Saturday, 18 March 2023

Mothers Day Weekend (UK) 2023

Here in the UK, 19th of March is Mothers Day (2023), and hopefully your card(s) will have been received and displayed, you may receive presents too, however you celebrate, have a Happy Mothers Day.

For those of you who may be interested here are three 'Mothers Day Trivia' facts.

Mothers Day Trivia: Shortest Interval Between Two Children
Jayne Bleackley is the mother who holds the record for the shortest interval between two children born in separate confinements. She gave birth to Joseph Robert on September 3, 1999, and Annie Jessica Joyce on March 30, 2000. The babies were born 208 days apart.

Mothers Day Trivia: Longest Interval Between Two Children
Elizabeth Ann Buttle is the mother who holds the record for the longest interval between the birth of two children. She gave birth to Belinda on May 19,1956 and Joseph on November 20, 1997. The babies were born 41 years 185 days apart. The mother was 60 years old when her son Joseph was born.

Mothers Day Trivia: Highest Recorded Number of Children
The highest officially recorded number of children born to one mother is 69, to the first wife of Feodor Vassilyev (1707-1782) of Shuya, Russia. Between 1725 and 1765, in a total of 27 confinements, she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets, and four sets of quadruplets. 67 of them survived infancy.

Above facts from here

If you should be celebrating Mother's Day, have an especially nice day.
~ I will be very fortunate, as we will spend time with family over the weekend ~

Forever in my heart
Forever in my thoughts
Forever in my life
My mum is always with me
Thank you Mum
I'll always love you

All the best Jan


  1. Our Mother day is next month.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. No lo sabia espero que tenga un buen día de la madre y un buen fin de semana.

  3. A lovely tribute to your mum.
    Happy Mother's Day to you Jan on Sunday and hoping as I'm sure you will have a wonderful day.
    Interesting regarding your post on Mother's Day and my goodness that poor lady with all those children..

  4. Wow, those facts are amazing. Imagine having 27 pregnancies and every single one was a multiple birth. Happy Mother's Day, I hope you have a lovely weekend. I'll be spending the day with my family tomorrow.

  5. ...Jan, I hope that you will have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Happy Mother's Day to you!

    Have a happy weekend!

  7. I can't imagine being that age and having a second child. And wow, that Russian woman sure had a lot of multiple births and so many children to care for. I think that many multiple births must be unusual. And how to get to really know any of them with any depth? Have a wonderful mother's day Jan.

  8. Sweet words for your Mom...and Happy Mother's day to You!!

  9. Felicidades a Todas las madres💐〰〰🤗 En España se celebra el Día del Padre
    Congratulations to all the mothers 💐〰〰🤗 Father's Day is celebrated in Spain.
    Buen fin de semana.
    Un abrazo.

  10. Would love to have mom still so that I could give her flowers...

  11. Happy Mother's Day. As I'm sure you know we have it here in the USA in May.

  12. Those are some astounding statistics! I'm glad to be just an ordinary mother and not a record-breaker! Happy Mother's Day to you!

  13. Beautiful flowers and interesting trivia for Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day!

  14. Here in Portugal, Mother's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in May. Wonderful tribute to those who give infinite love, the Mothers.
    I loved the flowers and the tender and beautiful poem.
    Happy Mothers Day!

  15. Those stats are quite something.

  16. Happy Mother's day!!!
    Wow those are some interesting facts, I can't imagine having kids that close or even worse that far apart, 60 is way too old for having kids. I can't imagine having 69 kids either, you would have to get help.

  17. I must admit... I am shocked about #3. That poor woman.
    Enjoy your Mother´s Day! Ours is soon, too, and I sure will think of mine...

  18. Happy Mother's Day... and the best part is being with family on this day.
    For us, May 14th is Mother's Day.
    A hug to you. Viola

  19. Whew ! I thought I missed Mother's Day! Had no idea that you celebrate in March. Love the trivia - thanks and Happy Mothers Day.

  20. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  21. Happy Mother's Day, Jan. I hope you are well celebrated. I love trivia and today's info on various mothers is so interesting. Thanks for posting that.

  22. happy mothers day...very colorful, beautiful flowers!!

  23. Wishing you a wonderful celebration with family and thanks for the info on Mother's Day in the UK

  24. I hope you are having a beautiful mothering Sunday. (Or did -- I suspect it's tomorrow now where you are!)

  25. Yeah on such days we miss our moms more than others……cherish the memories….❤️🙏❤️Love from me ….thanks for your comment…so worried…I still not found a new home for me and leaf….and time is ticking… happy week 🍀❤️🐾🙏🍀

  26. Deseo que lo hayas pasado muy bien. Felicidades. En España se celebra el día del padre. Besos.

  27. Many thanks to everyone for your thoughts, comments and good wishes.
    My Mother's Day weekend was full of fun, love and laughter, and I received some lovely cards, presents and flowers too.

    Wishing everybody a good new week.

    All the best Jan

  28. Glad that you had a lovely Mother's Day, Jan. No matter how much time goes by, it's always difficult when you lose your Mother. Interesting stats about Motherhood. I can't even imagine...!! x K

  29. The facts on childbirth were astonishing.


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