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Thursday 19 May 2022

Lollipops made with Parmesan Cheese and Poppy Seeds

Parmesan and Poppy seed lollipops

"Put away those toasted nuts and crisps says Lorraine Pascale ... Canapés have reached a whole new dimension!

Equipment and preparation
You will need 10 white round lollipop sticks, a round 9cm/3½in chefs’ ring or cookie cutter and two baking trays.

makes ten
butter, for greasing
80g/3oz Parmesan, finely grated (or similar alternative vegetarian hard cheese)
1 tsp poppy seeds
1 tsp sesame seeds

1. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7, line two large baking trays with baking paper and grease them with butter.
2. Toss the cheese and seeds together in a small bowl. Sit a 9cm/3½in chefs’ ring or cookie cutter on one of the baking trays and sprinkle a small handful of the cheese mixture into it, in a thin layer. Carefully lift the ring off to reveal a neat-edged disc of Parmesan and lay a lollipop stick on top, with the tip of the stick touching the middle of the disc.
3. Repeat with the remaining cheese and sticks to make 10 in total (leaving about 3cm/1¼in spaces between them to allow for any spreading during cooking).
4. You should have a little Parmesan left over, so use it to cover up the part of the lollipop stick resting on the disc.
5. Bake in the oven for five minutes, swapping the lollipops to a different shelf halfway through. The cheese should be lightly golden-brown and bubbling.
6. Remove from the oven and slide the paper off the baking trays and onto a rack to help speed up cooling. Leave to cool for 1–2 minutes, or until the lollipops have become crisp. Very carefully remove each one with a palette knife. I like to serve these stuck upright into a box with holes in the top."

Why not give these lollipops a try ... they're certainly different!

Dear reader, not all the food and recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

... and yes, unfortunately many of us are still having problems with leaving comments on some blogs, and others who comment find them going into the spam folder! It is very frustrating. I thank all of you that have commented and left suggestions on many recent posts, and I hope that blogger will sort out these problems soon, refer to this post here

All the best Jan


Tom said... this is something different.

This N That said...

They look and sound yummy..Thanks for sharing..

Sondra said...

Yum now that's a good combo...enjoy the Weekend.

J.P. Alexander said...

Gracias por la receta, parece diferente. Te mando un beso.

Christine said...

Best lollipops!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Good idea! Perfect with an Italian dish! x K

peppylady (Dora) said...

When I think lollipop I think of candy.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Margaret D said...


Elephant's Child said...

They do sound good. Thank you.

eileeninmd said...

The lollipops sound good. Thanks for sharing.
Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

CJ Kennedy said...

I wish I liked cheese

Valerie-Jael said...

These sound soooooo good! Valerie

Maria Rodrigues said...

What a delicious look.
Have a nice weekend.

Sandra Cox said...

Those look wonderful.
Have a great weekend.

DMS said...

These sound very unique. I like the ingredients and am curious to give them a try. Thanks for sharing. :)

Iris Flavia said...

Now that sounds like lollipops to my taste!

Pam said...

Oh yum and they look so cool too. Hoping you have a great weekend.

Magaly Guerrero said...

How interesting! And they look so pretty too.

Laura. M said...

Que buena pinta tienen y a esta hora entra hambre.
Buen fin de semana para Todos.
Un abrazo.

Carla from The River said...

Oh my, how fun. I like the ingredients. :-)


Tiene buena pinta. Seguro que acapara la atención de los comensales.

Jeanie said...

What a fun idea for an appetizer! Some of my favorite ingredients in those little pops!

HappyK said...

How different. Sounds really good and looks lovely.

William Kendall said...

That sounds different.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Parmesan cheese and poppy seeds seems like a great combination to me.

My name is Erika. said...

They do look different. I suppose people who don't like sweets would love them!

baili said...

unfamiliar ones but they surly look healthier :)
thanks for sharing

It's me said...

Mmmmmm….I will try this…🍀 happy weekend love Ria 💗🐾🍀

Little Wandering Wren said...

Oh, I feel like I want to have a party to try these out!
Happy baking this weekend
Wren x

Snowbird said...

How cute they look!xxx

Martha said...

Wow, is this ever different---and interesting!

Sue said...

Well they sound different lol xx

Hilly Nicolay said...

Healthy sweets :)

Nice week.

Teresa said...

Interesante piruletas... guardaré la receta. Besos.