Tuesday, 3 January 2023

How Do You Like To Shop ?

To a select few their favourite food shopping may be done at Harrods, or perhaps Fortnum and Mason. Indeed I have visited the Harrod’s Food Hall and it is truly amazing … the foods and wine that are available a wonderful array of great foods.

However, to us more ordinary folk, although a visit there may be enjoyed, in reality the family food shop is done at one of our main chain supermarkets. We all have our favourites … or perhaps it comes down to which supermarket is nearest to you.

In more recent times the local Farmers Markets are proving very popular, we have quite a few near to us that are well worth a visit, although it does involve a drive, they are not right on our door step. At Christmas, near to us, we had some wonderful German Street Markets with some great meats and cheeses available to buy, (amongst other things too), a different experience to try.

Some of us now do our shopping online and have anything and everything delivered at the click of a mouse.

When it comes to food shopping I still prefer going out to see and buy what I want to eat and drink. The range of foods that are available all year round, are of course so different to what it was decades ago. Foods are flown around the world, and food seasons are definitely a thing of the past. Having said that, I recall, when we first started on our LCHF lifestyle celeriac was not easy to find, but now fourteen years later we can buy it in every one of our local supermarkets. How we shop, how we eat does seem to change and not always for the better.

There has been a lot of talk in the media how people are shopping differently. The financial pressures on people can be seen as more food stamps are being handed out and parcels from food banks are on the increase.

Here in the UK, recent consumer research has shown that more Brits are shopping at the value Supermarkets like Aldi and Lidl.

However, where you choose to shop and how you shop is a personal choice, but I do think that in these current times more of us are looking out for the best bargains and special offers that are available. 

How do you shop? Have you found shopping has changed?
It would be interesting to hear your views.

Just a reminder
It seems many of us are still experiencing problems with blogger, especially with comments going into the spam folder.

Just recently a known blogger friend left two comments on this blog one came through as normal and the other went in the spam folder! Why I do not know, but it is very important to check your spam folder daily.

All the best Jan


  1. I don't like to shop. Farmer's Markets are great for showcasing local produce. And I need to shop in person. I have watched the supermarket 'packers' shopping for those who have put their orders in on line. No care is shown.

  2. I have had the same problems as you describe. Yes, it's smart to check the spam box every day.

  3. We are very lucky as we have a farm shop close by, so we always have fresh fruit and veg. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

  4. I buy from the farmer, at the market and in the supermarket... the food prices have increased a lot.
    I believe that it is not an advantage for us humans to have everything at all times - the food products that have come a long way are often of poor quality (harvested unripe, containing preservatives, etc.). claims the consumer - that is, we - always want to have everything available. That's wrong. Most people want good quality food, freshly harvested and untreated. That includes, for example, that there shouldn't be any tomatoes now... and I could deal with that... because what a joy to get the first fresh cucumbers or tomatoes from the gardener that really taste good.

  5. We are at the mercy of blogger sometimes, aren't we? There is one blog that I just can't receive its comments.
    I loved that photo of fruits and vegetables! They look so clean and healthy. I went to London twice in my life.
    I like to hand pick my items too.

  6. Nice and good post!I really dont like to shop so we do it once or twice in the weeek.Clothes we shop only on sale.Everything is so expencive here in Norway we have to be careful with the money.
    I want to eat healthy but why is all the healthy food so expensive???
    Well tonight it s going to be pizza with only cheese and tomatoes!Hi hih!

    wish you all good and happy new year 2023

  7. Happy and healthy New Year!! I do like to shop but not for food...My husband has done our food shopping for 44 years now!!! Thanks so much for your visit!!!

  8. Part of Anita's comment (see above) ...
    "I want to eat healthy but why is all the healthy food so expensive???"

    There is an article "Why Is Healthy Food So Expensive? (Top 10 Reasons)" you may be interested in reading find it using the link shown below.


    There is also an article "Low carb and keto on a budget" which has helpful tips and recipes, read it using the link below

    I do hope Anita, and other readers, will find these links helpful.

    All the best Jan

  9. I can only shop at a place that has the electric shopping carts so I can sit. Bargains at any other place are useless. Publix and Piggly Wiggly are the two places I shop mostly.

  10. We shop for food at all kind of places (along with growing a lot of our own during the summer and fall). We get eggs from a local source as well as grass fed beef from a local farmer. During the season, there are farmer's markets, in addition to regalur supermarkets. Aldi is my favorite, as I can do with just one kind of oats and not a dozen.

  11. I like to go out and choose my own groceries, like you.

  12. I don't like any kind of shopping.
    We always shop with a list and go up and down all the isles just to see if anything is on sale.

  13. I love shopping in farmers markets for fresh produce in season and also Trader Joe's and Aldi's. My kids get their groceries delivered from Whole Foods!

  14. I go to a farmers market a couple times a month. Beyond that, my primary grocery store is a few blocks away on foot. I buy what I need, and what can fit in my backpack.

  15. Siempre es bueno ir de compras y comer alimentos sanos. Te mando un beso.

  16. For me it is probably more how my eating habits have changed that have changed my shopping habits. My eating habits have changed to be healthier and to save cash, so my meals are now something we can get a few days out of.

  17. I order most of my meat from a farm in my state.

  18. Living rural my biggest challenge is finding good fresh produce. the local small grocery store near me has really good meat, but horrible produce-the big chain store about a 45 minute drive away-wal mart-has better prices on many items but even they don't always have good produce. I now order allot of gluten free and organic foods online from a couple sources-lots more choices and better prices

  19. Where I live, in NJ, the big chain supermarkets are losing customers to specialty supermarkets. These are large supermarket-sized stores but each with a distinct personality. I only go into a chain supermarket when I can't get what I want at other specialty markets. Happy New Year to you and yours, Jan!

  20. I like to choose my own food and hope I never have to order online. I shop at our local grocers, and at the farmers market. I watch for sales in the online flyers and will go to one of three supermarket chains near to us.

  21. I've never done an online food shop, I always like to see what I'm buying. I always pop some extra items in with my shopping for the food bank, they need lots of help at the moment.

  22. With a list…and all low low low budget…to sad …because I want to eat healthy….and often I can’t buy fruit 🙈…I life in a difficult time right now…but I hope and pray for better….always keep look what you have every day…and I am thankful for that 🙏🍀🙏

  23. I think... buying food online sounds kinda weird - like you are rich and have a butler.
    Call me old-fashioned.
    I make a list but may eventually treat myself if I see something.
    I have a good job now. And who knows where the value of money is going?
    I use self-check-out as it´s quicker, though I know I might destroy a job with that, too. If no endless queue I use a human check-out.
    And if I have a lot I always look who´s behind me and if that person has but few items I let them go in front of me. (karma, huh)

  24. Hello,
    We have a few favorite stores, we do shop with a list.
    It is nice to find a treat at least once in awhile.
    Take care, have a happy day!

  25. I'm with you -- I like to see what I'm getting, especially meat or produce. I ordered delivered groceries for awhile during the early months of Covid. It was not only more expensive but I couldn't choose for myself. I tend to stop mostly a either a medium sized small chain that focuses on good produce and meat/fish or a slightly larger chain store that has good sales and a wider selection. I tend to be at the store more than once a week because I don't have a lot of room for storage.

  26. Himself enjoys going to the grocery store. I prefer to point and click and have things delivered.

  27. I see my both older kids shop online mostly though we buy from the market more often. Hubby orders sometimes online too .
    I personally think that each city must have different choices for customers such as you mentioned German market in your area.that can revolutionise the shopping for people if common.
    I try to check spam box everyday since I see comments are going there more.

  28. We basically shop at a store called "Costco" here in the US. It sells items n larger bulk quantities at good prices, but it also sells some smaller individual items and seafood and meat. The quality of their items is very good and they will take back returns on most items if we are not satisfied, no questions asked. We then fill in what we need at local grocery stores. The price of eggs has gone up double and triple lately because of avian flu causing the death of many egg-laying chickens. Butter has also doubled in price--not sure why. I do grow some of my own vegetables every summer from seeds I save. I enjoy taking care of them and watching them grow even though I have to protect the plants from hungry rabbits and deer.

  29. Boa tarde. Desejo uma quarta-feira com muita saúde e paz. Com votos de um excelente ano novo e um mês de janeiro com muitas conquistas e vitórias.

  30. I like to go to a grocery called Woodman's, but it is a 45 minuet drive for me. I like to 'inspect my food', I also read labels. I will always do my shopping, God Willing.
    I am also thankful we garden, in the summer we grow a great amount of the veg we eat. :-)

  31. We shop differently because we moved over the summer. Now we have access to the mobile greengrocer so we buy our produce from him. We do order some things online, either because we can't get them in the grocery store (strong wholemeal flour, for instance) or because of the convenience/price (walnuts, for example--we use a lot of them and they only come in small expensive bags at the small local grocery, so we go online and buy them in bulk from a non-Amazon seller). We get fish at a fishmonger in the town we go to for banking or the mobile fishmonger and same with poultry. Red meat doesn't agree with me so I don't have to buy that. I grow sprouts, too.

  32. Kroger is the main chain here, and that's where I usually shop. It's close.

  33. Don't forget Jan. We need to use our local shops, now more than ever. In our local village we still have a butcher, baker, fishmonger and cheese shop. It's great to see the queues outside them all on a Friday and Saturday morning. Sadly the expensive local Coop gets more customers than it serves.

    Thank you both for your posts in 2022 and good luck for 2023.

  34. I have 2 grocery stores in my town. One is too expensive to shop at and the other is getting there. We have to go out of town once a month so we shop then in the bigger city to get better prices.

  35. Yo compro en varios supermercados y algunos productos en el comercio local, también tengo mi propia fruta y verduras en el tiempo de verano y huevos de mis gallinas. Reviso todos los días el correo, muchos comentarios están en spam. Besos.

  36. I used to hate grocery shopping, then for several years we ordered it all online. Now it's I find it enjoyable and a privilege to get out and pick out my food for myself. I guess the old saying is right, you don't know how good you've got it until it's gone!

  37. I ahop at a small grocery near by ~ keeping things simple for the most part though `

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  38. This is a generic copy and paste because I have so many I need to visit. I have been offline since early Tuesday morning. Not only did I lose internet and phone, I also lost heat and electricity. Thank goodness for extra blankets, layering, and two very warm fur babies. Just wanted you to know why you haven't heard from me.

    I will never shop online. I have to inspect everything I buy. I read labels. I look at and pick out all my fruit and veggies. I am an Aldi shopper who lives in the states. Occasionally, I'll visit a big box grocery, but when I do, it's with coupons or for items Aldi doesn't sell.

  39. We do most of our shopping on the base but there are some things we can only find in the specialty store, but it is more expensive. I have not bought food on line yet, I too like to see for myself what I am buying, especially fresh foods I like to pick out myself.


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