Saturday, 11 June 2022

Spam Folder - Be Sure To Keep Checking Yours !

It seems many of us are still experiencing problems with blogger, especially with comments going into the spam folder.

Just recently a known blogger friend left two comments on this blog one came through as normal and the other went in the spam folder! Why I do not know, but it is very important to check your spam folder daily.

Have you been experiencing this problem?
Perhaps you are experiencing other problems?
Do please share your thoughts and any tips in the comments.

In the meantime the kettle is on for a cuppa - would you prefer tea or coffee?

I might just have some low carb scones in the cupboard
see recipe details here

~ Enjoy your weekend ~

All the best Jan


  1. A cup of tea please.

  2. Whatever you have brewed is what I would like! I will be sure to check my spam folder now. I am having problems leaving comments on some blogs - especially European blogs (I am in the U.S.) It is so frustrating. I will be interested in hearing if anyone has a solution. Hope that you have a lovely weekend! x K

  3. ...Blogger has never been perfect, but it's a mess at the moment.

  4. Yum tea and ...i'll take some. Finally it appears anyway, that my comments are easy to get to ...I don't know about those who come and comment but i can actually answer them without reloading the page about three times.

  5. I just removed your comment from my spam folder! Blogger comment has been acting really strange lately.

  6. Same here Jan, one day I had two comments from the same person, one in spam one not - so always I am checking spam folder each day..

  7. Tea (chai) for me please. For the last day or so, blogger has stopped sending comments on my blog to the spam folder. I will keep checking though.

  8. Hello,
    I have had a few comments in my spam folder, not too many.
    I like coffee! Enjoy your weekend.

  9. My PC is relatively new. I had some issues with it in the beginning, so I'm moving slowly to avoid any bad surprises. So far, no specific problem with the comments, but I'll be checking the spam matter regularly. Thanks for the warning.

  10. Infelizmente muitos dos meus comentários vão direitos para o SPAM.
    Um abraço e tenha um bom fim-de-semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

  11. Tea, please. Yup, I've been having the same problem with finding people who comment regularly in the spam folder. No rhyme or reason.

  12. I see that in my spam folder -- usually one or two a day, often when I've had many comments in that bunch. I have NO idea what to do about it other than check spam comments.

    The other thing I've seen (when I'm catching up and reading multiple posts from one person in a day) is "You have made all the comments you are allowed to today. Come back tomorrow." Only on blogger blogs and if I go to a blogger I've not yet made a comment or two on that day, I can comment just fine.

  13. Anche a me capita spesso di trovare i vostri messaggi in SPAM e infatti ho preso l'abitudine di controllare anche quella casella che prima non guardavo.
    Non capisco però come mai succeda, anche perchè è RANDOM.

    Per quanto riguarda la domanda Tea o caffe, adoro entrambi.
    Però se ho voglia di rilassarmi e prendermela comoda Tea e tisane sono il TOP.

  14. Thank you for the reminder on the Spam folder, that is a beautiful tea service...

  15. Yes, another blogging friend mentioned this as well. When I checked my span folder I had 77 good comments there. Now I check it everyday.

  16. Noticed that too. Some comments go to spam on my blogs. I check it everyday!

  17. I'm still getting comments in the spam folder every day too.
    Tea would be my choice.

  18. When I finished reading your post, I was ready to reply that I haven't had any problems with comments. Then I checked, just to be sure... and discovered 21 comments in my Spam Folder! That makes no sense. I moderate my comments, so I should get notification of all comments. Sigh.

    Thank you for the nudge!

  19. I do have a blogger whose emails to me go directly to spam.


    Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...
    Infelizmente muitos dos meus comentários vão direitos para o SPAM.
    Um abraço e tenha um bom fim-de-semana

    Unfortunately many of my comments go right to SPAM.
    A hug and have a nice weekend.

    Stefania said...
    Anche a me capita spesso di trovare i vostri messaggi in SPAM e infatti ho preso l'abitudine di controllare anche quella casella che prima non guardavo.
    Non capisco però come mai succeda, anche perchè è RANDOM.

    Per quanto riguarda la domanda Tea o caffe, adoro entrambi.
    Però se ho voglia di rilassarmi e prendermela comoda Tea e tisane sono il TO

    Even I often find your messages in SPAM and in fact I got into the habit of checking even that box that I did not look at before.
    But I don't understand why it happens, also because it's RANDOM.

    As for the tea or coffee question, I love both.
    But if I want to relax and take it easy Tea and herbal teas are the TOP.

  21. Definitely. I check my spam folder every morning.

  22. Mmmmmmm…happy Sunday….thanks for your comments on my blog…it works love Ria and Leaf 🍀💗🐾🍀

  23. Same here, sporadic comments appear in spam folder. Then when published, comments are out of order.

  24. These issues are very frustrating. I keep having to remind myself to check my spam folder.
    Can I join you in a cup of tea, please? X

  25. Well - if I can come to your house - hot tea (probably cooler there than 100 degs F). If here at my house - I'll fix you some iced herb tisane!

  26. I'm experiencing the same thing with the spam folder and I try to remember to check it from time to time. These problems with Blogger are somewhat frustrating.

  27. Yes I am having troubles with that so I check it daily to make sure they are all going where they should.
    I am also having troubles with the blogs loading sometimes, I have to hit the reload page up to 5 times before I can get onto some people's blogs, but not all, so weird.

  28. I'm getting it daily.

    I'm also having the same issue as Jeanie: the "you have made the maximum number of comments" nonsense. When there's no limit on how many you can make.

  29. Me pasa lo mismo, tengo muchos comentarios en spam, los miro en todo momento. Tus comentarios casi todos van a spam y de muchos más amigos. Yo prefiero café. Gracias y besos.

  30. this is a good reminder!! argh....blogger!! can't leave a comment, can only leave an anonymous comment, can't leave a comment on my own post, you name it, i have experienced the problem. switching to chrome solved the problem for me!!


    Teresa said...
    Me pasa lo mismo, tengo muchos comentarios en spam, los miro en todo momento. Tus comentarios casi todos van a spam y de muchos más amigos. Yo prefiero café. Gracias y besos

    The same thing happens to me, I have many comments in spam, I look at them at all times. Your comments almost all go to spam and many more friends. I prefer coffee. Thanks and kisses

  32. I had seen other bloggers saying they had seen this message when trying to leave a comment
    "You have created the maximum number of comments for today, please try again tomorrow."

    It's just happened to me !!!

    All the best Jan

  33. WOW,,, what a great day to read some blog and yours was #1.
    Thanks for all the great ideas

    cheers, parsnip

  34. It's now the 11th of July and many of us are still experiencing problems when commenting.
    So important to keep checking your spam folder ...

    All the best Jan

  35. Christine said...

    just found close to 400 comments from various blogger friends in my spam folder, including many of yours. So annoying to just realize this after months. I read and approved the comments that were being moderated and never thought they were being approved and moved to the spam folder!

    19 July 2022 at 00:47

  36. It's now the 4th of September and another reminder to keep checking your spam folder.
    Although blogger does seem to have sorted most of its commenting problems, some bloggers are still finding comments are going incorrectly into spam even after moderation.

    All the best Jan


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The best of health to you and yours.
