Saturday 7 January 2023

Prediabetes: Have you been told that you have prediabetes or that you’re at risk for type 2 diabetes? You’re not alone.

Sharing some words (and image) from Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE writing on Diet Doctor site

"What is prediabetes & how can you reverse it?
Have you been told that you have prediabetes or that you’re at risk for type 2 diabetes? You’re not alone. Prediabetes is extremely common, affecting more than one third of all American adults. (and a lot more world-wide).
The good news is that you can control, or even reverse, this condition by making a few simple diet and lifestyle changes — no medications required.

Read on to learn about prediabetes and the steps you can take today to reverse it.

What is prediabetes?
Prediabetes is a health condition in which your blood sugar levels are above the normal range but not high enough for you to be diagnosed with diabetes.

It is one of the most common conditions in the modern world, and the number of people affected by this condition is growing steadily.

Where does the high blood sugar come from?
The sugar (glucose) in your blood comes from eating certain foods and from your liver. Your liver stores sugar and releases it into your bloodstream as needed.

When you eat sugar and starches, they are broken down into glucose and quickly absorbed into your blood. This causes your blood sugar to begin rising. In response, your pancreas produces insulin, a hormone that directs glucose to move from your blood into your cells. When this is working well, the sugar, or glucose, in your blood stays within a narrow range.

If you have prediabetes, in most cases, your pancreas produces insulin normally, but your cells don’t fully respond to insulin’s effects. This is called insulin resistance, and it causes blood sugar to increase above the healthy range. As a result, your pancreas produces even more insulin in an attempt to return high blood sugar to normal levels.

During prediabetes, your blood sugar and insulin levels may gradually increase over several years. In short, you don’t go from having normal blood sugar one day to having type 2 diabetes the next. It’s an evolving process. And prediabetes is the intermediate step.

In some cases, diabetes complications can start developing during the prediabetes stage — including eye, kidney, and nerve damage — years before any symptoms occur.
Having prediabetes also increases your risk of heart disease.
So, it’s important to take prediabetes seriously."

In her article Franziska also writes about:
  • How do I know if I have prediabetes?
  • How to reverse prediabetes
  • Exercise
  • Other lifestyle changes

"What are the risk factors for prediabetes?
According to the CDC, several factors can increase your risk of prediabetes, including:
  • having a BMI of 25 or more, especially if you carry excess weight around the middle and have other features of metabolic syndrome, such as elevated blood pressure
  • being 45 years or older
  • having a family history of type 2 diabetes, especially if you do not have obesity
  • living a sedentary lifestyle
  • having a history of gestational diabetes
  • being of African, Indian, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, or Native American ethnicity
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are also at increased risk of prediabetes.

Although meeting one or more of these criteria doesn’t mean that you will definitely get prediabetes, it increases your risk of developing it. So if you fall into any of these categories, you may want to get tested for prediabetes and start making lifestyle changes now to prevent developing prediabetes in the future.

Does having prediabetes mean I will get type 2 diabetes?
Based on the most recent research, more than half of all people with prediabetes are expected to develop diabetes at some point in their lifetime, while others will never progress beyond prediabetes.

In some studies, people with a fasting blood sugar level or A1c at the upper end of the prediabetes range were more likely to eventually develop type 2 diabetes than those whose levels were closer to the normal range.

But no matter where your blood sugar levels are now, you can control or even reverse prediabetes by changing how you eat and adopting other healthy lifestyle habits.

You have the power to achieve normal, healthy blood sugar and prevent type 2 diabetes — by taking control of your health. Start today!"

The above is a snippet from Franziska's original article which you can read in full with all relevant research links here

Please note that articles within this blog are provided for general information only and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, you should contact your local health care provider.

All the best Jan


  1.'s becoming all too common.

  2. Very Good Information!

    In the past, I have heard my doctor say prediabetes. I hooe not to hear it again. It takes work to adjust a diet.

  3. Seems so many people have this now a days.

  4. I wish more folks took the pre stages more serious.

  5. This is interesting. So far I have had normal blood sugar levels, but I do worry one day that may change. Happy rest of your weekend.

  6. The idea is to control prediabetes and even reverse it. That's possible with the right life style and you've elaborated on that. Thanks a lot.

  7. I am glad that my blood sugar levels are well within normal - but do watch my diet.

  8. Buena información te mando un beso.

  9. United States has high rate of over weight people.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  10. Grazie mille per le interessanti informazioni.
    Per fortuna i miei livelli di zucchero sono ottimale, anche se ho la tendenza ad eccedere ... Ma ci sono momenti in cui ne sento veramente il bisogno.
    Poi rimetto in riga e faccio periodi in cui non vedo un dolce neanche in fotografia.
    Speriamo bene perché mia zia materna ha il diabete e entrambi i miei zii paterni.

  11. Some valuable information here. Great post. Thanks

  12. Un buen reportaje como siempre. De momento estoy bien de glucosa, pero hay que cuidarse. Besos.

  13. What an interesting article. I've heard of a few people with prediabetes and some have managed to reverse it with diet and exercise.

  14. Great information and post.
    I seem to stay normal, sometimes a little low blood sugar.
    Happy Sunday, have a happy new week!

  15. Thankfully, no I don't have to worry about that. However, I loved the visual and the heart filled with foods I absolutely love.

  16. Thanks for sharing. Wasn't even aware there is a condition like prediabetes.

  17. It is a warning sign for sure.

  18. oh nice to see you write about this!So many go around not knowing thay have such signs
    Continue to share good healthy post.I like them very much.All good to you and family :)))

  19. I am hoping my hubby can change his pre around.
    I hope I don't get it because I am a very picky eater.

  20. I've kept this post open to try to understand more. I can't tolerate sugar at all but I manage my diet by eliminating it. We have so many more choices now with the types of flour and sugar substitutes....what a difference from just a few years ago. Thanks always for the good information!

  21. I was told I had prediabetes a few years ago. I finally took steps to tackle it, I wasn't that overweight but lost 3 kg and began watching what I ate. So far my blood sugar is back in the normal range again, but my doc told me that, like so many other conditions, it usually gets slightly worse with age, so it is important to keep the good habits going.

  22. Great article ~ thanks, Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. This is very interesting adn very important. Thanks for finding and sharing it.


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