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Friday 17 February 2023

'BMJ: Group programmes for weight loss are more effective than one to one sessions'

Sharing a recent article from Diabetes Diet Blog

"BMJ: Group programmes for weight loss are more effective than one to one sessions

Adapted from BMJ (British Medical Journal) 26 Feb 2022 NIHR Alert

Obesity, world-wide is a growing problem, here in the UK, "around one in four UK adults is living with obesity. Previous research has established that the most effective way to lose weight is through behaviour change with diet and physical activity counselling. It has not been clear whether one to one sessions or group sessions produce the better outcome. Thus a review of 7 studies which included 2,576 participants from the UK, US, Australia, Germany and Spain was done.

The study looked at the outcome of reaching at least a 5% reduction in body weight after a year. This means that a person of 100kg would lose 5kg.

Compared to one to one sessions, people in group sessions:

Lost on average 1.9kg more weight

Were 58% more likely to lose at least 5% of their body weight

Group classes had 12-55 hours treatment time and those in one to one sessions had 2.5 to 11 hours.

The costs of treating people in groups is also lower than one to one sessions. The quality of life of people who are obese would be more likely to improve and their would be fewer cases of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer that all require medical treatment.

NICE (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) are intending to publish revised guidelines on the treatment of obesity in 2023.

Healthcare professionals can now confidently say that group educational programmes are at least if not more effective than one to one sessions when referring or advising patients. Social support in groups and more intensive interventions may account for greater success but for some people eg who are anxious in groups or who need translators, or even just patient preference, will mean that one to one sessions will still need to be offered. Further research into what specific factors improve results would be helpful."

xxx ooo xxx

The above article obviously details weight loss, changing diet and taking exercise.

No matter what our age we should do our best to eat healthily and have regular exercise (which suits the individual). In my younger days I used to enjoy weekly exercise classes at the local gym, and it was enjoyable to be part of a group, a social event as well as a keep fit one!

There are many ways to help keep us fit, from walking groups, to swimming sessions and a friend of mine with mobility problems attends an armchair keep fit session which is done by 'zoom' (how technology has changed things), she really enjoys it.

Have you/do you go to any group exercise classes?
Do you exercise regularly, I know many readers (like me) enjoy walking.
If you are trying to lose weight would you find group sessions, similar to what was described in the article helpful?    
Do please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Related Post
'Exercise for Better Health' - see here

All the best Jan


Christine said...

Maybe cheaper too

Tom said...

...weight loss can be an on going struggle.

HappyK said...

As you already know I walk every morning.
I also left light weights and do stretching exercises.

Anonymous said...

More motivation in a group.

Have a good weekend Jan.


Conniecrafter said...

I am trying to think if I ever did a class exercise or not and I can't really remember, I have always loved walking, with my arthritis in my knees it hasn't been as enjoyable but still prefer it.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I try to walk 3 times a week, and the other days of week I do general exersise.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Margaret D said...

Interesting read Jan.

Debbie said...

i think people are more motivated in a group setting...and everything in moderation works for me!!

OLga said...

L'obesità è un grosso problema.Buon sabato.

roentare said...

Interesting to do it as a group session. I will try doing it with my buddies lol

Caroline said...

Have a nice weekend ! Greetings Caroline

John's Island said...

Hello Jan, Thank you for this excellent post with information we can all use. Back in 2020, as the pandemic got underway, I was not motivated to do much of anything and spent a lot of time sitting on the couch. It was no fun and I just didn’t feel that good. My wife suggested we start walking daily. Several years earlier, we had walked daily and felt really good, but, for one reason or another, stopped walking. So, we got started again and have been walking almost daily about 2 miles. Here we are almost 3 years later and I have lost almost 30 pounds and feel way younger than I should. 😊 So, I do think the group idea is good and, for me at least, it helps me keep up regular exercise and I think it is one of the keys to losing excess weight. Thanks again for sharing your blog. I hope you and Eddie are ready for spring and wish you two the best! John

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Easier to lose weight when in a group.

God bless.

Donna said...

I think it's because you have others who experience the same things you do!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Good information.
I bekieve groups are far better than individual exercising.

CJ Kennedy said...

I agree with Tom.

Bill said...

I agree with Victor.

ashok said...

Useful post jan

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I used to work about five miles a day at work. I was certainly fit and healthy at 98 lbs. I gained 10 lbs when I entered grad school and it is still there. Technically because I am 4'11", that makes me obese.

Chatty Crone said...

I think Weight Watchers is a good group here.

Anita said...

Nice post!It is always good for the health to loose weight!Togheter with others it may be come easier :)Twenty min two time a day good walks!Good for the mind too :)))

Happy weekend!

Teresa said...

Me parece interesante tu entrada. Besos.

baili said...

sounds like great effort for people who suffer with obesity dear Jan

hugs and blessings

Linda said...

Interesting. I imagine that positive social interaction can help prevent snacking due to loneliness.

William Kendall said...

I wlk daily and swim at least three times a week.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderfully informative post ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)