Tuesday, 27 September 2022

'New study: Keto reduces, not raises, cardiovascular risk'

Sharing a post by Dr Bret Scher MD at Diet Doctor site

He writes:
"Does a ketogenic diet put people at higher risk of heart disease? Recent research suggests, in fact, the opposite is true.

Patients on a keto diet may significantly reduce their risk of heart disease, while losing weight and improving blood sugar, blood pressure, and other metabolic markers.

The latest study to show this is a new small pilot study published in Metabolites. The research team, including keto weight loss expert Dr. Tro Kalayjian, partnered with a local manufacturing plant. They signed up interested employees with obesity and higher risk of cardiovascular disease to follow a weight loss and metabolic health program with carbohydrate reduction for six months.

The patients were taught how to eat keto and wore continuous glucose monitors and used ketone meters. They were supported by medical visits, Doctor Tro’s app, and had access to a health coach (including keto coach Amy Eiges, whose 230-pound weight loss success story was previously shared).

Of the 10 patients who followed the program for six months, patients averaged a 44% reduction in their relative cardiovascular risk. Not only that, but the average weight loss was 38 pounds (17 kilos) and significant money was saved on prescription drug costs."

You can read the full article and see a video from Dr Bret Scher here

Please note that articles within this blog are provided for general information only and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, you should contact your local health care provider.

All the best Jan


  1. Anything that reduces cardio risk is a winner.

  2. That sounds good and interesting the money saved on the prescriptions!

    I was reading an article not so long ago about B12 misdiagnosis and how it gets mistaken for a lot of other things and the interesting thing was how much it was cost the NHS! Shocking really.

  3. Como siempre interesante. Feliz noche.

  4. Glad to hear this as I've been on Keto for four years now. Thank you for posting this as some folks think just the opposite!

  5. Always enjoy these interesting articles. Thank you Jan!

  6. INteresting. I wonder how a keto diet affects kidney function. They always say it isn't good but they said that about cardio-vascular function too.

  7. Es una buena noticia. Te mando un beso.

  8. Thanks for that great info!

  9. I think that much of what scientists believed in the past is being revised these days.

  10. Always enjoy Dr. Bret Scher's preaching.

  11. Very interesting article! Thanks for sharing, Valerie

  12. dear Jan this is greatly useful information
    your blog has always helped me to understand what to do and what not to for healthy life

    thank you for the guidance
    i am baili

  13. I hadn't realized it was thought keto contributed to heart problems. I'm glad they've disproven that.

  14. Thanks for this information and the link. Great article!

  15. My name is Erika. said...
    INteresting. I wonder how a keto diet affects kidney function. They always say it isn't good but they said that about cardio-vascular function too

    Hello there, thanks for your comment and question.
    You may find this article an interesting read.
    What you need to know about a low-carb diet and your kidneys.

    All the best Jan

  16. A friend of mine has been on the Keto diet for the past few years.

  17. Hi! This is an excellent informative blog. Very good. Hugs, Raquel

  18. Muy interesante informaciĆ³n!

  19. I have a friend who is on a Keto diet, so that is good to know.

  20. I'm not doing keto but I am doing low carb. But that's good to know.

  21. I listen to Dr Bret all the time - thanks for the share!

  22. It is great that they are doing studies on this and monitoring it so well.

  23. Society has demonized fat to a ridiculous degree. People think that junk food is healthier than protein foods. Thank you for trying to correct the misinformation.


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