Tuesday 2 August 2022

Answers to August Quiz Plus ... a recipe for lemon meringue pie, made the lower carb way

Hello there, I hope you enjoyed yesterdays quiz. Many thanks to all those who read the post and special thanks to those who took time to comment.

~ gladiolus, August birth flower ~

Did you know the answers? Well, as promised here are the answers to the seven questions. For ease I have repeated the questions ...

1. What is the birthstone for August?

Answer : Peridot

2. What is the birth flower of August?

Answer : Gladiolus

3. If you were born on the 30th August, what would be your star sign?

Answer : Virgo

4. What or who was the month of August named after?

Answer : A Roman Emperor

5. Back in history, on the 5th August 1962, Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for trying to overthrow which country’s apartheid rule?

Answer : South Africa

6. Which Caribbean island gained independence from Britain in August 1962?

Answer : Jamaica

7. In the US August 15th is also a Pie Day, but what pie?

Answer : Lemon Meringue Pie

How did you do? Before I researched the answers I knew five 😊

... and now on to a tasty recipe suggestion, which you may wish to try.

Celebrate Lemon Meringue Pie Day on August 15th
this version is low Carb, gluten free, and with no added sugars
see details here

~ wishing you a happy month of August ~

A variety of articles and recipe ideas are within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues please take these into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. I thought it would be apple pie. I was wrong.

  2. Thanks for the answers, I got 4 right! Have a great day, Valerie

  3. Hasta ahora no he leĂ­do el cuestionario, me faltĂł tiempo para hacerlo.
    Ahora estamos en un tiempo de tanto calor, que hay hasta pocas ganas de comer y solo apetece cosas frescas, comocomo es un gazpacho o un salmorejo, muy tĂ­pico en AndalucĂ­a, que es la tierra en que resido.
    Que tengas un buen dĂ­a.

  4. ...another test that I failed.

  5. I enjoyed the quiz. Pretty flowers and the lemon pie looks yummy.
    Take care, have a great day!

  6. Only three for me this month, I guessed the rest. I do love lemon meringue pie.

  7. I hate to say how many I guessed right! lol But I'll look at the recipe, looks like a winner!

  8. Thanks for the answers I have a pretty peridot ring. Love lemon meringue pie

  9. This month was a great quiz. Ohhh Lemon meringue pie sounds so good. Have a nice day today.

  10. Just as well I didn't take the quiz. I would have failed miserably.
    YOU have a wondrous week.

  11. Hello Jan, your posts are always very interesting.
    Lemon Meringue Pie Day sounds fabulous. :)
    Happy August! xx

  12. Lemon meringue pie is one of the few desserts I make the old fashioned way which does have allot of sugar for us but we just figure it into our calorie count. actually I think this is the only desert I use sugar in now adays. enjoy your day Kathy

  13. I love lemon meringue pie, and that one looks delicious.

  14. Mmmm. Love me some lemon meringue pie

  15. Yay, August!
    My late mom liked this pie.
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  16. Google Translation

    VENTANA DE FOTO said...
    Hasta ahora no he leĂ­do el cuestionario, me faltĂł tiempo para hacerlo.
    Ahora estamos en un tiempo de tanto calor, que hay hasta pocas ganas de comer y solo apetece cosas frescas, comocomo es un gazpacho o un salmorejo, muy tĂ­pico en AndalucĂ­a, que es la tierra en que resido.
    Que tengas un buen dĂ­a.

    So far I have not read the questionnaire, I lacked time to do so.
    Now we are in a time of so much heat, that there is even little desire to eat and only craving fresh things, such as a gazpacho or a salmorejo, very typical in Andalusia, which is the land in which I reside.
    Have a nice day.

  17. Doubt I would have known the answers. Sounds like a good tasty pie :-D

  18. I only got 4, 5, and 6 right.
    Lemon Meringue is my favorite pie. My gramma made the best ones ever!!

  19. I had a few of these, but who knew lemon meringue pie had their own day. Yum!!!

  20. Ha ha, I knew one of the questions, not very knowledgeable about August am I :)

  21. I haven't had lemon meringue pie in years. So delicious!

  22. Acerté varias de las preguntas, no todas. La tarta tiene que estar riquísima. Gracias por tus comentarios y sí, algunos estaban en spam, pero ya los recuperé. Besos.

  23. Google translation

    Teresa said...
    Acerté varias de las preguntas, no todas. La tarta tiene que estar riquísima. Gracias por tus comentarios y sí, algunos estaban en spam, pero ya los recuperé. Besos

    I got several of the questions right, not all of them. The cake has to be delicious. Thanks for your comments and yes, some were in spam, but I already recovered them. Kisses

    Hello Teresa
    Many thanks for your comment.
    Pleased that you found some of my comments on your blog had gone into spam and you have been able to recover them.

    Happy Friday and weekend wishes.

    All the best Jan

    Hola Teresa
    Muchas gracias por su comentario.
    Me complace que hayas encontrado que algunos de mis comentarios en tu blog se habĂ­an convertido en spam y has podido recuperarlos.

    Feliz viernes y fin de semana deseos.

    Todo lo mejor de Jan

  24. My mother used to make the best lemon meringue pies!


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The best of health to you and yours.
