Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Take A Walk In The Park Day : March 30th 2023

The 30th of March is 'Take a walk in the park day', yes, a great day to stretch your legs and get some fresh air. If the weather is good where you live why not even go out and have a picnic!

When cities are being designed one of the primary things they ensure to make space for is city parks. From small parks the size of just a couple of blocks to large ones that cover acres of land, city planners know the importance of providing green areas for people to go. Take A Walk In The Park Day celebrates these small excursions and the differences they can make to our mental, physical, and emotional health.

History of Take A Walk In The Park Day
This day was founded to help people reconnect with the wilder spaces within our civilized world. Thousands of people all over the country walk in local parks, exploring the wildlife and beauty of the natural world around them.

During these walks many opt to bring cameras so they can take pictures of the beauty they find, others opt to bring a book and enjoy the peace of the natural space. Jogging, playing games, drawing pictures from nature, all of these are things people do when they go out and enjoy time in the park.

Getting out into nature has been proven to have a number of therapeutic effects on those who take the time to do it. Their stress levels go down, their heart and mind feel refreshed, their creativity gets inspired, and they become more productive at work. All of this doesn’t even include the physical health benefits they get from walking in the park.

Keeping our bodies in motion and remaining active are important parts of our long term health. Daily walks help keep joints healthy, our muscles limber, and our hearts beating steadily. Every day you walk walking gets to be just a little bit easier and you’ll find yourself less tired than the day before. Take A Walk In The Park Day encourages you to get out and do that, every day of the year.

How To Celebrate Take A Walk In The Park Day
Celebrating this day is as simple as doing what it says on the tin, go take a walk in the park! Everyday people take walks as an easy way to get exercise and reconnect with nature, and that’s been proven to have a positive effect on our sense of well-being. Taking a walk can relieve stress, ease worries, and otherwise make every day just a little bit better.
Above information from here

Are you planning on enjoying a walk on the 30th? I may not walk in a park but I hope to enjoy a leisurely walk locally.
Enjoy your day.

All the best Jan


  1. In the past few weeks, I am starting to walk a few kms each day in the park. It is making my body feel so good.

  2. Sounds like a great idea to me. :)

  3. ANY day is a good day for a walk.

  4. It's been really nice here during the days for walking but cooling down a lot a night still. Nice walk through the park is a nice way to enjoy the weather, the sights and the fun

  5. Es genial caminar y dar un paseo Te mando un beso.

  6. I helped revamp a park in my neighborhood. We got new play equipment for the kids, two grills, four tables with benches, and at the other end of the park, two concrete seats with a concrete chess/checkerboard table between the seats. I love both parks in my neighborhood, but I am especially fond of the one I helped design.

  7. Nice read, and a walk in the park is a lovely thing to have the pleasure of doing.

  8. so beautiful, thank you for sharing

  9. Our park isn't as pretty as this one!

  10. What a beautiful place to walk in! My husband and I love to walk.

  11. I enjoy a walk every day, Pretty park!
    Take care, have a happy day!

  12. Have a great walk in the park today. I'm having a very cold day so I think I'll pass and stay inside. :)

  13. Thanks for the heads up. It's a perfect day for it here.

  14. Happy Walking In a Park!

    I would have a park walk had parks been considered more here in Vermont. The very small city green is on a busy main street and surrounded by buildings. Maybe someday there will be a nice walking park.

  15. Oh- I wish I could take a walk in the park. We have rain coming and more snow. No green to be seen here yet. Enjoy your day- Diana

  16. Beautiful picture! Walking is unanimously considered by people as the most beneficial way of moving our body and gaining both body and soul benefits.

  17. I had a nice walk on the beach yesterday because the weather was dry, but not today!
    Interesting post!
    Greetings Elke

  18. I walked around town this afternoon, it was gorgeous sunny weather too.

  19. The photos are lovely and that is a wonderful holiday to have. I hope you saw lots of others on your walk!

  20. I would take a walk in that park every single day!

  21. i love being outdoors, i feel it always makes me happy. i use my "zinger" when the walks are long, which is almost all the time!!

  22. I am getting excited about the weather warming up, it makes it easier for me to get out and walk, that is one thing I haven't gained back yet with this covid, I get tired very easily yet.

  23. I had no idea there was a "Walk in the Park Day" - but, basically that is every day for me - and not only in parks. I am coming to think there is a "day" for everything!


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