Friday 12 August 2022

Enjoy a tea cup salad !

 Watermelon salad in a tea-cup

Well, as regular readers will know, I do like my cup of tea, but how about this!

Watermelon salad in a tea-cup ... that's different.

Certified Holistic Health Coach Lee Holmes writes:
"This dainty salad is a gorgeous, refreshing snack, light meal or post-meal enjoyment that will provide instant refreshment as well as a welcomed hit of hydration and nutrients. Watermelons are mostly water — about 92 percent — but every juicy bite has significant levels of vitamins A, B6 and C, as well as lycopene and beauty-boosting antioxidants that help keep your complexion glowing all summer long...

Serves 3
350 g (12 oz/2 cups) diced seedless watermelon
90 g (31/4 oz/2 cups) baby English spinach leaves
Small handful of mint leaves, torn or roughly chopped
1 large celery stalk, thinly sliced
1/2 red onion, thinly sliced
60 g (21/4 oz/ 1/2 cup) crumbled goat’s cheese

1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp lime juice
Handful of coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
130 g (41/2 oz/ 1/2 cup) sheep’s milk yogurt
Celtic sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Whisk all the dressing ingredients together in a small bowl.
Combine the salad ingredients in a large bowl, then divide between three wide-mouthed teacups, mugs or bowls. Spoon the dressing on top and serve immediately.

Supercharged tip
Keep the salad and dressing separate until just before serving, then when you’re ready to eat spoon the dressing on top."
Image and Recipe from Lee Holmes here

~ wishing all readers a lovely weekend and sharing some summer soft shades ~
image from here

A variety of recipe ideas are within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health it is always advisable to consult your Doctor or health care team

All the best Jan


  1. That sounds and looks lovely in the teacup! Stay cool :-D

  2. What a lovely idea and delicious sounding dressing. I hope that you and Eddie can stay cool and safe this weekend.

  3. Admittedly I have never liked watermelon.

  4. this sure does sound good for this time of year for sure

  5. Gracias por la receta y la idea. Te mando un beso.

  6. Looks perfect for a summer afternoon.

  7. Now THAT'S my cup of tea! Perfect for these hot days we are having!

  8. Nice! I like to put salad in a tea cup too.

  9. This is a lovey idea! Have a wonderful weekend, Valerie

  10. I love watermelon, it's so refreshing in the warm weather. A novel way of serving a salad.

  11. The salad looks delicious, perfect for a hot summer day.
    Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  12. Ohh I loove the teacup ! watermelon and spinach, never eaten them together ! but it looks so refreshing for me. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Have a great weekend,
    Big hugs, Caty

  13. Cute idea and perfect for the hot, hot weather

  14. That's a lovely idea, though I'd need to change the ingredients as I'm allergic to melons

  15. We are huge fans of watermelon especially now that we are not eating ice cream very much (personal choice). Our favorite way to enjoy is cut up and chilled.

  16. That would be a really fun idea for a party! I'm going to remember that one.

  17. I really really love salade πŸ’—…I eat that most days in summer…happy Sunday love from me and
    Leaf πŸ€πŸΎπŸ’—πŸ€

  18. WOW, this looks and sounds sooo delicious, it's making my mouth water. Gotta go get something to eat . . . RIGHT NOW! It’s good to learn about this from you.

    Wishing you all the best, my friend! Have a wonderful weekend!

  19. Your having such new interesting things with food.
    Coffee is on and stay save

  20. Delicious melon and all fruits by the way.
    I made a blueberry smoothie yesterday, so delicious.

    All the best and greetings from Hilly

  21. I went to lunch the other day and we had soup served in a teacup. Now your salad. I think the world is trying to tell me something-but I don't know what. This is a great summer post. Hope it isn't too hot and you're having a nice weekend.

  22. Bella l'idea di gustare questa "tazza" di insalata.
    Non riesco bene a capire come l'anguria si sposi con gli altri ingredienti a livello di gusto, perΓ² mi piacerebbe provare.

  23. Your tea cup salad looks so very refreshing and a great vegetarian dish, too!

  24. A brilliant idea, it must be delicious.
    Hugs and all the best

  25. I love this idea. Thank you for sharing!

  26. Ooh, that salad looks and sounds amazing. How cute is that though in a tea cup. Love it! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  27. I like this idea and the salad sounds delicious. :-)

  28. Me parece interesante esta ensalada. Besos.


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