Monday, 9 May 2022

Having Problems With Leaving Comments on Blogger

Are you currently Having Problems With Leaving Comments on Blogger?
Many of us are, including me!!!

So to all friends in blogland that would usually see a comment from me and may be thinking I've not been visiting your blog please let me assure you I have, it's just that on some (but not all) blogs it would seem Google is preventing me from leaving a comment.

Hopefully this glitch or problem will be sorted soon.

All the best Jan 


  1. For a change I am not having many problems leaving comments. Lots of people are. Particularly when an interaction between Firefox and blogger is involved. I hope it can be sorted. Soon. If it helps I have found that sometimes opening another tab (while keeping the one to the blog open) and going back to comment sometimes allows me to comment again.

  2. Yes, I am having trouble leaving comments. I thought since I was ill that it was just me. No, it is not me.

  3. Many thanks for the tip EC which I have now tried a couple of times, but alas, no luck for me.

    I am hoping that the problem many of us are experiencing will be solved soon, in the meantime I will keep on visiting blogs.

    All the best Jan

  4. I haven't had any problems but I've heard other people have. One solution I heard was to change browsers. Might Help.

  5. Some days are worse than others. It's like one day Blogger allows me to leave comments and the next, it doesn't. BTW, I have found a lot of comments from my dear blogger friends in my spam folder, which I now check twice a day.

  6. seems when Blogger makes changes they are often half baked. This isn't the first time!

  7. Hello Elizabeth, yes Eddie and I are finding that many comments from blogger friends appear in our spam folder, which we do now always check.

    All the best Jan

  8. I have found that a number of legit comments are ending up in my spam folders. I assume some of mine are doing the same in other people's blogs.

  9. I have heard of some having problems, thankfully I haven't had problems posting on any blogs I have gone to so far.

  10. A mi me ha pasado. Revisa siempre en spam. Y cuando pongas un comentario y deba ser aprobado por el autor. Ve si te aparece unas letras negras con un mensaje, Te mando un beso.

  11. Every now and again there seems to be a glitch on blogger. I am leaving comments and hoping they get through. What I have noticed is that I get a lot of comments that go directly into my spam folder, and have to remind myself to check them every day. Just as I think that has gone away, then all of a sudden I get anywhere between one and six comments in there. I hope they get that fixed soon. Good luck!

  12. I find that many who are commenting are appearing as anonymous when in fact they are friends who have been visiting my blog for years. So far I haven't had problems leaving a comment thank goodness.

  13. Hello,
    The blogger problems seem to come and go. Some of my comments seem to disappear.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  14. I also had problems leaving comments on some blogs. I didn't undestand why.
    Have a nice week!

  15. this problem is happening allot. and sometimes when leaving a comment you can't tell if google accepted it or not.

  16. Thanks for letting us know Jan. When people that normally bog on ones blog don't all of a sudden I personally think they are ill, it's good to know you are ok and we all I am sure understand the faults of blogger...hopefully all will be fixed soon..

  17. Thankful to hear it just not me. Have a wonderful day.

  18. i am having this problem rarely though dear Jan ,i use google chrome only ,i realized that my blog friends who visit me are also having this .lets hope this will be resolved soon by blogger

  19. Some things I'll mention have been said above but just in case...

    1) With the new comment box, it will indicate (at the VERY BOTTOM OF YOUR SCREEN, which is annoying) if your comment is published or under moderation review. Because it is often below the part of your screen you can see unless you scroll down, you think the comment disappeared, especially if moderated and it doesn't show right away. It's probably OK -- check later!

    2) As others mentioned, check the spam folder at the drop down menu at the top of the comments page. I don't know why a lot of things are going in there, but they are.

    3) Sometimes, in blogs where you never have to put a captcha, blogger magically forces you to do that. Since you're not used to it, you might hit 'publish" and then X out of the page, not seeing the captcha notice appear. Who knows why. Wait a sec before Xing out and add the captcha.

    4) I recommend copying your post comment, just in case all the above fail, then refreshing the page and pasting it in. Usually at least one of these methods is working for me.

    If all else fails, send blogger a nasty gram. I don't know why they fix what isn't broken but there you have it!

  20. Me pasa lo mismo que a ti. Yo estaba preocupada por que no veía tus comentarios y de otros amigos y los encontré en la bandeja de spam, ya los he puesto todos en su lugar. Gracias y abrazos.

  21. I have and also have had issues with my replies to another blogger on their post strangely disappearing. I am also getting anonymous replies to my post which are nice so I let them through but no name attached. Not sure what is going on and hope it gets fixed. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  22. I'm sorry to read that you are having problems leaving a comment on Blogger blogs, Jann. Are you certain that the blog does not have "comment moderation" enabled? I have that function on, which means I have to approve the comment before it is published. It can sometimes take me a day to do that as my computer time can sometimes be limited due to other events happening that take priority.

    I began moderating my comments after I saw more and more spammers trying to publish links to businesses, and so on, in comments. I mark them spam and report them.

    If it is a Blogger problem in general I hope it gets reported and they fix it. They are usually very reliable for a totally free service.


    J.P. Alexander said...
    A mi me ha pasado. Revisa siempre en spam. Y cuando pongas un comentario y deba ser aprobado por el autor. Ve si te aparece unas letras negras con un mensaje, Te mando un beso.

    It has happened to me. Always check in spam. And when you put a comment and it must be approved by the author. See if you get some black letters with a message, I send you a kiss.

    Teresa said...
    Me pasa lo mismo que a ti. Yo estaba preocupada por que no veía tus comentarios y de otros amigos y los encontré en la bandeja de spam, ya los he puesto todos en su lugar. Gracias y abrazos

    The same thing happens to me as it does to you. I was worried that I didn't see your comments and other friends and found them in the spam tray, I've already put them all in place. Thank you and hugs.

  24. FWIW, I don't see any comments awaiting moderation for my blog.

  25. So far I am not having trouble with that, but then I will find a bunch of comments in my spam folder and there is nothing in them that even resembles spam, yet I will get comments that are spam. And sometimes I wonder is it going to let me upload a photo.

  26. Yupp, awful. Some comments work with MS Edge, though.

  27. I'm having this problem too, it's very annoying. There are several blogs I can currently not comment on and some blogs that I can only sometimes comment on!

  28. Hi Jan, I noticed that the comment box on my blog changed! So Im sure it has something to do with their formatting or something...which they would stop reinventing the wheel.

  29. I was having a problem with some blogs where it insisted I sign in but then wouldn't let me lol

  30. I've also noticed problems with comments, and I get anonymous comments (which aren't spam).

  31. I'm so pleased you mentioned this as I've been unable to comment on some blogger blogs. Thankfully, yours has been fine. Long may that

  32. I am having the same problem with many blogs, sometimes even my own. Sometimes it takes me days to catch up!

  33. Oh dear, it is now 14 May and unfortunately I am still having problems with leaving comments on so many blogs, it is very frustrating. I thank all of you that have commented here and also left suggestions on my newer posts this week. I hope that blogger will sort it out soon.

    All the best Jan


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