Sunday, 30 July 2023

Have a Happy Sunday

Is it me or do the days seem to pass by more quickly?
Today will be the last Sunday in July 2023.

It's been a mixed bag of weather this month,
from blue skies

to, too much rain,
although the ducks liked it

In fact more rain is forecast today
so if we do go out we may need an umbrella
before returning for a chicken dinner 😋

Mustard and Sage Chicken with Celeriac Mash
recipe/more details here

~ whatever your Sunday plans are, have an enjoyable day ~

All the best Jan


  1. ...rain helps to make things green.

  2. That blue sky picture is lovely.
    Happy Sunday Jan.


  3. July has gone by too fast! -Christine

  4. It's not just you. A week is only four days anymore.

  5. Hope you're staying cool on this summer weekend.

  6. The days and the months are indeed flying past.

  7. Tengan un genial domingo y espero que no llueva fuerte. Les mando un beso.

  8. Been raining here too.
    You are having chicken for dinner, we are having turkey for Sunday dinner (at night)

  9. I'm glad it's not me alone who thinks our weather for July has been bizarre. We have suffered because of the glorious June. Now let's hope for a fine autumn.Enjoy your chicken dinner, always a good choice that rarely lets us down.

  10. Beautiful photos and the chicken looks delicious.
    We could use some rain here.
    The month of July has flown by, way too fast.
    Take care, have a great week!

  11. Tenemos unas temperaturas propias de un verano muy caluroso, por lo que no apetece comer nada más que cosas frescas.
    Feliz domingo

  12. I wish we had some rain here, but no sign of it' only heat and humidity.

  13. We've a sunny day today. The horrid heat has left us for now. For that I am grateful.
    Yes, I agree, the days fly by.

  14. The heatwave finally broke here. I wish the heatwaves would end as quickly as a month rolls by. I'm roasting a chicken for dinner. Enjoy your day!

  15. Happy sunday to you as well. I love all the photos and I really want to come to your house to eat. LOL

  16. Yes ~ time seems to fly right on by ~ weather similar here ~ and now it is almost August ~
    Delish sounding recipe ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. We haven't had too much rain..We are in drought warnings...One thing we have had too much of is heat..How can people deny global warming??
    As we age, the days just fly by...I don't think I've ever heard an explanation for that phenomenon..Have a happy day..

  18. Hope your Sunday has been amazing. We are still under an extreme heat warning with temps well over 40 C.

  19. It's not just you. This whole year has flown by for me. I can't believe it's almost August 1.

  20. Super photos and thank you for the link to the recipe :) Looks so good! All the best and have a great week ahead.

  21. Lovely thoughts and photos! I agree time is passing quickly. Thank you for a nice recipe. Have a happy week ahead.

  22. roentare said...
    The duck in the rain looks so artistic and poetic!

  23. Mmm that looks delicious. We too have had a lot of heat, humidity and rain.

  24. It does seem like summer is going quickly but that is ok with me, this heat has been just too much, I look forward to some cooler temperatures that is for sure!

  25. i have not enjoyed the heat this summer, but we are trying to make the best of it!! that chicken looks amazing, i would love it over mashed potatoes!!


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