Tuesday, 20 September 2022

It's Tuesday ... the day after an historic Monday

Like many readers both here in the UK and worldwide Eddie and I sat and watched the television yesterday as Queen Elizabeth II was laid to rest in an historic state funeral. She certainly fulfilled her promise to devote her whole life to our service and that devotion to her duty is an example to us all.

Of course, it is now time for her eldest son Charles to take her place and at the age of 73 he becomes King Charles III. He is the oldest monarch to ever take the British throne. I feel sure he will do an excellent job because he is the longest serving, and the most prepared, heir to the throne in British history. I wish him well.

... and as we sat down for dinner after such an historic day
we enjoyed a pork and plum casserole see recipe details here

~ I wish all readers a good week ahead ~

All the best Jan


  1. It's still Monday evening here, and I watched bits and pieces of the funeral throughout the day. It truly is the end of an era, and I wish King Charles the very best for the future.

  2. La verdad es que aun me da pena. Pero hay seguir te mando un beso.

  3. I hope King Charles does do well - he has some very big shoes to fill...

  4. Que descanse en paz la Reina Isabel. Tu receta se ve sabrosa. Besos.


    J.P. Alexander said...
    La verdad es que aun me da pena. Pero hay seguir te mando un beso

    The truth is that I still feel sorry. But there will be continuation I send you a kiss

    Teresa said...
    Que descanse en paz la Reina Isabel. Tu receta se ve sabrosa. Besos

    May Queen Elizabeth rest in peace. Your recipe looks tasty. Kisses

  6. The Queen's funeral was worthy of such a great woman! Have a good week, Valerie

  7. It was indeed an historic day. I'm sure Charles will follow in the Queen's footsteps and make and excellent King.

  8. ...and wonderful week to you.

  9. Hello,
    I wish King Charles well too, the funeral was memorable.
    Take care, enjoy your new week!

  10. Maiale e prugne,una leccornia!

  11. The Procession was suchhhh an out pouring of love and respect...And as you said I wish Only the Very best for the King...I look forward to his coronation.

  12. The Queen was such an amazing woman. It is hard to believe she is not in the world any longer. I haven't gotten used to Charles as King, but I a sure I will. He has a tough act to follow, that is for certain. Hope all is well.

  13. Royalties and leaders from across the world gathered in a respectful way at a historic funeral of the UK’s longest-serving monarch.

  14. I've never watched TV for as long as yesterday...
    We had very good coverage of Queen Elizabeth II's touching farewell.
    All the best to King Charles.

  15. I am sure your hearts are heavy at the loss of your Queen. I am sure King Charles will make his mother proud. xo Diana

  16. I watched the Queen's funeral. So many poignant moments. The corgis, the groom with the pony. The breaking of the royal wand. Though the Queen was petite, Charles has big shoes to fill. As you said, he's well prepared. God save the King.

  17. I feel sad with her passing. It still seems unreal.

    Will try that recipe. It looks pretty good.

  18. My wife also watched that yesterday but, for me, I just took pictures with my phone, and waited to see what might come to me, as to what I could write, while listening to music.

  19. I watched every minute and felt their exhaustion. How hard it is to grieve with the world watching, with handshaking and walking behind the coffin. I hope they all get some good rest.

  20. I also hope King Charles does do well. I wish him success on this leg of his journey. Wishing you all the best, dear friend! Have a wonderful week!

  21. If he takes after both his parents he could easily live another twenty or thirty years.

  22. He visto parte de funerales de Isabel II. Ya descansa en paz.
    Me gusta la receta.
    Un abrazo.

  23. What a Queen she was! I wish Charles the very best as he fills his mum’s shoes.


    OLga said...
    Maiale e prugne,una leccornia!

    Pork and plums, a delicacy!

    Laura. M said...
    He visto parte de funerales de Isabel II. Ya descansa en paz.
    Me gusta la receta.
    Un abrazo.

    I have seen part of Elizabeth II's funeral. She already rests in peace.
    I like the recipe.
    A hug.

  25. Saying goodbye is always better with good food. And that pork sounds delicious.

  26. she had a full lifetime of work didn't she right up until the end, glad she could be in a place she loved on her last days

  27. Was very touched when watching the funeral but of course didn't watch it all due to time different...lovely Lady.

  28. I was very moved to visit the memorial garden for the Queen and see the tributes. I was sorry so little information was available about what they were like, there were some beautiful ones which really show the ways how people appreciated her..

  29. It was a beautiful funeral…I watch all…such a special lady your queen ….🙏🙏🙏

  30. I watched the funeral also and the crowds showed the world how much Her Majesty will be missed. I was very sad when I heard of her passing, but I wish King Charles every success in his role as Monarch.

  31. What a lifetime of service, and she was such a clever lady! x

  32. Queen Elizabeth's funeral was really amazing and a real testament to her 70 years of service. I was so sad to hear of her passing---I thought she would live forever.
    We wish King Charles all the best for the future. He has mighty big shoes to fill.

  33. It was a beautiful funeral. Very fitting.

  34. Thanks for the updates about queen's funeral. It looks exquisite indeed.

    I was in middle school probably when Charles and Diana got married. I had pasted huge photos of the couple on our room wall as they looked beautiful together.
    I wish Charles success as king and prosperity to your homeland.

  35. I watched, too. An event we'll not see the like of again.


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