Saturday, 4 February 2023

'Fast Foods' you can eat on a low carb lifestyle

Sharing some words from an article by Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE

12 Fast Foods You Can Eat on a Low Carb Diet
Though most items at fast food restaurants are high in carbs, there are several options that can fit into a low carb diet/lifestyle, including salads, bun-less sandwiches, and burrito bowls.

Sticking to a low carb diet when dining out can be hard, especially at fast food restaurants. That’s because these meals are often based on bread, tortillas, and other high carb items. Still, most fast food restaurants offer some good low carb options, and many items can easily be modified to fit your lifestyle.

Here are 12 fast foods you can eat on a low carb diet.

1. Sub bowls
To minimize carbs while keeping protein intake high, order your favourite sub sandwich in a bowl or as a salad.
2. KFC grilled chicken
Choose three pieces of grilled chicken with a side of green beans for a balanced meal that contains fewer than 10 g of carbs.
3. Coffee or tea with cream or half-and-half
If you prefer to drink coffee with milk or cream, ask for half-and-half, heavy cream, or unsweetened soy or almond milk.
4. Chipotle salad or bowl
Select a salad with meat, vegetables, salsa, and guacamole for a satisfying meal with 18 g of carbs, 9 of which are fibre.
5. Lettuce-wrapped burger
A bun-less burger wrapped in lettuce is a standard low carb, fast food meal. It’s high in protein, essentially carb-free, and available at many fast food burger establishments.
6. Buffalo wings
Choose non-breaded buffalo wings with traditional sauce, celery, and a few carrot strips to create a meal with under 10 g of carbs.
7. Bacon or sausage and eggs
Bacon or sausage with eggs provides very few carbs, reduces hunger, and helps you feel full for hours. Still, it’s best to limit your intake of processed meats, as they’re linked to an increased risk of heart disease and cancer.
8. Arby’s sandwich without the bun or bread
Arby’s is one of the largest fast food sandwich chains in the United States. Order an Arby’s sandwich without the bun or bread for a high protein meal within your target carb range.
9. Antipasto salad
Choose antipasto salad for a filling, low carb meal at an Italian fast food restaurant.
10. Subway salads
Subway is one of the most popular fast food sandwich shops worldwide. In recent years, the chain has been offering chopped salads that can be customized with protein and vegetables of your choice. Order a salad with meat, vegetables, and avocados for a delicious and satisfying Subway meal.
11. Burrito bowl
Choose a burrito bowl or “bare” burrito for the great flavour of a traditional burrito with very few carbs.
12. McDonald’s breakfast sandwich without the bread
McDonald’s is the most popular fast food chain in the world, with more than 38,000 restaurants worldwide as of 2023. At McDonald’s, order two Egg or Sausage McMuffins without the bread for a satisfying meal with 6 g or less of carbs.

The bottom line
Even if you only see high carb items on a menu, a delicious low carb meal can be created at most fast food restaurants by making simple substitutions.

Although fast food is certainly not as nutritious as the food you can prepare at home, it’s good to know what to order in case it’s your only option.

~ xx oo xx ~

The above is a snippet from Franziska's original article which you can read in full with all relevant links here

Two Recipes you may like to try ...

Cajun Chicken Lettuce Tacos and Carrot Fries - see details here

Smoked Salmon Appetiser with Lettuce Wrap - see details here

This blog brings a variety of articles and recipe ideas, and it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. ...the choices can be few.

  2. Gracias por los consejos. Te mando un beso.

  3. Thanks for the tips. I don't remember when I last had a fast food meal - and can't say I miss them.

  4. I'm loving the wrap ideas!

  5. Buenas recomendaciones alimentarias, para tener en cuenta.

    Feliz fin de semana.

  6. Hello,
    I have been avoiding the fast food restaurants.
    I did like the salads and burrito bowls.
    The wraps are good ideas too.
    Thanks for sharing, have a great weekend.

  7. I try to avoid fast food, but sometimes it's not possible. Thanks for these suggestions. HAppy weekend to you. hugs-Erika

  8. Thanks für the tips. That's right, I also go out to eat and nowadays you can combine that well and there are more and more bowls.Great wrap!
    Greeting Elke

  9. This is a great list! Thanks!

  10. Hi Jan, Thank you for this post which gave me a great idea, right off the bat, #1. Sub bowls. OK, here’s the story. One of my favorite restaurants here in Seattle is called Jersey Mike’s. It is a franchise across the USA and I would describe it as an upscale Subway. When I go there, I get a sub sandwich to bring home. When I get home I like to take the top bun off and eat the rest with a knife and fork as a sort of salad. For me, there is just too much bread if I eat the whole thing. Now, you have given me a great idea to see if … at the store … they will give me the sandwich without the bread. Don’t know if they have a way to do it … will check it out and let you know. If you might be interested in knowing more about Jersey Mike’s I will put a link below. Best wishes to you and Eddie! John

  11. Okay - I made a copy of that to keep. Thanks.

  12. Sounds like good choices from the different restaurants. we don't eat our anymore-when we were much younger it was fun to do once in awhile Happy weekend

  13. Have a wonderful weekend…glad it is diner time now…because I have hungry seeing your post again…hahahaha love from us…🍀❤️🐾🍀

  14. i try so hard to stay away from these restaurants. i find the things "i like", are not good for me. i have a severe weakness for mcdonalds french fries, when they are hot and fresh!!

    any grilled chicken is usually fine BUT i like fried. hence, why i try to stay away!!

  15. Those recipes look good.
    Take out is on no for me until March. End of month is time for my cholesterol check.

  16. John's Island said...
    Hi Jan, Thank you for this post which gave me a great idea, right off the bat, #1. Sub bowls. OK, here’s the story. One of my favorite restaurants here in Seattle is called Jersey Mike’s. It is a franchise across the USA and I would describe it as an upscale Subway. When I go there, I get a sub sandwich to bring home. When I get home I like to take the top bun off and eat the rest with a knife and fork as a sort of salad. For me, there is just too much bread if I eat the whole thing. Now, you have given me a great idea to see if … at the store … they will give me the sandwich without the bread. Don’t know if they have a way to do it … will check it out and let you know. If you might be interested in knowing more about Jersey Mike’s I will put a link below. Best wishes to you and Eddie! John

    Hello John
    Many thanks for your comment which I read with interest, and I did go over to 'Jerseymikes' website.

    I do hope 'Jerseymikes' may be willing to offer you a chopped salad that can be customized with protein and vegetables of your choice like the Subway brand do.
    I await to hear from you what their reply will be :)

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

    All the best Jan

  17. Thank you for another interesting post Jan, and for those links. Have a great day and all the best!

  18. I've been seeing Arby's commercials lately. They all closed in my area (before the pandemic lockdowns put other businesses out of business). I didn't eat at Arby's all of the time, but it was nice to have every now and then.

  19. Seguro que las recetas son muy sabrosas. Besos.

  20. Hello Jan, I rarely eat out at fast food restaurants, although we have many in town, and they are frequented mostly by teenagers. I don't eat fatty foods, but do eat one cob of bread daily. I'm just eating sensibly for my 84 years of age, and have kept the same weight for the last twenty years. I do have my weaknesses such as chocolate and the occasional ice-cream, however it is good to know that if I had to eat out at a fast food place, having no other option, I could order the things you suggested.
    All the best

  21. Great looking food. A pleasant surprise to be sure.

  22. Grilled Chicken is one thing we really miss at our KFC, they stopped serving it here a few years ago, so sad.


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