Thursday, 17 November 2022

Real meat, fake meat and essential amino acids

"Compared to real meat, fake meat doesn’t trigger the same rise in essential amino acids when eaten."

Red meat is a nutrient-dense food and a dietary staple. A new generation of plant-based meat analogs (PBMAs) have been designed to mimic the experience of eating meat, but there is limited evidence about their digestive efficacy and nutritional quality.

We compared the postprandial digestive response of a single meal containing meat commercially raised in New Zealand, including lamb, on-farm pasture-raised beef (Pasture), or grain-finished beef (Grain) with a PBMA (Beyond Burger; Beyond Meat) sold through consumer retail. The primary outcome was the appearance of amino acids in plasma. Secondary outcomes included glucose and insulin, appetite assessment, and anthropometry.

Thirty healthy men (20–34 y) participated in a double-blinded randomized crossover trial. Each consumed 1 of the 4 test meals on 4 occasions separated by a washout period of at least 1 wk, following an overnight fast. The meal was a burrito-style wrap containing meat or PBMAs, vegetables, salsa, and seasonings in a flour tortilla. The amount of Pasture, Grain, Lamb, or BB was 220 g raw (∼160 g cooked). Venous blood samples were collected over 4 h. Appetite and hunger status was scored with visual analog scales.

Pre-meal amino acid concentrations in plasma did not differ by group (P > 0.9), although several nonessential amino acids differed strongly according to participant BMI. Postprandial amino acids peaked at 2–3 h in all groups. The BB meal produced significantly lower plasma concentrations of total, essential, branched-chain, and non-proteogenic amino acids than the Lamb, Pasture, or Grain meals, based on AUC. There were no significant differences between meal groups in scores for hunger, fullness, or cravings.

Red meat meals exhibited greater bioavailability of amino acids compared with the PBMA (BB). Pasture versus Grain origins of the beef had little influence on participants’ responses. This trial was registered at as NCT04545398.
More to read here
h/t Marks Daily Apple here

Read about essential amino acids here and here

Please note that articles within this blog are provided for general information only and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, you should contact your local health care provider.

All the best Jan


  1. ...I'll stick with the real thing.

  2. Interesting. While I am a vegetarian I do not eat fake meat, but get my protein from other sources, like nuts and legumes.

  3. Thank you for such good information that you always leave.
    Buen jueves.
    Un abrazo.

  4. Interesting.
    Fake meat, I tried once. Never again. I think those of us that eat red meat know nothing can replace a good steak.

  5. The real thing for matter the results

  6. I once ate burgers at home from a bag of what I thought was meat burgers and hated them, was hungry and figured out I was allergic to most of the ingredients. Never again. I want the real thing or nothing.

  7. Real meat is what I'll keep eating!!

  8. The thought of fake meat doesn't interest me at all. I'll keep eating real meat.

  9. Fascinating. I don't eat much meat -- pricy -- but this is an interesting and not too surprising study. Thanks!

  10. Muy interesante, te mando un beso.

  11. Enough nutrition doesn't always mean mental satisfaction.

  12. Meat heals! I wouldn't touch fake meat even if you paid me...they are manmade garbage.

  13. Real meat. Fake I tried out of interest and was disappointed each time.
    Also I think the body just wants and needs the real thing.
    And the price sure matters as well. It´s still a "Hype" here and hence more expensive.
    When I buy meat then local.

  14. Very interesting data, we have to monitor food and we are 8,000 million people on the planet and we must investigate and look for new resources in everything.
    Best regards.

  15. Hello,
    I will stick to the real meat!
    Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  16. I haven't eaten beef in 15 years because my partner abstains for religious reasons. I never really did care for lamb. Once in a while, I have a yen for a burger, and the Impossible Burgers or Beyond Burgers do the trick for me. My mother lives with me and loves her steak, but is not at all displeased when I serve "my" burgers. To each their own.

  17. I will say I enjoy real meat but somethings taste ok plant based, I think a balance is good

  18. Siempre tan interesante. Besos.

  19. This was a fascinating read. Thanks for sharing it.

  20. We don't eat red meat, but I have no idea why anyone would want to eat fake meat. There are countless ways to maintain excellent nutrition without resorting to fake anything.

  21. If the veggies dislike meat so much why do all there products try to mimic meat? Just saying!


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