Friday, 2 September 2022

Answers to September Quiz Plus ... a recipe for Peanut Butter Fat Bombs

Hello there, I hope you enjoyed yesterday's quiz. Many thanks to all those who read the post and special thanks to those who took time to comment.

Did you know the answers? Well, as promised here are the answers to the seven questions. For ease I have repeated the questions ...

1. What is the birthstone for September?


2. What is the birth flower for anyone born in September?

Aster is the main birth flower, although morning glory is also recognised by some  

3. What is the star sign for the first few weeks of September?

The Zodiac signs for September are Virgo (August 23 – September 23) and Libra (September 24 – October 23).

4. Which goddess did the Ancient Greeks honour in September?

(The goddess of the harvest)

5. Google was founded by two students in September 1998. What are their names?

Larry Page and Sergey Brin

6. The Great Fire of London ended in September 1666, but how many people died?

It is not known for sure how many people died in the Great Fire, but the commonly quoted figure is just six.

7. What popular food is celebrated on the 13th September?

If you are allergic to peanuts, then the 13th September may not be your favourite day, but for those of you who aren’t, you may want to get ready to celebrate with endless peanut filled recipes, although Peanut butter could be the most favourite

How did you do? Before I researched the answers I knew five 😊

... and now on to a tasty recipe suggestion, which you may wish to try.

Peanut Butter Fat Bombs : Keto : Low Carb
These keto/low carb peanut butter fat bombs use five simple ingredients and couldn’t be easier to make. Topped with a delicious chocolate ganache, they are the perfect decadent keto/low carb snack.
more details/recipe can be seen here

~ wishing you a happy month of September ~

A variety of articles and recipe ideas are within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues please take these into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. How awesome is this great reading too, have a lovely weekend♥

  2. Those fat bombs look totally decadent.

  3. ...the asters are gorgeous.

  4. Pretty flowers and the Peanut Butter Fat Bombs look yummy.
    Happy weekend! Take care, have a happy day!

  5. I would love a couple of these fat bombs!

  6. Oooh, I love peanuts, I shall definitely make sure I celebrate that on the 13th of September.

  7. Like you, I got five correct. Although I suspected Peanut, I was hoping for french fries, my decadent favorite splurge. However, those peanut butter fat bombs are pretty decadent themselves. This recipe looks fabulous, even if I don't have all the ingredients to make it.

  8. I didn't get a chance to comment yesterday but now that I see my answers, I guess I am not very familiar with September. And those PB fat bombs, of my, they look soooo good. I love peanut butter a lot. Happy new month.

  9. Happy September!
    Good quiz. I got only 3. lol

  10. A beautiful photo of autumn asters.
    Happy September and have a nice weekend.

  11. Nice fat bombs and thanks for the answers

  12. very interesting that only 6 died in the fire. This year is just flying by, sure do love Autumn though :)

  13. Good September quiz but I am going to make the peanut butter fat bombs. LOL have a nice day.

  14. I knew four. My birthday is Sept 11. I look like I have been fat bombed!

  15. Tengo una amiga de toda la vida, que es precisamente de este signo.

    Buena receta acompaña esta entrada.

    Que tengas un buen fin de semana.

  16. Happy September and yummy on the peanut butter fat bombs. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  17. I never knew peanuts were celebrated in September! My husband enjoys peanut butter more than I do so I think I'll make this for him as a treat--thanks! ;)


    miradasdesdemiobjetivo said...
    Tengo una amiga de toda la vida, que es precisamente de este signo.

    Buena receta acompaña esta entrada.

    Que tengas un buen fin de semana

    I have a lifelong friend, who is precisely of this sign.

    Good recipe accompanies this entry.

    Have a good weekend

  19. Happy weekend…love the asters…and that peanut butter mmmmmmmmmm… Ria and Leaf 🍀💗🐾🍀

  20. I didn't know any of the answers but now I do! Peanut butter makes me happy. Even as an adult I still enjoy a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Happy September Jan!

  21. I only knew two. Beautiful purple asters.

  22. Pretty Aster photo..Peanut butter and chocolate..Yum!!

  23. Ricos pastelito. Te mando un beso.

  24. I found the Google search engine interesting as I remember using Alta Vista search engine in those early days..

  25. The fat bombs looks amazing :-D

  26. I really like this post, those fat bombs have to be delicious, for my September is the month of calm, the return to normality, daily life after the summer season.
    Best regards.

  27. Those Pnut Bombs look delish.

  28. Oh delish recipe ~ a bit of chocolate ~ your grand daughter must like them ~ and September info ~ love the flower photo ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    (aks A Creative Harbor)

  29. As expected, I did poorly on this one. Demeter I knew.

  30. we have a September granddaughter in the family. LOve the Aster flowers.

  31. Oh, such a delicious recipe! And thank you for sharing the answers.


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The best of health to you and yours.
