in Roman times. However, the length of May has remained constant.

2. May has always been the fifth month. (True or False)

May was once the third month. When Julius Caesar moved January and February from the end of the year to the beginning, May became the fifth month.

3. Most sources say that May was named after Maia. Who was Maia originally?

Greek goddess.
In fact, Maia appears in both Greek and Roman myths as the goddess of spring.

4. Two flowers are considered to be the flowers of May.

Hawthorn and Lily of the Valley.
Hawthorn is also known as mayflower. The saying 'Ne'er cast a clout 'til May is out' may refer to the flowering of the hawthorn, or it may refer to the month of May. Either way it's time to put away winter clothing!

5. What is the modern birthstone for May?

Emerald is the modern birthstone for May. (Although Agate is a traditional birthstone for May).

6. May the first was a special day in Roman times. It was sacred to the goddess of flowers. What was her name?

The special day was on the first of May.

7. In England also May the first was a special day. The special dance on this day was round this.

A young girl was chosen to be May Queen. She presided over the day's festivities which included dancing round a maypole, which was usually erected on the village green. Ribbons of different colour hung from the pole. Dancers took hold of the end of each ribbon, and they danced around the maypole weaving the ribbons together as they did so.

How did you do? Before I researched the answers I knew four 😊

... and now on to a tasty recipe suggestion, which you may wish to try.

Turkey and Spring Green Stuffed Peppers
These meaty stuffed peppers make a satisfying lunch or dinner option.
Using lean turkey mince and plenty of fresh spring greens makes a healthy filling. 
With a little bit of cheese for a golden topping ... extra delicious 😋 
more details here

~ have a lovely month of May ~

A variety of articles and recipe ideas are within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues please take these into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Mayo es un mes especial.No sabía muchas de sus curiosidades te mando un beso. Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

  2. ...the stuffed peppers look great!

  3. Those stuffed peppers look absolutely mouthwatering! Have a beautiful week ahead!

  4. It been a while since I had stuff peppers.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. Thank you. Some I knew, some I didn't.

  6. Thanks for the answers and the lovely recipe, have a great, new week, Valerie

  7. I was surprised at the fifth question. Thanks.
    I like green peppers. I feel its colour has become brighter and healthier as temperature rises.

  8. Fun quiz. Interesting is the rearranging of the months.

  9. Fun post, May not always being the fifth month threw me off.
    The stuffed peppers look delicious.
    Happy May! Take care, enjoy your new week ahead.

  10. Great assortment of facts about May. And the food looks delicious.

  11. The answers were so interesting! And that recipe looks really delicious!

  12. I can't believe it, but I got them all. (Truth: Some were guesses!)

  13. I knew all but # 4. I guessed # 6 and got it right. I was off about the flowers. Thanks for these monthly quizzes, Jan. I would replace the turkey with rice if I was making this dish that looks so yummy.

  14. Oh what fun. Thanks for sharing this, Jan.

  15. Mes un mes especial en mi ciudad, aunque me voy a privar de las fiestas, por un catarro bronquial. Estos cambios, tan bruscos de tiempo, es el motivo de que ahora esté así.

  16. Interesting facts about May. The stuffed peppers look delicious.

  17. Enjoyed the quiz, those flowers are beautiful and so is the food. Have a great week Jan :)

  18. The recipe sounds good. I love those pretty flowers.

  19. I knew four and guessed another one. I do enjoy your monthly quizzes.

  20. I had 4 answers right. :)

  21. Lovely week beautiful flowers love from me 🍀💗🍀

  22. I only knew one of these. But that recipe sounds delicious. Happy May!

  23. Beautiful flowers! I enjoyed the facts about the month of May--very interesting. I also love stuffed peppers and make them often.

  24. Fun facts! I knew only a few of them. The peppers look delicious!

  25. I purposely didn't google things about May ..i wanted to read them here. I love learning new info. Especially to know things in case it ever comes up on a Trivia game. Those peppers look delicious.

  26. I knew 2 and 7. Guessed right on 3.

  27. Gracias por tus respuestas, algunas había acertado. La receta se ve sabrosa. Besos.

  28. There were a lot of those that I didn't know, very interesting how they moved the months around.


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