Tuesday, 15 November 2022

November - did you know?

Did you/do you know these seven November Facts?

1. The official flower for the month of November is the chrysanthemum. Meaning ‘golden flower’ the chrysanthemum represents honesty, joy and optimism.

2. The official birthstone of November is the topaz. This orange-yellow gemstone is said to represent friendship. The Greeks also believed that Topaz had the power to turn you invisible.

3. The popular board game, Monopoly, was introduced to the world on the 5th of November 1935. Monopoly is arguably one of the most popular board games played by different people around the world. Do you enjoy playing it?

4. November the 14th is World Diabetes Day. Someone is diagnosed with diabetes every two minutes. Being diagnosed early is so important for all types of diabetes. It can save lives, prevent a medical emergency, and reduce the risk of life-changing complications later. Read more here

5. The month of November is host to International Tolerance Day which is held on the 16th every year. 

6. Apparently, November babies are smart. Scientists have conducted research to come to the conclusion that babies born in the month of November are usually smart, intuitive and curious.
Do you have a November birthday?

7. In the US, November is perhaps best known for Thanksgiving. Since 1621, the fourth Thursday in November has served as a holiday to gather with friends and family and give thanks for the blessings in our lives and also eat the incredible food reaped from the fall harvest. That’s 400 years of turkeys!
In 2022 thanksgiving is on 24th November ... so not long to go.
Have you got your turkey yet? Perhaps you prefer something different on the table?

Please see related post
Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving here

This blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, funnies, photographs, music and recipes!

However, not all the recipe ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e., use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. Monopoly is a good board game.


  2. I didn't know about Monopoly and November. We seem to have a turkey crisis in the states this year. Not bird flu, but birds are smaller and there are less of them to choose from. Did you know it takes on average 26 weeks from birth to freezer for a turkey? I have NO plans to serve one this year. Thanks for the trivia/information.

  3. Conocía algunas cosas no todas Te mando un beso.

  4. Interesting facts, didn't know the age of Monopoly.

  5. Thanksgiving in the US was celebrated on various days (even months) until Abraham Lincoln proclaimed it to be the last Thursday of November. Circa 1940, FDR and the Senate made it the fourth Thursday of November so that we'd have one more Christmas shopping weekend.


  6. We had Thanksgiving in October. I've never been crazy about turkey.

  7. Love that board game, don't seem to play it anymore though.
    Lots of people born in November, a popular month.

  8. So many good things in November! We grew up playing Monopoly as children, loved that game, although it sure could drag on! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays here in the US, where we can all just be thankful, and share the blessings of the Lord in our lives. I did not know today was National Diabetics Day. We have several diabetics in our family. It is a terrible disease, and definitely making good food choices helps so much. Thank you for always an interesting and wonderful post to enjoy! Thanksgiving blessings to you Jan!

  9. Smart November. I thought it is August. 😎

  10. People have expressed their thanks for crops in this month for a long time. I hope this ritual continues into the future.

  11. I had known only #1 and #2 till now. Have nice November ahead.

  12. I remember warfare playing Monopoly with my brothers. My father was born in November - and he was certainly smart (and curious).
    I think we need every day to be tolerance day.

  13. Thank you for the interesting and fun facts, Jan!
    I love chrysanthemums and Monopoly... and there's never enough tolerance in the world.
    My husband was born in November and now I can tell him he's smart and intuitive. :D
    It' always a pleasure to read your blog, with tasty recipes and useful information.
    Stay well! xx

  14. I like number 6! My daughter's birthday is the end on the month ;-) Pfft so her birthday and then Christmas! Ahhhh haha!

  15. Hello,
    I enjoyed the fun facts about the month November.
    Hubby and I like playing Monopoly.
    We did buy our turkey and our just about ready for Thanksgiving.
    Take care, have a great day!

  16. I used to love playing Monopoly when I was a child, not so much now, the games seem to go on and on, they're endless.

  17. I love the facts, especially since Monopoly is a fave game and it's having a birthday!

  18. We do have a November child and I agree with the scientists! I love cooking turkey, love the scent of it roasting--Calvados in maple syrup involved there. But mostly I like it because it goes well with my real favorites, cranberry sauce and cornbread dressing. Recently though, the daughters-in-law roast the turkey, just as it should be.

  19. Todo es muy interesante. Besos.

  20. I agree I think it is best to know and accept and work with the fact you have diabetes as fast as possible.

  21. Those are fun facts! And fits too with the diabetes day. I didn't even know they had one. Very cool for your blog.

  22. Very interesting post, I love it! Have a great day!

  23. I only knew a couple. I wasn't born in Nov but Ken was. :)

  24. Very interesting facts and I agree totally as my Birthday is in November I knew I was smart haha.

  25. Interesting facts about November. I love playing monopoly but I seem to lose all the time.:)

  26. I did not know most of these facts. Thanx Jan.

    God bless.

  27. Always fun to read this kind of a post. I learned a lot of trivia. My cousin was born on Nov 14 and she had diabetes too.

  28. I'm quite impressed! November seems to be marked by important events and items: Thankksgiving, Diabetes Day, Tolerance Day, by the topaz gem, the crysantemus flower, by the Monopoly play. Great month of the year!

  29. Fun facts! It is so important as a diabetes reminder. Thanksgiving is a favorite of mine since it is an opportunity to overeat and not feel guilty!


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