Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Eggs Baked in Portobello Mushrooms : Breakfast, Lunch or Supper : Low Carb and Tasty

Eggs baked in Portobello mushrooms make a fun weekend breakfast, a great lunch, and even a vegetarian dinner or supper when served with a salad. Choose large, firm Portobello mushrooms, that are not too flat (or the egg will spill) nor too deep (or the egg will take forever to cook).

Forget the processed junk - let's cook and savour real, whole foods! Doesn't that sound good 😋

Serves Two
4 large Portobello mushrooms, stem removed, wiped clean
Olive oil spray
½ teaspoon (kosher) salt, divided
½ teaspoon black pepper, divided
½ teaspoon garlic powder
4 large eggs
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
4 tablespoons chopped parsley for garnish

Instructions on how to prepare and cook this dish can be found here

... did you know that Portobello mushrooms have a robust meaty texture making them good for roasting, baking and stuffing. They are great for barbecuing, too – just dot with butter, crushed garlic, herbs and seasoning and cook for a few minutes until the juices run, or slice thickly and sauté with onions and garlic, so many ways to enjoy them ...

You will find a variety of recipe ideas within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues please take these into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health it is always advisable to consult your Doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. ...this looks wonderful.

  2. Oooo, this looks absolutely delicious! It's making me hungry. I might have to stop blogging and go get something to eat...LOLL Thank you for sharing this delicious-ness with us. I agree with you, it would be great for breakfast, lunch, or supper.

    Wishing you all the best!

  3. I do love mushrooms. Tasty - and versatile.

  4. Gracias por la receta te mando un beso.

  5. That does look good and I love mushrooms.

  6. Fabulous idea, must try this soon. Valerie

  7. Oooh yum. It looks so tasty and what a great, fun way to serve it.

  8. Fun Fact from
    "Despite their popularity today, Portabella mushrooms were once a highly unfavored mushroom due to their brown color and large size. In an effort to increase sales in the 1980s, marketing companies coined the term Portabella and reintroduced the mushroom to the market as a healthy meat alternative with great success."

  9. oh wow what an awesome idea-thank you

  10. This looks really good. I never would have imagined this one!

  11. What a unique and interesting recipe!

  12. Hello Jan and Eddie, It was just great to see your comment on my blog yesterday welcoming me back after my long break. And it is just delightful to stop by The Low Carb Diabetic today and see that you are still publishing excellent posts to help us all live the healthy life. I’m printing out today’s recipe and will definitely give it a try … it does sound delicious! Thank you for your blog and for your kind comments on mine. Hope you are both enjoying some more summer-like weather there in the UK. Best regards from Seattle, John

  13. Looks good. I love Portobello Mushrooms :-D

  14. Würde ich gerne mal ausprobieren, aber bisher habe ich bei uns noch keine solchen Pilze entdeckt.
    Da muss ich mal die Augen offen halten !
    Liebe Grüße

  15. Looks and sounds so good. I love mushrooms! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  16. I love portobello mushrooms, but I wonder if I could bake scrambled eggs in the mushrooms.

  17. I have the ingredients on my next shopping list Jan. I haven't had portobello mushrooms for some time and this would be a great dish to try for tomorrow's breakfast. Thank you so much and all the best :)

  18. Boy doesn't that look tasty and pretty too. I must try this.


    J.P. Alexander said...
    Gracias por la receta te mando un beso.

    Thanks for the recipe I send you a kiss

    Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...
    Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...
    Hummm que aspeto mais delicioso.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana

    Ummm that looks more delicious.
    A hug and continuation of a good week

    Jutta Kupke said...
    Würde ich gerne mal ausprobieren, aber bisher habe ich bei uns noch keine solchen Pilze entdeckt.
    Da muss ich mal die Augen offen halten !
    Liebe Grüße

    I would like to try it out, but so far I have not discovered any such mushrooms with us.
    I have to keep my eyes open!
    Best regards,

  20. Practical Parsimony said...
    I love portobello mushrooms, but I wonder if I could bake scrambled eggs in the mushrooms

    Hello there.
    There are some recipes that show scrambled eggs in mushrooms, you might like to have a look at this suggestion

    Bon Appetit :)

    All the best Jan

  21. Steve Parker, MD said...
    Fun Fact from
    "Despite their popularity today, Portabella mushrooms were once a highly unfavored mushroom due to their brown color and large size. In an effort to increase sales in the 1980s, marketing companies coined the term Portabella and reintroduced the mushroom to the market as a healthy meat alternative with great success."

    Hello Steve
    Many thanks for sharing that fun fact.
    It does makes sense because Portobello mushrooms do have a robust meaty texture.
    We like the slightly smaller cremini mushrooms too.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  22. Hi Jan,
    That looks so delicious!

  23. This would make a delicious and filling breakfast.

  24. Great article on Vit-C and a fabulous recipe. Have a great day.

  25. Me ha encantado, los haré pronto. Besos.

  26. This is a good recipe. I am eating mushrooms at the moment and for supper or breakfast I will have a try!

  27. This looks and sounds absolutely PERFECT. Perfection indeed.

  28. Sounds wonderful, and simple too. I will definitely try this one.


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The best of health to you and yours.
