Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Breakfast : Let's make it simple : Three-ingredient egg cups/muffins

You may have seen a previous post of mine titled 'Take three ingredients' here ... well this simple breakfast recipe suggestion follows on from that ...

Whether you call it an egg cup or egg muffin this keto/low carb breakfast is a simple single-portion breakfast by Sahil Makhija that you can make in minutes. Simply beat eggs, cheese, and ham and microwave in a buttered ramekin.

One Serving
1 tsp butter
2 large eggs
1¼ oz. smoked deli ham, chopped
¼ cup (1 oz.) cheddar cheese, grated
salt and ground black pepper, to taste
1. If not using a microwave, preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C).
Steps 2 to 5 can be seen here

Feel free to substitute the cheddar cheese or ham for any other cheese or deli meat you have in your fridge.
Meal prep
i) If you make more than one serving, beating the eggs in a bowl is easier.
ii) You can bake these in a muffin tin and store them in the fridge for 7-8 days.

Cooking doesn't have to be complicated 😊

"Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods money can buy - they are a natural source of many nutrients including high quality protein, vitamins and minerals. A medium egg contains less than 70 calories. Eggs are naturally rich in vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B12, vitamin D, selenium and iodine. They also contain vitamin A and a number of other B vitamins including folate, biotin, pantothenic acid and choline, and essential minerals and trace elements, including phosphorus." Read more about eggs here

Eggs are incredibly nutritious, but I appreciate that in some countries, at present times they are becoming expensive. If your budget and any health issues, or allergies, allow for eggs to be included in your menu plans I hope you may be able to give this recipe suggestion a try.

You will find a variety of recipe ideas within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. ...eggs have become expensive, but they are how I start my day.

  2. Looks amazing....however, can't afford eggs these days! lol

  3. Simple and delicious looking.

  4. Quick and easy, love that!!

  5. Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

  6. I heard of this, although never tried it.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. They do look tasty - at any time of the day.

  8. Looks so yummy. Might give it a go tonight

  9. A nice simple breakfast, and I love eggs.

  10. Looks delicious, another great recipe.
    Take care, have a great day!

  11. Ottima idea,Buon pomeriggio

  12. My hubby has been asking if I would make these, thanks for sharing

  13. I totally agree with the view that eggs are mighty nutritious. There was a time when people (me included) skipped eggs because of fear of high cholesterol. Well, it affected health badly.

  14. I love making things in muffin shape!!!!

  15. This looks delicious! Thanks for linking to the recipe :)

  16. Now, to be honest, I've never cooked eggs in a microwave. Must try it. They look tasty, yummy.

  17. How much are eggs in England. They are $7 here in GA and $10 in CA!

  18. Chatty Crone said...
    How much are eggs in England. They are $7 here in GA and $10 in CA!

    Hello there
    I actually bought a box of 12 free range medium size eggs today and they cost £2-30 which works out at 19pence per egg.
    However, prices are lower if you buy caged hens eggs and higher if you want to buy organic eggs. The eggs I tend to buy are in the middle of the price range.
    The other thing is that eggs are still in short supply and many stores and supermarkets are restricting sales to two or three boxes per customer.

    We did enjoy one of these egg cup/muffins each this morning for breakfast, they are so quick and easy to do :)

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  19. Looks pretty simple - and delicious too. I need a change from my morning bowl of cereal.

  20. I love eggs. Even though they are expensive now, I'd rather buy a dozen eggs than an equal price of meat (which actually, I think would be hard to find!) And you get a lot more meals out of eggs!

  21. No me gusta desayunar con huevos. Suelo hacerlo con tostadas y aceite de oliva o galletas.
    En Béjar los huevos XL la docena cuesta unos 3 euros. Tenemos 6 gallinas en el huerto y son los huevos que comemos, ahora están un poquito vagas por el frío :))
    Buen jueves para todos.
    Un abrazo.

  22. Love this …love eating eggs…🍀❤️🍀🐾🍀

  23. Tengo los huevos de mis gallinas. No desayuno huevos, pero si los como durante el día, me gustan mucho. Besos.


    J.P. Alexander said...
    Thanks for the recipe. I send you a kiss.

    OLga said...
    Great idea, Good afternoon

    Laura. M said...
    I don't like to have breakfast with eggs. I usually make it with toast and olive oil or cookies.
    In Béjar the XL eggs the dozen costs about 3 euros. We have 6 hens in the garden and they are the eggs we eat, now they are a little vague because of the cold :))
    Good Thursday to all.
    A hug

    Teresa said...
    I have the eggs of my chickens. I don't eat eggs, but if I eat them during the day, I like them a lot. Kisses.

  25. I have eggs every morning and almost always with my crustless quiche. This would be a wonderful substitution! Thank you!

  26. Dear Jan. I have in egg in my breakfast twice a week with no oil at all. I am glad they are harmless so far :)

    Recipe is very good thanks for sharing


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