Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Midweek Meanderings and a Moussaka ... sounds good!

Midweek already, where do the days go? I must admit that this morning my mind has been 'meandering' a little just like this river, well perhaps it's more of a stream, pictured here. We all know rivers can meander as they follow a twisting, turning, winding course. I guess paths too can take us on a 'meandering' route, especially country lanes and woodland walks... but can our mind meander? Well yes, I think they can and perhaps it is good to let them. Not whilst driving of course or sitting an important exam, but if we are fortunate to have some spare time why not relax and stop thinking about what we should be doing and just concentrate on nothing ...

Nothing I hear you say, isn't that difficult? Well yes, this can be difficult but if you can clear your mind and sit quietly for a few minutes it can be so refreshing... and by doing this you can end up thinking about all sorts of things from 'did I remember to lock the car' to 'yes pork roast would be nice for the weekend' it could even be 'weren't the flowers Aunt Grace bought around lovely' ... or, if you are Eddie, how about 'that was a great fish I caught the other day' ... 

Just taking time out may be a luxury for some, but it's time I enjoy.

So next time I sit quietly with a cuppa and have a 'meander' I will not feel guilty because sometimes it's just great to relax and gather your thoughts.

For instance it certainly helped me decide on tonight's midweek meal. It's this tasty Moussaka, and perhaps a glass of Merlot. Now you may have seen this before! I can recommend it.

Lamb Moussaka
Serves Four
1 tbsp olive oil
800 g lamb mince
2 onions, chopped
1 tsp ground cinnamon
3 cloves garlic, crushed
4 tomatoes, roughly chopped
300 ml low-salt lamb or veg stock (such as Kallo), made with a cube
1 kg aubergines, cut into 1cm slices
3 red peppers, quartered and de-seeded
300 g readymade watercress sauce
2 large egg yolks
80 g Caerphilly cheese, crumbled
Instructions are here

Some readers may prefer 'Lokanta Stew'
a colourful vegan, roasted vegetable dish - more details here

I wonder do you Meander sometimes?
Happy Meanderings 😊

You will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e., use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. I love just sitting with a cuppa and vegging out. Pure bliss. Or sitting out back with a book. Even curled on the couch. All great moments of rest.

  2. ...this is something to try.

  3. My mind often meanders. And sometimes it takes me with it.

  4. Genial receta y a veces e s bueno dejarse llevar por nuestros pensamientos. Te mando un beso.

  5. I love the word meandering itself. Beautiful waters in your photo

  6. That is good advice, to clear one's mind sometimes.

  7. That photo would be considered a raging river in Arizona.

  8. Hello,

    The photo is lovely, a beautiful scene.
    The recipe sounds yummy, the cheese is new to me.
    Take care, have a great day!

  9. i agree that it is very important to keep mind empty even if it is possible for few moments :)

    this is the time when we enjoy i agree because while thinking on various things our mind is active all the time
    the idea of dish you got meanwhile is awesome wow dear Jan :)

  10. This is a great post. Love the photo and the meal. Have a nice day today.

  11. My thoughts are often meandering! Love moussaka! Valerie

  12. Yes, I often find my mind meandering, especially when sitting outside listening to the birds chirp in the early morning. It is very relaxing.

    Your Lamb Moussaka sounds and looks so good!

  13. Boa tarde de quarta-feira. Obrigado pela visita e comentário. Confesso que nunca ouvi falar de "burrego". O queijo caerphilly também não conhecia. Obrigado pela receita maravilhosa.

    Luiz Gomes.

  14. This may sound silly to you, but I used to do a LOT of night time driving. It was meditative and, although I was alert, I was also in a meditative state that I no longer feel. I guess that's why I can get overwhelmed at times these days. I agree we need to take that time, but for me it was always when I was on the road.

  15. Great post and always interesting reading x

  16. My mind meanders sometimes too. I've never had moussaka, but it looks good.Hope your week is going well. hugs-Erika

  17. I have not had lamb before.
    Yes it is so good for your health I feel when you can just stop all that is coming in on us now a days and just sit back and relax.

  18. Bonita fotografía. Besos.

  19. I do like a good (veggie for me!) moussaka

    My mind meanders quite a lot, it can be a really good thing as long as you're not meant to be concentrating hard on something....

  20. Meandering is a favorite past time!!

  21. The green is beautiful in that photo. Your food looks delicious.


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