Friday 17 June 2022

Lettuce Cups Are Never Boring : Three Recipes To Try

Lettuce Cups can make a welcome change, and you will find the best greens for edible cups are sturdy head lettuces with thick ribs on each leaf. Examples include iceberg, bibb, Boston, and little gem (romaine and cos). Each leaf should be deep enough to hold the filling, and hardy enough not to wilt with heavy or warm additions. Give floppy, thin, or wilty lettuces a miss for these three recipe suggestions.

Lettuce cups with deli turkey, tomatoes and mayo

Serves One
3 (3 oz.) Romaine (also known as Cos) lettuce leaves
2 tbsp mayonnaise
5½ oz. deli turkey, cut into bite-sized pieces
6 (3½ oz.) cherry tomatoes, halved
½ (2⁄3 oz.) a stick of celery stalk, finely chopped
1 tbsp fresh parsley, roughly chopped
1 tbsp lemon juice (optional)
salt and pepper
and more detail can be seen here

Boom Bang-a-Bang - Chicken Cups

Serves 8
100g smooth peanut butter
140g full-fat coconut yogurt or natural yogurt mixed with 2 tbsp. desiccated coconut
2 tsp sweet chilli sauce
2 tsp soy sauce
2-3 spring onions, finely shredded
3 cooked skinless chicken breasts, shredded
2 Baby Gem lettuces, big leaves separated
½ cucumber, halved lengthways, seeds scraped out with a teaspoon, cut into matchsticks
toasted sesame seeds, for sprinkling
and more details can be seen here

Cajun Chicken Lettuce Tacos and Carrot Fries

Serves One
50g beetroot
half an avocado
1 baby gem lettuce
half a lemon
1 tbsp. oil (coconut or olive)
1 tsp Cajun spice
1 tsp tahini
170g (free range) chicken breast
200g carrot
little sea salt and black pepper
and more details can be seen herehere

~ I wonder, have you a favourite recipe out of these three? ~

You will find a variety of recipe ideas within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues please take these into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health it is always advisable to consult your Doctor or health care team.

Just a reminder to keep checking your spam folder as many bloggers are finding comments are going incorrectly into spam

All the best Jan


  1. They sound interesting...

  2. With iceberg lettuce selling for ten dollars each at the moment, these are luxurious recipes...

  3. Geniales rollos con lechuga yo hago unos similares con col. Te mando un beso y gracias por la reseta.

  4. My Mom used to make lettuce cups when we were kids at home and dad was working recipes look good-happy friday hugs Kathy

  5. I should try carrot fries.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. Nice recipes for Summer days

  7. Good idea. They are very refreshing.

  8. These do look good. Used to make similar once.
    At the moment iceberg lettuces are hard to buy and if you find they are a bit on the expensive side about AUD10.00 due to a shortage. They are grown in our winter up north where the floods were and got destroyed, won't be long and they will be plentiful once again.

  9. Blogger has been inconsistent about comments lately. Have a good weekend.

  10. What a great idea, I'll have to try these one by one. 😊

  11. Tasty salad recipes.
    I like to eat it with baked potatoes :)

    Have a nice weekend and all the best,

  12. I think they all sound delicious. They'd be a great addition to a buffet table.

  13. These lettuce cups all look delicious, great idea.
    Take care, have a happy weekend!

  14. These all look extra delicious. The last one is my favorite. I might be trying it out this evening--yum!

  15. Love all of them. Lettuce leaves are summer bread!

  16. I've never tried lettuce cups. I think using lettuce as the "bread" is such a fun and healthy idea. Thanks for the inspiration. Happy start to your weekend!

  17. Those all look delicious. I never buy lettuce any more, as it goes bad before I can eat it all lol

  18. I forget about lettuce cups and haven't made them in ages. How refreshing for summer. All these recipes look terrific. Thanks for the reminder.

  19. Boa tarde meu querido amigo. Que vontade de provar essas delícias feitas com alface. Bom final de semana.

  20. Oh these are good. I usually get lettuce wraps from the Chinese :-D

  21. Carrot fries!!!! Must try to make these! Oh I love the idea of chicken in lettuce cups!!

  22. Looks so good. I could go for that right about now!!

  23. No. 2 chicken :-))
    I wish you a happy weekend.

  24. My gosh, these are all such great recipes! Thank you so much.

  25. Live and learn on this blog. I never heard of lettuce cups until now. The chicken one sounds the best. Enjoy your father's day Jan and Eddie. We are doing the same - 6 pizzas in the freezer ready for Sunday.

  26. they look really really good. I usually always buy spinach for salads. Hardly have had iceburg in a long time but these ...might have to try it.

  27. I am a huge fan of lettuce cups or wraps. Have a nice day.

  28. Great ideas for lettuce; how versatile.

    God bless.

  29. Gracias por las recetas. Besos.

  30. these look good and great for the summer time


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The best of health to you and yours.
