Friday 22 July 2022

Five Facts For Friday ... and some low carb ice-cream !

Even during the current hot weather the UK has been experiencing the days have passed by very quickly. Eddie and I have spent a quiet week doing our best to stay cool and hydrated. Sitting in the shade reading a favourite book has been very enjoyable, so too have the salads ... simply perfect for warmer days.

Today I'm sharing five random facts do/did you know any of these?

It takes an average person 7 minutes to fall asleep.

People spend an average 22 years of their life asleep.

A 12-year-old girl from Ethiopia was kidnapped by four men on her way from school. A week later the whole group was accosted by three lions who chased the men away and stayed with the girl without harming her, only leaving when the police arrived, looking for her.

A now teenage boy called Ben Underwood lost his sight to cancer when he was 3 years old. He learned to use echolocation (orientation in space by sound that e.g. bats use) in order to sense his surroundings. Today he can play table soccer, basketball, he does karate, roller blades, enjoys pillow fights and much more.

It takes 42 facial muscles to frown but only 17 muscles to smile.

... and I'm smiling now at the thought of some lovely low carb ice-cream, how about you? Why not treat, the whole family to this fresh and creamy low carb/keto dessert. Summery home-made ice cream, bursting with luscious citrus flavour, and it's sugar free too!

Six Servings
3g carbs per serving
1 lemon, zest and juice
3 eggs
1⁄3 cup / 75ml / 50g erythritol (sweetener)
1¾ cups / 425ml heavy (double) whipping cream
¼ tsp yellow food colouring (optional)
read more details here

You will find a variety of recipe ideas within this blog, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health it is always advisable to consult your Doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. "...three lions who chased the men away and stayed with the girl without harming her..."

    I heard this story around the time it happened. Wow!

  2. Se ve muy rico y sano, gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

  3. Wonderful facts I don't fall asleep that easily

  4. Fun facts.
    Some I knew, others I didn't.
    I love the lion protectors...

  5. ...yes, smiling is much easier!

  6. Good facts, new about the sleep one but the remainder well, those lions how incredible.

  7. Fascinating facts. You can beat ice-cream in the hot weather.

  8. Interesting facts. I wish it only took me 7 minutes to fall asleep.
    Ice cream is a yummy treat. Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend!

  9. Hello Jan,
    That looks very tasty. And delicious at the warm summer days.
    I wish you a good day.

    Greetings, Marco

  10. I really love the smiling fact. Amazing. Prob part of the reason I don't have a lot of wrinkles around my mouth!! Thank if I frowned I would. lol

  11. I knew about the time to get to sleep and the facial muscles, but the rest were new to me. Thanks for sharing these random facts. Stay as cool as possible!

  12. Your icecream looks very inviting! Its yellow color is a winner.

  13. Knew about the smile.
    Heard similar story of the little girl but was in a different place and the animal was a wolf.
    Did know about Ben.

    I have to say if I'm having ice cream I want the real thing. :)

  14. Interesting facts, but I am really interested in that ice cream!

  15. Thank you for the recipe!
    I will add fresh peaches. :)
    I knew zero of the facts.

  16. Interesting facts. Ice cream sounds great right now.

  17. Good facts! The lion one was good, animals really are great! And sadly the first one....I wish it was for me...takes me about 1 hour to nod off :-|

  18. This is a fun post. Enjoy that ice cream.

  19. Wow the one that really stunned me is the kidnapped girl, amazing the things that happen. That's great the boy can do so much even being blind.
    We just had ice cream tonight but I will have to say it was not good for us ice cream but it did taste good and refreshing in this heat!

  20. I'm not an average person if they can fall asleep in 7 minutes. Some amazing facts.

  21. Oh, I like those inspirational stories! How wonderful. It doesn't take me long at all to fall asleep because I read every night before bed. Knocks me right out!

  22. Those are interesting. I feel like I already sleep a lot but 22 years-wow. And that lion fact sounded so untrue. But then life is often like that, isn't it? And yummy ice cream recipe. I printing that one- it sounds great. Happy new week.

  23. Gracias por el helado. Besos.

  24. Seguro que mi comentario anterior está en spam. Besos.


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The best of health to you and yours.
